After the meeting, Chen Yufeng took a doubt and looked at Zhao Xingming on the mobile phone address book, while the true intention of the Mostel.

What makes him doubtful,

What is friendship and sincerity?

Each live broadcast platform is a competitor. There is no such thing as each other. What kind of friendship and sincerity are?

If you sell the transfer right, it is afraid that it will not only harvest friendship, but it will be stunned by other live platforms in private. It is very stupid.

Therefore, the general meaning is not necessary to sell the right to sell.

The so-called thing to put friendship and sincerity in the first place, meaning that the other party's friendship and sincerity of the rabbit tailed are all right.

The other party's friendship and sincerity have to see the other's performance.

Moreover, the summary is stressed, the focus is not money, but there are things outside the money.

What is these things?

Chen Yufeng also thought of nothing, let alone, even if you want to come out, it is not very straightforward, it seems a bit like being extorted.

But it doesn't matter, you can let the deputy chief of the live platforms play their subjective initiative, take the initiative, Chen Yufeng can consider, consider it according to the conditions proposed.

Thinking of this, Chen Yufeng roughly in his heart, immediately dialed Zhao Xing's phone.

"Hey? Chen, what is it?" The phone is very enthusiastic.

After all, the rabbit live and ICL league is still in honeymoon, and the previous cooperation is relatively happy. Although most of the heat is earned by the live broadcast of the rabbit, Zhao Ximing is also earning, so attitude is still very positive.

Chen Yufeng turned over again, which means that it intends to distribute the transfer of ICL League.

Strictly speaking, after the live broadcast of the Rabbit, after buying the ICL League, the premise of not violating the current contract, it is possible to distribute it at will, and does not need to seek the views of Head and Longyu Group.

But it is definitely a sentence.

On the one hand, it is for courtesy, on the other hand, it is also more convenient to come with Zhao Xuming to contact all live platforms.

Zhao Ximing's voice has improved a few octaves: "Really?"

In the surprise, I can't believe it.

I always think about it, how can I choose to sell the ICL League on this festival?

Now the ICL League is booming, and the heat is getting higher and higher!

In fact, the fingers and Longyu Group will definitely be more distributed to the transfer. Although this distribution is transferred to the right, there is no relationship with them, but after all, the heat is different.

Multiple platform live ICL league, the audience must definitely, the heat is definitely higher, the propaganda is definitely greater, this is unquestionable.

In other words, this matter is definitely harmful to Zhao Xuming and fingers.

In contrast, the distribution means that the distribution means no longer excalling, and the money is made, and the chance to give rabbit-elutled live drainage will bring more heat, it seems that there is a little short, not like the total for.

If Chen Yufeng does not mention this, Zhao Ximing must not be mentioned, will not be self-discounted.

But since Chen Yufeng took the initiative, but also the general meaning, of course, it is not asking!

Zhao Ximing said: "This is, Chen, I will go to the head of several live platforms, I will go to the magic tomorrow to eat a meal, see more, how?"

Chen Yufeng knows that such a big thing is certainly impossible to play directly online, and must meet, so I promised it.

Moreover, Chen Yufeng is just a hint of the person in charge of each live broadcast platform, let them think of how to express their "friendship" and "sincerity" early.



March 13th, Tuesday.

Magic, Longyu Group Headquarters.

"Hey, Chen, please ask inside!"

"Zhu is coming? Please come into."

"Peng Chi, Liu Qi, come, all have been in the conference room."

Zhao Ximing full of spring breeze and hospitalized.

Of course, there is reason to be happy.

Previously, the vice president of these live platforms, the transfer of the seven or eight million to buy ICL league was too expensive, and he called for these people, and the results were twice and unwilling to buy.

Now, these people are not good to come to the devil, and buy the transfer of the ICL League to buy?

Of course, this distribution is transferred to the power, Long Yu Group is to earn a penny, but it is still that sentence, no money, but there is heat, so Zhao Xuming is absolutely no loss.

Although the vice president of these live platforms is slightly embarrassing, but it is still laughing.

Business, although there is a little friction before, since Baicheng is willing to sell the ICL league's transfer rights, then these heat is given to everyone, and it is of course a good thing.

Soon, everyone sat down in the conference, preparing to start talking.

Chen Yufeng actually passed the same time yesterday, and everyone is also aware of this matter. Therefore, after Chen Yufeng and Zhao Xing, two people will enter the topic.

Chen Yufeng looked at the deputies of the live platforms that were present today, there were some familiar faces, and there were some do not know.

Today, I have been seven or eight people, but in the end, it may be so three to five platforms. But this does not affect other platforms to come together.

Chen Yufeng said: "Everyone, this time the distribution of the power of the ICL league is the transfer of the power of the ICL league, the money is the secondary, the key is to see the sincerity. How are you thinking about?"

The deputy director of several live platforms looked at each other. In fact, everyone has an idea, but it is not sure who will open it first.

Finally, Liu Liang, a live broadcast of Zz, first.

"General Chen, the summary sincerity, of course, said that the money is definitely the one hand, we decided to give 12 million, buy the transfer of the ICL league."

"In addition, we have a few anchors playing GOG and IOI, and also give it to the generals in the contract period! Salary we take a year, 2 years of contract period to 1 million. "

Peng Bin, a live broadcast, said: "We have 10 million this side, and we have done a live broadcast show, and each time you have a good look, you can send the right to broadcast. Of course, we also have a few good things. Announcement ... "

Zhu Yan, live broadcast, said: "We have a good mobile game event in the world, which is exclusive. Although the heat is not high, it is still a small money. In addition, we will bid a price 11 million."

