Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 931 is also scheduled to count!

March 10, Saturday.

ICL League is about to start today.

Longyu Group, Eric and Zhao Xing once again came to the ICL League game, waiting for the formal opening of the ICL league, and the key opening war in today.

At the same time, they are also focused on public opinion on the Internet, and the opening ceremony of the ICL league is unlimited.

On Wednesday, on Thursday, the ICL League has already played two performances, and the heat is a steady momentum.

Especially on Thursday, I moved out the World Champion FV team, and the number of live broadcast broke through 60,000.

Although there is not much sense of district six thousand people, but Zhao Ximing seizes this big article for other live platforms to make fake data, successfully established in the hearts of netizens "Rabbit live data is real data, other platforms Data is the impression of false data.

In this way, the audience actually no longer pays attention to the number of live broadcast platforms, but turned to other data such as the number of bulk of the live broadcast, successfully eliminating the shortcomings of the "number of people with live broadcast", but successfully give ICL The League posted a "real" label.

In short, the situation is good!

The previous preparation has been paved, today, ICL league officially opened, success or failure.

Although the data of rabbit-tailed live is real data, doing no leave, but Zhao Xuming is not worried about the fall of the temperature today.

After all, today is Saturday, the audience of the holiday gala will be more, and it is the opening ceremony of the ICL League. The official arranges a series of watchings and sweepstakes, including the team debut, official documentary, star player interview, etc. Thermality will definitely be higher than on Thursday.

From the schedule, the second key battle BO3 is still handed over to the FV team and SUG to make a strong play today.

Zhao Ximing's mood is very good.

In the time of the preparation of ICL league, he is also tired enough, especially the things of the transfer, let him have a little more focused, so it is now a dust, as long as the heat of the ICL league is naturally growing.

Soon, ICL League officially opened!

The audience is still unprocated. In the warm applause and cheers, the captain of the teams boarded the stage, and the host enthusiastically introduced the preparatory process of the ICL league, the team and the bright future, the opening ceremony Advance.

Zhao Ximing sat in the first row of audience seats, looking at every player's face, very enjoyable this moment.

Then, he took out the phone and planned to go to the live broadcast of the rabbit to see how today.

Point to the live broadcast of the ICL League, Zhao Xun saw the number of visitors in the live broadcast at a glance: 78525!

Nearly 80,000!

Zhao Ximing couldn't help but pick it, hi.

Although 80,000 this figure does not look much, all the audience know that the number of live broadcast of rabbits is the number of true people.

Everyone will not feel that the number of 80,000 views is lower than 8 million, but will draw an equal sign in the heart.

Compared with 60,000 on Thursday, the number of visitors in the ICL league has grown, which is undoubtedly a good sign!

The full screen of the screen is crazy, and it is enough to explain the ICL league.

After all, these slides are true, there is no fake barrock, and every crash represents a real person who is watching the ICL League.

However, see the scribe of the barrage, Zhao Ximing is a glimpse.

"Wow, today ICL this is also good, there is a quarter of the GPL league!"

"ICL is the opening ceremony? It is normal to see people."

"Who is giving you the illusion of ICL people to see the GPL, obviously there are eight thousand people today, it is already a ICL league breakthrough self."

"Let's see the GPL league, by the way, come over."

"I thought it was quite a lot before, but now it seems to be general, I still can't be better than GPL!"

"Now, only more than 30,000 people are basically almost the same, they must be divided. But the number of live broadcasts will not be lie!"

"The live GPL broadcast GPL in the first day of the rabbit is so many people, and all the live GPL platforms are added together, how many people have to see?"

Seeing these balances, Zhao Xuming couldn't help but stop.

what's the situation?

Why do these people in live broadcast GPL?

Suddenly, Zhao Ximing suddenly remembered, it seems to be required when signing the contract, and the live broadcast of the rabbit, the live GPL league!

Could it be that……

Zhao Ximing quickly withdrew from the live broadcast of the ICL and successfully found the live broadcast between the GPL in the list of live broadcasts.

Sure enough, the GPL is also broadcast!

Take another look at the number of people in the GPL live broadcast, 335879 people!

Zhao Ximing almost thought that he was wrong. Looking at it carefully, it was finally determined. This is six digits, 330,000 people!

It is four times that of the ICL League!

And this should be just the first day of the GPL league in the live broadcast of the rabbit.

"There are 300,000 people in the first day? This is too foreigner!"

"Do you say that Tengda has arranged other publicity activities?"

Zhao Ximing quickly returned to the home page of the rabbit-tailed live broadcast, and searched the relevant promotion content online.

