Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 932 competes for the power of the ICL! (Makeup more)

At the same time, the headquarters of the Magical Wolf Dental, Vice-General Zhu Yan is also focusing on the rabbit-tailed live broadcast of the GPL League and ICL League.

His brow is lacking, and the expression is dignified.

"The truth is not good!"

"This series of means, let the rabbit live in just a week more, we will condense such a view of the heat ... We are completely placed in the applause!"

Like Liu Liang, with ZZ live, Zhu Yan has always stared at the trend of the rabbit-tailed live, never lack.

At the beginning, the live broadcast of the rabbit tailed is a knowledge-based platform, successfully posted a special label on himself, distinguishing between other live platforms, and established a special image.

It is followed by the total words that the rabbit live broadcast is different from other live platforms, and does not constitute a direct competitive relationship. Some live platforms are believed, there is no need to manage; some live platforms do not believe, but attention is all concentrated in the video-retrieval function of rabbit-tailed live broadcast, which has invested a lot of manpower to develop similar functions, but the actual effect is not ideal The audience is flat.

Who once thought that the summary was only a smoke bomb. He turned his head and bought the ICL League when he was taking the live platform with Long Yu Group.

This exclusive power will give the country IOI players to a network, so that the live broadcast of rabbits is outside the live broadcast of knowledge, and has a new single live content.

Then, it is also the buying water army to promote their true data, exposing the data of other live platforms, and broadcasting GPL on their own platform, and develops a small procedure specially auxiliary gaze ...

This set of combiners will come, and the number of people who live in the live broadcast of the rabbit is close to 50,000!

After the audience got up, there will be some anchor to use love power generation, and the entire rabbit tail is gradually being thriving!

To know, it is only two weeks from the rabbit live broadcast.

In such a short period of time, always earned a lot of viewers through a series of techniques, which makes the brand live broadcast from a live broadcast platform.

And in addition to the cost of the exclusive power, there is no money!

For Zhu Yan, this means is simply unheard. Even if he is a old man in a live circle, the total set of boxes is still playing his dizzy steering.

In numerous live platforms, Zhu Yan's live broadcast is clearly an affected one.

Because the live broadcast of the wolf is a live broadcast, now the most popular games in China will be so much, and GOG is absolutely calculated is old big brother. Although IOI does not work, but because the FV wins and the influence in the world, it is also barely calculated. A popular game.

But now, the exclusive power of the ICL league is taken away by the live broadcast of the rabbit. Although the GPL is still, the user is also severely diversified because of the small function of the rabbit tailed.

From the background of the background, the audience who watched the GPL live broadcast on the live broadcast of the Wolf to show the trend of falling, and there were obvious that many people were broadcast live by the rabbit.

Missing these two pillars, what is the live broadcast of the lives? It is difficult to rely on the stand-alone game or the popularity is very good.

Not reliable at all!

Zhu Yan has felt the crisis, especially the ICL league's heat is getting higher and higher, so he can't sit.

Although the number of actual galays in the ICL league on the live broadcast of the Rabbit is just a quarter of the GPL league, but this is a market that is unlimited in the foreground.

Since I spend a big price, I bought a lot of money, and I represent the ICL League must be the value of so much money.

From the PRC's promotion method, the ICL league has also true rising.

From the start of 30,000 people, it is more than 60,000, 80,000, and this growth is very fierce.

Moreover, Long Yu Group and Tenda Group's propaganda to ICL League can be said to be a spare no effort, and the live broadcast of rabbit tail is almost all of the most important recommendations, and Longyu Group is also crazy to buy advertisements, buy hot search, foresee In the future, ICL League is a wave of explosive growth.

This attitude represents a lot of things.

Zhu Yan wants to sit more.

The energy of Tenda Group and Longyu Group is terrible. I really want to wait for them to push the ICL League. I want to get the ICL's transfer right is more impossible!

At that time, the big heat was broadcast livelisted by the rabbit, and the whole live circle was afraid that it would have a big earthquake.

Zhu Yan couldn't sit, he felt what he had to do.

As the saying goes, the dead sheep is tight, it is not late.

8 million ICL's transfer rights have been missed, now buy, it is estimated that at least 34 million, but also to see people who are willing to sell. Now buying with before, it is definitely a blood loss.

But if you don't do anything now, you can't buy it!

