Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 933 Prepares ICL to Directive Distribution!

March 12th, Monday.

Yan Qian came to the live broadcast of the rabbit, meet with Ma Yang and Chen Yufeng.

So far, the live broadcast of rabbits has been officially launched for two weeks, and Yan Qian has always paid attention to the live broadcast of rabbits.

Today is Chen Yufeng called, saying that there is something to report. But in fact, even if Chen Yufeng didn't call, Yu Qian also took the initiative to come.

Because he found that things seem to be gradually uncontrolled!

GPL starts broadcasting in rabbit tail, if it is a regular live broadcast content, it will not have a difference with other live platforms. But I didn't think Chen Yufeng didn't know when to secretly arrange a small program of data analysis. The rabbit live broadcast immediately became the "professional audience"!

In addition, the live heat of the ICL league is also booming, it is getting higher and higher, and Yu Qian feels a bit can't sit.

He needs to know some background data from Chen Yufeng, so it is good to determine the current situation of the rabbita, and make the next decision.

The old horse is still very pleasant. Anyway, in his view, the data of the rabbit-tailed live broadcast continues, this is enough.

Chen Yufeng released the data change in the live broadcast of rabbits on the projection screen, and explained.

It can be clearly seen that on Saturday, the number of online people live in rabbit tailed has burstful growth, on the histogram, on Saturday, the data is simply a dust, straight rushing sky!

"The summary, the horse, the live broadcast of the rabbit, can be said to be rapidly developed, and the data has grown rapidly."

"Although the data of other live broadcast platforms is more confidential, we have no direct comparison, but from the third-party data such as search index and network discussions, the live broadcast of rabbits can be in the first league, and there is no doubt in the peak heat. At present, the top ten live platforms in China. And in the two professional fields of expertise and games, the visibility can even rush to the top five! "

Chen Yufeng is full of pride. As a direct person in charge of the live broadcast of rabbit, it can be made in this kind of achievement.

But for Yu Qian, this situation is quite grim.

Although "the first ten", the "top five" seems to be as dangerous, but the market share of this stage live broadcast platform is not the same as the seven or eight years of remember!

After seven or eight years, the competition of major live broadcasts has entered an end. The entire live industry has only only one or three industry giants, and these industry giants are also seeking mergers under the operation of capital.

At that time, the so-called front ten, the top five, in fact, the two or three live broadcast platforms were completely unable to compare the difference between ants and elephants.

However, this situation is currently in front of several live platform competition in the white heat. The top five live platforms have not opened the obvious gap, and there are different capital support and development is good.

How will the last cake in the entire live broadcast field will be distributed, still full of suspense.

In this case, the gap between the live broadcast platform before the rabbit tail is not the average of the live broadcast platform.

As a live platform that has just been officially launched, it is possible to describe the "miracle" in the two-week live broadcast platform.

If the rabbit live is broadcast, it is estimated that major investment institutions can break the threshold, and they will come and send money.

Yan Qianzheng is to see this prospect, and more happen to feel dangerous!

Chen Yufeng continued: "Of course, there are very many short languages ​​live broadcast. For example, the live broadcast of the professional field is some young scholars and lecturers. Although their live broadcast is fixed, they are not long enough, and the live broadcast of expertise Content, although the audience is stable, it is difficult to have a hot heat; "

"Most of the popularity is concentrated on two leagues between GPL and ICL. The anchors in other fields are basically in the case of love, and there is basically no viscosity on the platform;"

"The current content is still too little, only ICL league, which means that the fluctuations in the platform are very fluctuations, there are many audiences when there are GPLs and ICL games, but these heat will all be dispersed after the game. ...... "

Yan Qian's face is slightly clear.

Well, I will say it, I can't all be bad news. Is there a good news?

It seems that the current crux of the rabbit is still on the ICL with the GPL.

There are many viewers of these two leagues, naturally, all concentrate on the live broadcast of the rabbit, I have to think a means.

Chen Yufeng continued: "The summit, the horse, the next is the future development direction of the rabbit tail, and you need to take an idea together."

"My thoughts are that the heat of the GPL league has been stable, push or do not push, the difference is not very big. Knowledge-live broadcast is also urgent, whether it is the popularity of the anchor or professional video content, Slowly accumulate. "

"So, then you want to go further, or you have to fall on the ICL league."