On the homepage of the live broadcast of the rabbit, the most eye-catching position is still the promotional material of the ICL league, and the publicity content of the GPL league is fully I can't see it.

And on the network, it seems that the relevant propaganda is found.

Zhao Ximing did not believe in evil and continued to search, and finally found clues in the discussion of the forum.

Tenda Group seems to be promoted in the game of GOG!

GOG is a dual-end game, and the data of the PC side and the mobile game is interoperable. In fact, there is no special propaganda, just hangs the publicity map of the rabbit-tailed live broadcast on the home page after the game program enters, click to jump on the web, and additionally indicate the live broadcast of the rabbit tail. More background professional data!

Zhao Ximing once again took the live broadcast of the GPL, and found out that there was a small suspended bubble in the upper right corner of the original live broadcast, and a small window will pop up after opening.

There are two tabs on this small window, namely "bureau data" and "historical data".

The bureau data is mainly the real-time data of the Bureau, and historical data is a hero or a team's data in the whole season.

These data are all presented in the form of an image of icons. The up and down drags can be browsed different aspects, and these data are still in real time.

Every wave of group battles in the competition can see the output data of the group battle and the economic changes in the heroes of each location.

The barrage of the live broadcast quickly scrolles, in the discussion of the content of the game, also mixed a lot of discussions on this new function.

"What is a professional live platform? The brothers play professional on the public screen!"

"I said that the live broadcast of the rabbit is a professional audience. The brothers are no problem?"

"With this data, who is in C, who is mixing, let the mixer invisible."

In addition to these discussions, you can see all the figures on the barrage after each group battle, obviously in this feature, more convenient before playing digital stars.

Zhao Ximing used this feature slightly, and it feels really good!

These data usually felt in the upper right corner as a small suspension bubble, nor does it affect the galaxy, one wave of team fight, when the two sides are calm down, the audience can open the suspension bubble to see the data, search for some More interesting data.

And this data is still in real time in the game, giving people a feeling of controlling global data like God, with a significant difference in the land acquisition experience of other live platforms.

It is also because of the publicity page on the Gog gaming client and the live data function of the rabbit-tailed live broadcast, attracting a large number of viewers!

Zhao Ximing is completely ignorant!

We are not signed a contract, do we fully promote the ICL League?

The reason why the live broadcast of the rabbit is also lived in the live broadcast of the GPL League, mainly, I am afraid that you are doing things, engage in insurance!

As a result, the number of visitors in the GPL league is four times that of the ICL league, and the difference between the two sides is very!

What's happening here?

Zhao Ximing realized that there was so much paving before, and it seems that all have been earned by the GPL League!

Previously, I found the water army on the Internet, strive to give the netizens to the inside of the live broadcast platform "to do data", just to establish an impression of "rabbit-tailed live broadcast is true data", and then argue "Eight 10,000 views of ICL League" A lot of people in the game.

Originally, these steps were very smooth, and I had to give the ICL League's heat. As a result, I didn't expect to pick it up of the GPL League!

If the 80s of the 80,000 visitors of the ICL League is very hot, what is the 330,000-view number of the GPL League?

Isn't it not to put the ICL league?

What's more, this is just a live broadcast of a platform, there is also a live broadcast, a live broadcast, live broadcast, etc. So many platforms to watch the GPL League?

This is the gap is afraid to have ten times?

Of course, these people who live broadcast live are definitely drained from other platforms, but the thermal data of other platforms is fake, and everyone will not fall at all that other platforms have dropped.

So so many preparations do it, it seems that the GPL league is cheaper ...

But Zhao Ximing is angry with anger, but there is no way.

Because , according to the contract, almost all resources of the rabbit-tailed live broadcast will give the ICL league, including various recommended resources, connect the promotion banner for ICL League.

Let the rabbit live this while broadcasting the GPL league, but Zhao Xuming and the Airak take the initiative.

Moreover, Yan always did not promote the GPL league, but it hangs a publicity page brief in the game, and then specially developed a small program of data in the game.

However, the final result is indeed completely unexpectedly, ICL League has done so long-standing paving, all of which give the GPL League!

The most likely this behavior is also fully compliant with the contractual provisions of both parties.

And strict, ICL league has no too much loss, overall, but most of the heat is lived by GPL and rabbit tailings.

In other words, Eric is thinking that he is a blood, and finally finds that he is only a small earning, and the true blood is full.

As for the loss, it is obviously other live platforms!

Zhao Ximing relied on the seat: "After it is over, the thousand counts is counted, or the total technology is high!"

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