Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 942, the complement to the snack market and cold face

I saw Qi Ji confused expressions, and Yu Yu Chen asked: "What happens, is there anything that is puzzled?"

Qi Yan simply repeated the content of the phone, and said confused the general arrangement.

"Zhang Ya Hui was originally the person in charge of the cold girl's food laboratory. Why didn't I let him continue to study a new meal for the cold girl, but let him continue to set up? This ... it is a bit uncomfortable!"

It seems that this is no doubt.

The catering industry wants to develop into a large scale, inevitably taken standardized, can be produced. A diners' craftsmanship is also limited, but if you can use this stall owner to train many chefs, the branch is opened to all parts of the country, then the resulting profits will be the original thousands Broad, tens of thousands of times.

Let these doctrines give up the work of the food laboratory, although the environment is good, the treatment is high, but it is nothing to do at the entire Tongda Group's catering industry.

From the long run, this seems to be a short-sighted behavior, it is really unlike the event of the general meeting.

Yu Yumhen is silent for a moment: "This is what you don't know."

Qi Yan stunned: "Well? How do you say this?"

Yu Yum Chen explained: "In my opinion, this thing is very qualitatively, it is also very reasonable!"

"Do you have a real thing, in fact, it is a misunderstanding of blind fast food, standardized production?"

Qi Yan is somewhat blinking: "Fast foodization, standardized production is originally the first positioning of cold face, how is it?"

Yu Yum Chen explained: "In fact, I didn't realize this problem. However, after Zhang Yahui made this personal mobilization, I immediately thought of taking a fish takeaway and unknown restaurant, I understood!"

"High-end catering and fast food has always been complementary, you want to create a brand with enough popularity, both are not possible."

"These snacks are soaked to ensure that people across the country can experience this taste, but the problem is that as long as the fast food is, it will cause a reduction in taste."

"At this time, there is a hidden danger. Maybe many people come to eat, but they will be greatly expected, and they think that the taste here does not meet their requirements."

"Just take the fish takeaway, its success is not open to the new food in the food laboratory, but there is a very important reason lies in it, its high-end brand 'food, and a lot of meals, It is associated with the unknown restaurant! "

"It is the parity version of 'unknown restaurant, so that it can make the food to take a vegetable food to add a' high-end 'attribute, and can support the premium compared to other fast food, but also allow customers to touch fish. The meal will not have too high expectations, but look at it in a normal heart. "

"In this way, unknown restaurants and taking the fish are actually a complementary relationship to meet the different needs of customers."

"And 'cold noodle girl' current situation, in fact, there is a lack of an unknown restaurant to fight."

"The" Stand-Booth ", I also read, I didn't really shoot, but this documentary will have a certain negative impact, which is to make the audience's new food for the cold noodles. The new meal is unrealistic. They will feel Since your documentary is taken, the cold side girl sells things like the things in the documentary? "

"It can be actually, the cold face is a fast food brand, and it must be improved on the basis of the original formula. In order to ensure the mass production, standardized production, it will inevitably lose some characteristics and details. So when the customer really eats, It will feel that there is a difference with the food on the documentary, so that the psychological drop appears. "

"This is a hidden danger for cold-faced girl's reputation and actual dining experience."

If you think about it, I'm noddate: "It turns out ... So, I have formed this snack market, which is to play almost the same role with the unknown restaurant. It is necessary to concentrate all kinds of snack vendors all over the country. Original national snack food city? "

"This, the positioning of the snack market and cold noodle girls is distinguished, one of the main taste, the other, the taste, the taste of fast food,"

"This way, let customers have no high psychological expectations for cold-faced girls, and those who are pursuing extremely taste, they are going to be a food market, rather than cold noodles. "

"This is the ultimate grasp of the customer's mentality, it is really worthy!"

Yu Yuyor said: "I think the summary intentions are not so."

"In fact, let these stall owners are responsible for food laboratories, there are few waste. What is the specialty of these stall owners? Is it a study? Isn't it."

"Their special is to explore, and the exploration must be in contact with more customers. Through the customer's feedback, adjust the practice of the meal. Although the door shop of the cold noodles can also be exposed to some customers, but after all, the range is too narrow, It is not enough feedback, and the driving force they explore is not enough. "

"For a long time, the inspiration of these stall owners may be exhausted, and they are not worth the value for the food laboratory."

"But taking them into snacks, you can continue to put on your own interests, you can communicate with customers in Nanhai North, constantly adjust, optimize yourself of snacks."

