Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 920 Meng Chang's 3000 basic salary

At the same time, Yu Qian is turning over the "broken uncovenant butterfly" in his office, and the whole person caught a sluggish state.

What is this special situation!

Meng Chang, Meng Chang, I will let you reversely promote the electrical industry, by the way, the GPL league, reduce a little one, and do you have to give me this way?

Yu Qian simply wants to die, this Meng Chang, one more, then three places!

After the last month of Meng Chang, after the Tenda Group, I have made three propaganda programs: the first is the propaganda of Tengda's entity industry, the second is the live-action film of the rabbit-tailed, the third is the propaganda film of the electrical industry.

Results These three propaganda programs, the effect is a good game!

Especially the "broken uncovered butterfly", not only put the ICL's new propaganda film, but also triggered the extensive discussion of the audience, let GPL's benefits become more widely known, GPL's attention Higher!

I can imagine how I have two people who bite tooth clad teeth from Eric and Zhao Xu Ming.

But Yu Qian is very embarrassed, this is really not what I did! Friends, is a friendly army misunderstood!

If you are signed with Meng Community, I don't think that Meng Chang is in the heart of the inside, special to engage in the inside of Tengda.

Even two times, I have been successful twice, and I have been successful for three consecutive propaganda. I have to say that this is the accident. It is too much!

Yan Qian hated himself to personally smashing, in his opinion, you will do a few propaganda programs with your feet, things are not in trouble now!

However, I think about it again, and Yan Qian feels too confident.

I am not over, the result is not much better than Meng Chang.

I can't do it, oh, it's okay.

Yan Qian sighed his breath and was incomparable.

It is because he is doing a publicity program always inexplicably bursting, so I hope that Meng Chang will recruit it, let Meng Chang, this profession, to engage in reverse propaganda.

As a result, Meng Chang's professionals, how is it?

Meng Chang screamed three propaganda programs last month, and the propaganda effect is better than one, don't think, don't want to take a penny in the last month.

If Yan Qian knows that Meng Chang owes a huge amount, it is almost thinking that he is actually a person who is fame and fortune.

But Yan Qian will never forgive Meng Chang. Your Meng Chang is not easy, is it easy?

Do you know that the heat of these propaganda programs, the promotion effect, what makes money, give me how much trouble?

I have to pay more efforts to eliminate these impacts?

Yan Qian scared his tone and opened the report sent by the various departments of Tenda. He began to ponder how to pack Meng Chang to leave this rotten stall.

Just then, the phone was put on the table rang.

Yu Qian got up and saw that Wu Yue of the FV club.

"There is always a matter to report with you."

"The finger company has prepared a special fund because of the pressure of public opinion, and enforce all ICL league clubs must arrange the daily life and training of the players according to their standards ..."

Yan Qian couldn't help but frown: "Well? Public opinion pressure?"

Wu Yue: "The propaganda film of" Breakfast, "Breaking the Unfamiliar Butterfly" has created a huge public opinion pressure. Head office's ICL league to target GPL, it must not be poor in all aspects, so ... "

, "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""

Wu Yue: "Yeah, the general, definitely reached the standard. But Zhao Ximing said that they are subject to all the ICL league clubs, so, the funds that should be given us will not be less."

"I think about it is the unified provision of ICL, that is really no way to refuse, and I don't know how to refuse."

"Since the header has already gone this money, you don't need it to the FV club, I have already called for the finance, let them don't need to hit it again."

"I am afraid that you don't know, tell you. ,,,,

, almost back.

The company is sick!

Who lets you pay for the FV team, ah? Money is more burning!

I spend a small money to the FV team every month, give it a meal, do a fitness card is very comfortable, although I can't spend more, but always a psychological comfort.

As a result, you have to be embarrassed. Do you want to give me a deprivation of this small money?


Yan Qian hangs the phone and began to ponder how to returning back.

If you have a lot of money, you must take it immediately, otherwise you will be infinite!

Just thinking, knocking on the door outside.

Xin Assistant pushed the door: "The summary, Meng Chang is coming."

face: "Well, let him come in!"

Today is March 1st, according to the previous signage agreement, Meng Chang wants to report a job, and then determine the amount of commission according to the advertising marketing.

Yan Qian arranged a specialized analysis team to pay attention to the advertising program of Meng Chang, and analytically analyzed the factors, give a very detailed analysis report, and finally draw a suitable heat index, from 0 to 100.

The specific amount is determined in accordance with this thermal index.

