Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 941 of the responsible person of the snack market

March 16, Friday.

Yu Qian came to the office, finally finalized the candidate of the snack market: Zhang Yahui!

According to the information provided by the personnel department, Zhang Yahi is just a mainly famous toast, because the Grilled cold face contest is excellent, so they are excavated by Qi Wei to be responsible for the cold-faced girl food laboratory. Now I am now in Chang'an. I just filmed the first episode of the documentary of the "Standhouse".

Although this person is only a normal roasted cold, the degree is not high, and there is no prominent achievement, but let Yan Qian feel a sense of crisis.

From the food laboratory to the documentary of "Standhouse Power", Qi Yan is definitely because of his ability to compare this.

In this case, you will be the best choice directly!

Let Zhang Yahui can be responsible for the snack market, on the one hand, the cold-faced girl can weaken the food laboratory, documentary shooting, and the expansion of the cold-faced girl. On the other hand, it is also beneficial to the next year to better dig. people.

Because according to Qian's most beginning, it is not just a person. In the future, the snack market must swim from the cold-faced girl's food laboratory, continuously pressing the development of the cold face, so the person in charge of the snack market must have some prestige and personal charm, you can dig the talent line. .

Otherwise, other stall owners have heard that the name of the person in charge of the snack market will not come, continue to stay in the cold side girl to cut the food laboratory, isn't it very embarrassing?

Therefore, directly dig Zhang Yahui, which can both play a suction effect.

There is no call on Zhang Yahui on his hand, but there is Huang Sibo's phone. Since Zhang Yahui and Huang Sibo together "Di Power" documentary, then I found Hua Hui naturally.


At the same time, Chang'an.

Huang Sibo and "Stand-State" film crew are packed up, ready to start.

The first episode of "land vessel" has been taken, and the response is very good, so it is a day in Chang'an, and enjoy local cuisine. Today is going to leave, go to the next stop.

According to previous plans, this is a long-term series of documentaries. The film crew should be fly across the country, and the exclusive secrets of each vendor are excavated while exploring the exclusive secrets of each vendor.

Of course, Huang Sibo has other things to do as the person in charge of the flying yellow studio, so it is only the first episode of the documentary to follow, and it will be responsible for the director of the "Standhouse".

Huang Sibo is packing your luggage at your own room, suddenly, the phone rang.

"Well? ?"

Huang Sibo stunned, hurriedly took it: "Hey? He has always, is there any indication?"

The voice came from the phone on the phone: "Is Zhang Ya Hui in you? I am looking for him to pick up a call."

Huang Sibo stunned: "Ah? Hey, ok, ..."

Although I don't understand why I have span a few levels in the middle, I have found Zhang Yahui, but Huang Sibo did not ask, directly came to Zhang Yahui's room knocked on the door, and then handed the phone.

Zhang Ya Hui is shocked: "Do you always look for me?"

Since joining the cold noodles, the name of "" is only existing in the legend, now I have received a call from .

I took a call from Huang Sibo, Zhang Yahui said: "Total? Are you looking for me?"

The voice came from the phone to the very good voice: "Zhang Yahui is? Hello, you are good. I have nothing else to find you, I want to hire you for the person in charge of my new project, called 'snack market ', I don't know if you are willing? "

Yu Qian briefly introduced this so-called "snack market."

In fact, it is to be a place to buy a place in Beijing, providing a store or booth for these exclusive secrets, so that they can do their own old people in it.

There is no rent here, and the venue is completely free. There are special departments responsible for unified ingredients and raw materials procurement, profitable only need to pay two-result to the snack market, in addition to basic wages and five The benefits of the Surrey employees such as rehabilitation.

Zhang Yahui is the person in charge of this snack market, usually responsible for the daily management of this place, of course, if Zhang Ya Hui wants to set up stalls, it is no problem.

Of course, in addition to these work, Yu Qian also hinted to make Zhang Yahui's food laboratory from the cold face, and more beneficial.

Zhang Yahui heard a little dizzy: "But is it, isn't it the work of the food laboratory of the cold noodles?"

Qi Hao is the person in charge of Zhang Yahui to make a food laboratory, but also from all over the country, the well-known stall owner, increasing them, or spend money to buy formula. As a result, now, the summary will send them to the snack market. Which one should I listen to this?