"From this week, the ICL league starts very smooth, especially through the opening ceremony of the ICL league, give us a lot of heat!"

"Long Yu Group, also spare no effort to promote the ICL League. How to continue to stir the heat of the rabbit tail around the ICL League, it should be the key to the rapid growth of our active audience!"

"From the current point of view, we have two ways: one is to continue to insist on excalling, all of them eat the heat of the ICL league; the other is to distribute the ICL's transfer rights, one hand, it is possible to recover some of the funds, On the other hand, you can use other platforms to promote the ICL League. Only the latter, our own must have no way to book all the heat of the ICL league, the most unhappy should be the Longyu Group. "

When I heard this, Yu Qian couldn't help but lit.

Distribute to the transfer rights?

Can you play with this?

The ICL League is really awkward, especially if you know that the head company and Longyu Group will also spend great efforts to promote the ICL League, which is more dangerous.

Although Yu Qian hopes that the ICL is on fire, it has caused pressure to gog, so that you can make a lot of money in the GOG, but if you have a live broadcast of rabbit, it is still a little.

For Yu Qian, the best result is that the ICL league fire, but does not bring enough heat to the live broadcast of the rabbit.

And now, distribution and transfer rights seem to provide such a possibility!

Selling the transfer rights to other live broadcast platforms, although the short-term perspective makes some money, but the ICL league is no longer a broadcase, and the heat must be diverted by other platforms, and the heat of the rabbit live will decline. At the same time, other platforms will definitely help the ICL league to promote the ICL league, and add the joint efforts of the fingers and Longyu Group, and must make more heat than the single broadcast, and can give the ICL League to hold it ... ...

It sounds a good choice!

: "

Chen Yufeng nodded: "Of course, ZZ live, the head of the live broadcast and the live broadcast of the wolf are all in the intention, and the Longyu Group can get more platform to play the ICL league, must not seek it."

Yu Qian couldn't help but frown.

So many platforms grab.

Do you seem to sell any low prices? I am afraid that I have to make a small ear.

But if you can disperse the heat, you don't seem to have any more.

Continue to retain the exclusive power, according to this moment, in case the ICL league gradually fire, the heat is all broadcast live in the rabbit, and then you can't pack it?

I thought here, I immediately said: "Then, distribute the transfer right!"

Chen Yufeng squatted: "The bail is always sold? This is the only competitive content of the rabbit!"

I heard Chen Yufeng said so, Yu Qian attitude is more determined: "Sell!"

Chen Yufeng turned his head and looked at Ma Yang, that means that Mr. Human also comments?

The big face of Ma Yang showed a serious thinking expression, and then asked: "If you sell it ... how much can you earn?"

Chen Yufeng said: "Hey ... If you press 12 million per family, it is 48 million, we buy a single broadcast of 35 million, you can earn 13 million ..."

Ma Yang surprised: "Can you earn so much? So definitely sell it!"

"The key is that our platform can also continue to broadcast the ICL league after selling it. This is not pure earning?"

Chen Yufeng: "..."

It is not on a channel at all about the normal people's ideas.

Indeed, it seems that no matter whether to distribute the transfer rights, the live broadcast of the rabbit is already earned.

But this kind of earning is the implied decision of the summary!

Rabbit live broadcast and Longyu Group have taken a lot of effort to push the ICL league, this is also a cost!

Now distribution and transfer rights, although earned money, but also gave up the opportunity to eat alone in the future; do not take this money, insist on excalling, the future may earn more.

But watching the situation, it is estimated that it is difficult to tell him.

Chen Yufeng has no way, and the summary of the summons, the summary of the Mada has been consistent. This matter is finalized, he doesn't want to sell it.

"Good , then I will talk to Zhao Ximing, then contact other live platform distribution ICL's transfer rights." Chen Yufeng said.

Yu Qian is still a bit unhearted, but also makes it a sentence: "Dressing to remember this thing, money is not the first, understand?"

Chen Yufeng stunned: "Ah? , then what is the first?"

: "Oh ... friendship! Sincerity! In short, in addition to the other things other than the money."

Chen Yufeng brows, all the thought.

Yu Qian did not dare to say it's too clear, it can only be a point until, let Chen Yufeng will understand.

Just hope that the distribution of this demobilization rights allows Chen Yufeng to provide a friendship price to each live broadcast platform. Don't sell the price too high. It is too much to make money.

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