The last month's report has been sent to the Qian's mailbox, but he hasn't seen it yet.

Because it doesn't look at the results.

Of course, the walk is still going on, this is also the purpose of today's Meng Chang.

Yan Qian found this report, opened on his laptop, and then waiting for Meng Chang.

After a while, the meeting was once again knocked on the door, Meng Chang arrived.


Meng Chang's expression is full of loss, the whole person seems to be greatly hit, and the feeling of the feeling is not seen.

Moreover, he also contains a very complicated emotion, a little fear, a little dodge, and a little hate.

For Meng Chang, there are three consecutive propaganda programs, and there is absolutely that the back is in the back!

By now, he has fully understood why I always have to sign such an agreement with him, I can only say that the total intentions are poisonous!

But what is the case, Meng Chang is a debt post, but I don't dare to have any angry emotions, because he can feel that every step of his walk seems to be dead.

In front of this IQ, Meng Chang feels no hand.

Seeing Meng Chang is so miserable, Yu Qian's gas has also been large, and even has an emotional emotion.

Hey, you can't blame Meng Chang. It is also trying to look at him.

"This is the analysis report last month, let's take a look." Yu Qian handed the laptop to Meng Chang.

Mengcheng came over, symbolically swept, and then put it back.

Needless to see, the heat of the three programs is all exploded.

Yan Qian said very sad: "There is no commission, there is only 3,000 bottom salary, no objection."

Meng Yucheng nodded: "Well."

I have neither reversed propaganda, and I have not sent it to the high commission. When I am, my mood at this time is almost sad.

However, Yu Qian is a strong person, this situation has seen too much. He feels that he should encourage Meng Chang, after all, two people signed a whole ten years of contracts, this is only the first month.

If Meng Zhong is not a good news because of the success of the attack, it is definitely not a good news.

"The first month's achievements are not ideal, but don't be discouraged."

"After all, you just came to Tengda soon, I don't know much about the company's work, sometimes something will happen and wish."

"However, people are eating a long, you are a smart person, but should also give it a non-three talented. I believe these three experiences can make you gain, make persistent efforts in March!"

Yu Qian said sincerity.

However, Meng Chang is heard of the question mark.

According to reason, the boss said such a word to the subordinates, this should be very warm, very inspiring.

The subordinates did not work well, the boss said tolerant, I hope he can learn lessons and do a good job in future work. Any sentence is taken out, there is no problem.

But this paragraph is listening to Meng Yas, but how do you listen to it?

This is obviously in the yin and yang strange!

Meng Chang's propaganda program has been successful, and the industry of Tenda Group has earned both heat and earning money, and is summarized as three programs, only three thousand basic salary.

From any point of view, the balance should be earned.

As a result, the balance is still fake, let him eat a long, and will continue to work hard?


It can be seen sincerely, but the feelings are confident, as if each word of this paragraph is self-sincere.

Meng Chang couldn't help but feel it, and if I got to shoot, I estimate that Oscar Xiaojin is definitely the hand to come. Which is the road to know, what is the group of Zhang Zu Ting?

The tank of the stomach is now vomiting, and Meng Chang has to be very stiff and nod: "I ... I must make persistent efforts."

Yan Qian nodded, very satisfied with Meng Chang's attitude.

Very good, the young people don't give up so soon, and those who have a lot of people become.

"This month has worked hard, go back to take a break. Waiting for me to think about the new task."

"Of course, if you have any good ideas, you can also come to me at any time."

Yan Qian once again expressed their appealing to Meng Chang.

Meng Chang smiled very stiffly, then turned to escape.

Delivery Meng Chang left the office, and Yan Qian began to ponder the ICL.

Come and not.

Since Eric and Zhao Ximing saves money to himself, then you must have to change the faders in their body!

But ... where is the specific flower?

Yan Qian has turned over online, and it is found that there is a lot of related publicity materials in the ICL league. It is simply a covered land.

In addition to the propaganda video, the finger company and Longyu Group also promotes the ICL League's subsidies for the clubs, the heat is good.

And many industry people analyzed that finishing company is willing to be bleeding, helping each furniture to improve training conditions, on the one hand, in order to cope with a good word, create a good reputation, on the other hand, to better maintain the ICL League Business value.

According to the small news, the head company and Longyu Group seem to be talking about the transfer of ICL with the live platform in China, but currently has not been tied. How is the specific progress, it is not unclear.

Yan Qian couldn't help but look forward.

ICL's transfer rights?

Isn't this a good spending opportunity?

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