Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 919 Give GPL Standard! (Makeup more)

After leaving from the conference room, Zhao Ximing did not dare to delay, and immediately arranged people to do things, and three work synchronously.

Everything in each furniture, to contact them to work, although the money is the finger, but the specific improvement of the accommodation environment, improves players, standardized system contracts, etc., also need each furniture department to implement;

This amount is not small, absolutely can't flow, you can arrange people's hands to promote, saying that ICL's treatment is definitely the top criteria in the industry, completely do not lose to GPL, and even some places sometimes solve the current public opinion style as soon as possible. Give passers-by a good impression;

In addition, there should be this opportunity to continue to promote the ICL and continue to expand the League heat.

Although Eric is connected to the class of Kletian, he oftens the work of Zhao Xun's responsibility to his hand, but Zhao Ximing does not have much emotion to Eric.

Mainly because of the people of Eric, although the tube is more, the speech does not count.

Dawak Group and fingers gave Eric's very high privileges and can use a lot of money. Take this thing, Zhao Ximing is almost unable to solve the problem, and the Eric can settle the board.

More importantly, there is a pot that is also the first back of Eric, Zhao Ximing is safe.

Before Creitan was caught, Zhao Ximing was able to continue to serve as the person in charge of the IOI Business Cooperation, which was because of his potion technology furnace.

Now Eric is fully responsible for all matters, Zhao Ximing starts, and it is not a bad news for him.

In case there is something, Zhao Ximing can clear the relationship in the first time. If the IOI national service can succeed, it will not affect his location inside Longyu Group.

These three aspects are very important, but after careful consideration, Zhao Ximing feels that the first thing is the most important, so he decided to communicate with these clubs.

Although money is a finger company, this involves some details, it will affect the interests of the club.

For example, the organizer of the players.

At the beginning, the SUG club is because this thing is very stiff, directly leading to the summons of the gpl, become the chicken that brought the monkey.

If there is no such a small episode, it is estimated that the wind wave of the system contract has to make a fortune.

The general contract requested by the total is limited to the internal part of the GPL, and the contract of other electrical competitions must not be managed. The contract is currently the contract or an old contract in IOI players.

Nowadolding Company requires IOI's furniture to replace it into a system, will it cause their boycott?

These clubs are all partners in ICL League, and attitude is definitely in place, can't be slow.

Therefore, Zhao Ximing considers it, this is still to come to personally.

What's more, this money is also a problem. If these clubs take the money, they secretly grow down, take the thing, what is the point of the company? Is it not lost again?

I will have a special offer, but I have to supervise.

Many details, you have to discuss again to finalize.

However, there is a good news, that is, after the previous style, the system contract has been accepted by many clubs, and the resistance should be small if ICL is re-introduced.

Zhao Ximing considered, first dialed the Phone of the FV Club Manager Wu Yue, putting this matter simply, I hope that Wu Yue can work well.

On the other hand, Wu Yue smiled: "Zhao always, no, what you said, our club has been implemented!"

"Because the standard of our club is coming in accordance with GPL standards, whether it is accommodation conditions, training conditions or fitness conditions, it is very ok. In addition, our player's contract has also changed to a system contract, this is not worrying. "

Zhao Ximing listened, the whole person stunned.

It's okay to be implemented?

He knew that .... ........ .

Because the FV club members have already taken the championship, there are more than two million knives for the championship bonus, even if the five partnerships are also a lot of money.

Have so much money, who cares about what accommodation conditions, fitness conditions and system contracts?

Even if I am always in this regard, the players will not have a complaint.

But I didn't expect that I didn't think of the details, and there was no vulnerability.

Zhao Ximing was originally relieved, and I felt that I can save money, but I will think about it, it is not strong!

His tone immediately became tough: "Wu, this money, we must come out!"

Wu Yue squad: "Ah? No?"

He couldn't help but wonder, how did this matter also grab the payment?

Everyone is full of money?

Zhao Ximing is obviously not burning more, he is a very critical issue.

If all the ICL clubs have all implemented this standard, they are all from the fingers. On the side of the FV club, there is always the money. Isn't that I always leave a handle?