: "This, the food laboratory of the snack market with the cold face is two different development directions. With your talent, the food laboratory is a bit large, responsible for my project, Let you get better development. "

"As for the cold-faced girl, you don't have to worry, it is the internal transfer of Tengda, and Qi Wei will understand. The key is to see your personal intention."

Zhang Yahui thought this still use it? The treatment of both sides is not a horizontal line!

The food laboratory is just a department of the cold-faced girl. That is to say, the head of Zhang Yahui's head is Qi, and then the greetings of the dream venture, and then the top is the total.

However, the snack market is the project of the general arrangement, and can directly report to the balance, and there is no one to rise directly!

Whether it is treatment or the actual resources, it is obviously not the same level.

Although this snack market sounds like "food laboratory" so tall, but can not only look at the name, but also to see the specific duties.

Strictly speaking, the work of the food laboratory is relatively boring. It is nothing more than to find a famous stall owner everywhere, and then improved according to the formula they provide, and then make the new product to the cold noodles.

The work of snack markets is relatively complex, more like run a large shopping mall or food street.

For Zhang Ya Hui, he chooses to go to the country from the country to go to the Emperor.

Moreover, Zhang Yahui is also more like to set up stalls. It means that in the food laboratory work means giving up this hobbies, and in the snack market is a mood, this is also one of his consumption.

Anyway, he does not seem to refuse any reason.

After thinking about three, Zhang Yahui said: "Good , if you think that I can compete for this job, then I will try, I hope you will not let you down!"

Yu Qian is very happy: "Too good! This way, you will take a break on the weekend, then I will come to Jingzhou directly, I will tell you the specific work."

After the phone, Zhang Yahui also felt a bit inexplicably.

What happened in these months is that it is too magical!

He was originally only a small-famous stall owner in the local local, in order to sell the cold noodles, the result of a few months, the head of a large food market, but also directly to the Tengda Group Total report ...

Zhang Yahui looked into Huang Sibo: "Huang Ge, Yan always let me go to Jingzhou to be responsible for a new project, called the snack market ..."

Huang Sibo did not feel particularly surprised. Obviously, when I called Zhang Yahui, Hua Sibo had already thought of this possibility.

He smiled and patted Zhang Yahui's shoulder: "Don't worry, I always look at the most accurate. Since I have found you, you will show that you have a very good character in this area!"

"Our studio is in Beijing, what difficulties can be found at any time. When the food market is officially started, we must join!"

Zhang Yapu nodded: "Okay! Then I will call Qi, who is in the cold side girl, say this ..."


At the same time, Qi Yan is taking the fish taking the store, while eating a new new meter of the recently, while chatting with Yu Yak.

I haven't gone at noon now, so the people in the store are not much, and the takeaway little brothers have not started busy.

Qi Hao recently often tried the fish for takeaway, mainly to learn advanced experience.

Since the first episode of the "Standing Pandemia", the cold face girl has indeed improved online, but did not have too much positive impact on the revenue of the cold girl store.

The food laboratory has already been formed, and the taste of the roast cold noodles is greatly improved according to the formula of Zhang Yapui, and it has got some praise.

But just these changes, it is very distant distance to create a hot snack brand from the cold noodles.

Qi Yan is chatting with Yu Yak, suddenly, her phone rang.

Zhang Yapu briefed the total personnel mobilization arrangements and officially proposed the position of the person in charge of the food laboratory.

Moreover, Zhang Yahui also gave a vaccination in advance, telling her snacks, which may dig away from some gourmet laboratories, bring them to Beijing.

Qi Yan stunned: "Ah ... Hey, ok."

She has nothing to say, because this is the total arrangement.

Just hanging up the phone, Qi Yan fell into a deep confusion.

What does it mean? Can you grab people with cold noodles?

It is not just to take Zhang Yahui to the head of the project directly, and even the other stall owners in the food laboratory must grab it.

Is this a bit uneven?

Don't you have a good time in the heart of , I feel that these people are in the cold-faced girl here, so they will take them to do more meaningful things?

Still, This is another arrangement for cold faces?

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