Countless cases have proven that in front of the pole, the iron is meaningless, the more the people of the head, the last dead, the more miserable. Instead, it is accredited early, cutting the meat and stop, saying that it can be divided into a piece.

Thinking of this, Zhu Yan found Chen Yufeng's contact information, immediately played a call.

I heard that the person in charge of the live broadcast of the rabbit is the mysterious horse, but it is not often available. The deputy chief of the Chen is responsible for some specific matters, but also tells the story, looking for him.

The phone rang several times, and accepted it slowly.

"Zhu Zheng? Sorry, I am not going to work today, I am playing games at home, I don't pay attention to the mobile phone. Do you have anything?" Chen Yufeng said.

Zhu Yan stunned.

Good guy, this is a key node, the rabbit live is still normal?

Today is not the ICL opening ceremony and GPL is broadcast on the live broadcast of the rabbit? Chen Yufeng as a deputy, this is not staring at the live broadcast headquarters of the rabbit, preventing what emergence occurs?

The result is hard to play a game, and even the mobile phone is throwing it without taking.

If this is a live broadcast in the wolf, it is estimated that it was fried with the boss!

Zhu Yan couldn't help but sigh in his heart. Tenda is not the same as other companies ... There is a total of someone in the mad C, others have no relationship!

After the lemons, Zhu Yan did not entangle it too much on this issue, but directly cut into the topic: "Chen, I can't compare, this time I call it to talk about cooperation."

"Is there a bulk right of the ICL League? Do you have any intention to distribute the transfer of the transfer? Good discussions!"

Chen Yufeng smiled: "Oh? Zhu always wants to buy the ICL League's transfer rights?"

Zhu Yan can't help but frown: "Also, who wants to buy?"

Chen Yufeng said: "The ZZ live broadcast Liu, there is a live broadcast of Peng, I have given me a call, and I have asked the ICL League's transfer of rights distribution."

Zhu Yan did not help but "", the crisis appeared instantly.

Ok, Liu Liang and Peng Bin have two old foxes, and they will be in the first place!

Before, several live platforms were contacted, and it was agreed to give Long Yu Group's compaction, and strive to get the transfer of ICL league with the lowest price.

At that time, everyone was the grasshopper on a rope. After all, the interests are consistent.

But now, everyone's plastic friendship has been broken.

Obviously, the other live platforms also see the current situation, Long Yu Group is inexplicably tickled with Tengda Group, and the two intend to make the ICL league's plate is big and swallow such a large fever.

Which platform is not anxious?

Private contact Chen Yufeng wants to ask about the transfer of the transfer of rights, just grab the power of the ICL league before the other live broadcast platform, naturally grab a wave of traffic.

Zhu Yan couldn't help but fortunately, fortunately, his brain flexible, called early.

If you have a transfer of the ICL League by other live broadcast platforms, you should not be spited with mesh?

But listening to the meaning of Chen Yufeng, it seems not to sell yet?

Zhu Yan asked: "How did you reply to them?"

Chen Yufeng smiled: "Today is Saturday, I can't go to work, I can't go to him, he will be angry. If this transfer right should not sell, I can only go to him on Monday to report. When you are, please, I will sell it. "

"But Zhu, I still have to give you a vaccination in advance, and there are more than half of it will not sell."

"Because from the near future data, the ICL league brings a good heat to the live broadcast of rabbit, this you know."

Zhu Yan rushed and said: "understand, understand."

"But I still hope that Chen can do a few words in front of the general face, I know that the ICL League is now good, so our prices will definitely not be low! Everyone is tessed together, holding the ICL league, can get bigger Does the income are not? As long as the balance is willing to sell, we will also remember the summary of the summary! "

Although both parties are competitors, the service is soft or suits.

If you can really buy the transfer of the ICL League, say a few words, a little bit of blood, what is it?

Zhu Yan's speech does have a bit reason, the heat of the ICL league, the live platform is really difficult to eat in the rabbit tailed. If many platforms are playing, they are holding the ICL league, and the heat will definitely be higher, and the finger company is definitely more happy with Long Yu Group.

Of course, this is just a speech. Zhu Yan is still in the end of the home platform.

Chen Yufeng laughed: "I can't guarantee this. I have my own ideas. We can't give you a decision, and you can't try to affect the general decision."

"However, I will report it in these situations."

"I am waiting for Monday, I invite, I will call you."

Zhu Yan rushed: "Okay, then thank you" "!"

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