After all, the FV club is a club of the ICL League. Since the header decides to save subsidies, then it will be regarded as tongue.

If this is passed out, everyone feels that the finger company is a small family, and the two or thousands of rows of Sashi will be built, and it is a wave of public opinion crisis.

Thinking of this, Wu Yue can't help but fortunately.

It is also a trap left by , and the hanging is going to step on it, and I am still good!

Wu Yue did not understand why Zhao Ximing was so resolute, but since Zhao Ximing is willing to make this part of the money, he has no reason to refuse.

After all, the FV Club has always been good for the benefits from , it is a bit embarrassed. I can have a chance to give , ?

So Wu Yue, I promised.

Zhao Ximing asked again: "Right, Wu, can not put your specific accommodation standards, training standards, fitness standards, etc., send me a copy, if it is inconvenient If you look at it, you can simply talk about the above points, so we will arrange it according to this standard. "

Although ICL League is not intended to completely illustrate GPL, it is at least to understand.

Because these two leagues are the relationship between the direct object, these conditions must be guaranteed. If the gap is too big, it is equal to white busy activities.

Wu Yue is very simply agreed: "No problem, I will put about the situation."

In addition to the system contract, other content can't be confident, nothing more than taking the fish takeaway, hosting the gym, accommodation standard, training computer configuration, etc.

Even if Wu Yue doesn't say, Zhao Ximing has many other channels to understand, and it can't be much. Therefore, Wu Yue has not hidden, directly organizes these content directly, and send it to Zhao Xun.

Zhao Ximing waited for more than a dozen minutes, and received a form that Wu Yue sent.

The content of the table is very simple, nothing more than writing a club-related standard, such as diet is selling special training meals outside the fish, every day, there is a fitness task in the hosted gym, and the computer used by the computer is a ROF machine, etc.

Zhao Ximing looked at this form and couldn't help but get a cold.

This specification is really high!

Of course, high-standard, spending more, is the second, the most critical problem is that this is all the industries of Tengda!

If you don't say take-break and gym, you will be the machine's own installed business.

If ICL is also implemented similar criteria, don't you also prepare a fish takeaway, go to manage your fitness?

Is this not a bad?

A total of a prominent finger company has spent more than 2 million. Results These money still spend the general industry? Let's always earn?

Do you have this!

This is not a problem that the money can't make money, and there is not much money, mainly from emotional difficulties.

If I don't say Eric, Zhao Ximing thinks that I have to die.

In short, it is absolutely unable to pay the lady and the soldiers! Whoever earns this money, but it is absolutely can't earn the summary!

It is better to have alternatives, and the food can make each furniture to spend money. Please cook aunt; exercise, go to other gym to do fitness card + private education class can also deal with it; the computer is simpler, Buy a little longer, you can get a big brand.

Zhao Ximing found other alternatives to the market price of the standards on this list.

Although it is very expensive, it is very distressed, but this is a must overhead after all.

Moreover, it is not that he is paying attention to his waves.

After finishing, Zhao Ximing also communicated with other ICLs such as SUG.

Although the individual club-style contracts show some contradicts, after all, this finger company is sincere, paying for the money to improve the training environment, and considering that the ICL League quota is the meaning of the company's words, so these clubs also I didn't dare to say anything, I promised it.

Zhao Ximing sent his own plan to the manager of the club, telling them to arrange according to this standard.

Please cook aunt, do fitness cards, purchase training computers, provide basic salary to all players, pay five insurance and one gold, etc., all have a very clear standard.

Although money is fingering company, the whole process must be very standardized, clear, and eliminate the possibility of full sunshine in these clubs.

As for the FV club, people eat fish takeaway, use the hosted gym to use well, forcibly replaced it seems to be a little short.

So, the FV Club is the only exception in the entire ICL league, and still continues to maintain the current conditions, but it is only the money from Tengda, and it is changed from fingers.

After all arrangements, Zhao Ximing finally made tones.

In this way, the vulnerabilities are all blocked!

ICL's publicity work is finally returned to the right track.

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