Another live platform said: "Sorry Master, our recent cash flow is a bit nervous, up to 8 million. However ... we have recently just have a big anchor, it has given him a snow, just can sway the boat Live broadcast to the rabbit, take it with his three-year contract, probably 5 million, people go to your live broadcast, salary, our side, do you look? "

The bids of several live broadcast platforms are different, but the values ​​are basically around 13 million.

After receiving the call from Chen Yufeng, these depors were thinking after I received the call from Chen Yufeng. What did you mean?

Money is not the first, then it is definitely what I need to broadcast more live content to the rabbit tail!

Everyone can see that the live content of the live broadcast of the rabbit tail is still relatively single. It is basically no big anchor. The website is full by GPL and ICL. The game is finished, the website is more than one.

Since it is a lack of content, the general attitude is very clear.

Money can be part of a part, but every live broadcast platform has to hand over some live content, to change the power of the ICL league!

These departures have grinded it, and they have repeatedly emphasized the keywords of "sincerity". The money must not be less.

How hard is the calculi, if the price is too low, it is not uniform, and I don't sell it directly.

After all, now, now, it is always in the Diaoyutai. The transfer of this ICL league is sold, not selling, only selling a family, selling a lot of home.

In fact, it is clear that it is obviously to see the sincerity of each live broadcast platform, and there is no sincerity platform, and must be smaller by the total record.

Considering that the ICL League is currently rising, 13 million is a high, but there is a sincere price.

Although this money is virtual, after all, Long Yu Group and Rabbit live broadcast have invested a lot of resources in order to promote ICL league, and they have been in risks. These platforms can only be abstracted, and some premium is reasonable.

As for live broadcast content outside the money, it is obviously only two.

The first one is the event, the program, the program, the transfer of the power to the rabbit tail, can be folded; the other is an anchor, and all the opportunities are not dealt with, just right, this opportunity to pack.

For example, one of the live platforms is being contradictory with a big anchor with their own.

The platform has repeatedly suggesting that this anchor is more than the audience to give gifts, playing, but this anchor is five times. I have signed a big contract but there is no way to give the website enough profit, the platform deputy, I have seen him. . Just like this opportunity, put this contract, a part of the money to sell the ICL league.

Although the salary of this anchor is still the platform, after all, I will get rid of a royal anchor that does not make money, in exchange for the live power of the ICL league, or is quite appropriate.

Let Zhao Ximing and Chen Yufeng feel that there are some unexpectedly, this bid has actually have five live platforms!

The reason is mainly in this special payment method.

No need to take out 13 million, but you can only take it out of seven or eight million, other content resources of other platforms, some exciting content, distribute live broadcast, used to change the ICL league broadcast Right, these platforms feel that they are not lost.

Therefore, some cash flows are relatively tonic, and they also moved.

This time ICL league's transfer rights are different before.

No one is sure if it can have a heat, so everyone is hesitant, it is not very decisive; now I see the total lead, the ICL league is getting better, and the big live platform is all grabbed. " ...

Other live platforms are naturally unable to sit!

This is like the same product, there is no customer around you, that most passers-by don't look at it; but if you are full of people, it must be personal to look at it!

Therefore, the deputy general bids of these platforms, and then look to Chen Yufeng with the expected eyes.

Although these live resources, anchor, rabbit live should be lacking, but in fact, it is really a little "forgive to make up".

Chen Yufeng is always willing to pick up with , this is really hard to say, so these deputy generals have some .

Chen Yufeng carefully listened to the people, nodded slightly.

He can feel that these platforms have a forgive mean, such as one of the platforms that are being sent to the big major ambassador, and another platform is put a relatively cold sports competition, and one platform simply puts twenty The effect is not very good signing anchor to pack ...

But it is clear that these platforms are also available, know this is forced to make up, so the overall valuation is lowered.

Chen Yufeng's feelings now, like he is in a large second-hand market, surrounded by all kinds of things you can't use, and a group of people are very attentive.

Chen Yufeng thought about it. Although these things were forcibly, it is indeed a live broadcast of rabbits, and the single collection is complete, but it has not been tasted.

Live content, no matter what it is useless, no one will be less.

But even if so, I have to beat these platforms a few times, can't be used as a big head.

I think that Chen Yufeng has a little bit slightly, and it is said that the cough is said: "Although the things sent, the valuation is indeed, but the bottom value is not worth these money, do you have any numbers?"

Several Vice Presidents did not help but change their faces, and they were a little false.

Main This matter is indeed a little bit of loss, if you want to argue, a big probability talks collapsed.

No one dares to talk to the bail, because no one knows what happens to do anything after it is.

But want to say it back? Everyone is really reluctant.

I can't do it for the transfer of an ICL league. Everyone is selling iron? Sell ​​your home's big anchor? Can't you!

Zhao Ximing saw this situation and the dark road was not wonderful.

Although ICL league's transfer rights can sell so much money, he is also very sour, but he is most hope that this distribution can succeed.

After all, I distribute a platform, ICL League will take a point in one heat!

Zhao Ximing hurriedly played the yard: "Don't be a little more."

"In fact, I have seen everyone, but Chen is indeed a little loss."

"I have a proposal. How do you think this? The rabbit is broadcast live, broadcast the ICL league, three minutes faster than other platforms. So, everyone does not have substantial losses, Chen always goes back to the generals ,how about it?"

The vice president of the live broadcast platform looked at each other, then nodded: "Yes!"

Broadcasting three minutes, is not a big problem, affecting minimal. Most audiences in this platform will not go to the rabbit tail because it is slow for three minutes.

For the live broadcast of rabbits, this three minutes can really attract some viewers, regarding a small amount of this distribution.

Chen Yufeng nodded: "Zhao always proposes a good, in this way, there is no problem with the rabbit tail, everyone will finalize the details, then sign the contract?"

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