"And these valuable experiences, but also in real time to the cold-faced girl, the taste of the meal is continuously improved."

"The advantage of the owner is that the ground is ground, leaving the fireworks, and they will be insumed immediately; the advantages of the laboratory researchers are fine, standardized research, they can determine the best food according to the food provided by the owner. practice."

"It is actually a waste of behavior in the laboratory."

"And the total behavior is actually distinguishing them, so that the owner can continue to set up, from the vast diners, the inspiration and energy source continuously provide food laboratories, in fact, did not delay the food experiment Room daily research work! "

"The chosen chose Zhang Yahui as the person in charge, on the one hand, because he is a stall owner, responsible for the snack market will definitely be more professional; on the other hand, it is definitely because he has experienced the experience of the cold girl, more familiar with you. Therefore, communication, cooperation is also more convenient. "

Qi Yan suddenly realized: "It turns out!"

"I didn't expect that behind a simple person mobilization, there are so many truths?"

"Things to think about it, I haven't considering the idea of ​​the food laboratory, but I really have considered it in the details. I have seen the hidden dangers and problems of the food laboratory, so I dial it. A bit! "

: "This is the general, in us, you may think that he doesn't have any feelings, always busy with other sectors. But at a critical moment, he can always pass a magical operation, grasp the project. All people have ignored the crux, and the decay is magical! "

Qi Qi asked: "What should I do now?"

Yu Yuchen laughed: "Of course, it is full of personnel mobilization arrangements that comply with the total, and fully cooperate with Zhang Yahui to do the snack market!"

"Of course, these details, you need to emphasize Zhang Yahui again. Because the balance is in the mission, it is not like to say too much. Zhang Yahui does not see the deep meaning of the total."

"You explain to Zhang Yahui, after tomorrow, the food market and cold face will have a lot of cooperation opportunities, and it is also the foundation for the next cooperation."

Qi nodded: "Understand! Take the heart, I will definitely live up to his expectation!"

Yu Yuchen couldn't help but nod, it seems that the cold face girl and Qi Yan become more and more integrated into this big family, understand the summary thinking mode.

It's a gratifying!


In the afternoon, DGE Equipment Club.

In the conference room, Chen Yufeng and Zhang Yuan were drinking tea while chatting with the ICL League's unofficial streak.

Zhang Yuan is now tuned Tenda's E-Culture Department, but recently the GPL League has already left on track, so Zhang Yuan is not so busy, after handing the work to hand, he often goes to the DGE club to relax, By the way, you also look at the training situation of the players.

Today, Chen Yufeng finds the door, I want to find Zhang Yuan to be a few people, help me to engage in the explanation of the ICL League's non-official stream.

"The other two explanation I consider looking for it from the FV club, I have already greeted Wu Yue, saying that there are several suitable candidates."

"It's a lack of lack, it is a lack of three professional OBs, and there is an explanation that is responsible for the control."

"But these people must have a deep understanding of this game, I don't know if there is any suitable candidate."

Because the live broadcast of rabbits is only responsible for broadcasting, it is not responsible for the competition, so no host, photography team, referee team, etc.

The main guidance is responsible for coordinating the overall direction of the entire broadcast, and OB is to ensure that things happen in the game are present to the audience in the most perfect state.

The live broadcast of rabbit is to enter the game, and there may be several places on the game on the game. There may be several places in the event of friction and collision, three professional OBs, one is the main perspective OB, one responsible for staring at the wonderful lens and playback And one is to pay attention to various details in advance and remind the master OB.

This configuration is basically a person with all the events broadcast. If there is only one ob, it will definitely miss some of the wonderful lenses, affect the audience's watch experience.

Chen Yufeng's goal is to make the live broadcast of the live broadcast than the official of the ICL league. It is naturally hidden in this key issue.

Zhang Yuan nodded: "This should be problematic, the GPL is the wheel, there are a lot of people. It should be not difficult to find three IOI from Ob. The explanation of the responsible control center is better, you pick it up. "

Chen Yufeng said happily: "That's great! In fact, as long as the first time, it is good, we can recruit people in our next time."

Zhang Yuan shakes his head: "There is no such thing, too waste. This profession is still unified training, unified management, you can operate the live broadcast platform is OK."

Chen Yufeng nodded: "Well, ok!"

According to Chen Yufeng's original idea, it is first "borrowed" from the parties of the Evil Department, OB, OB, and the pre-scenes put the scene. But it is always necessary to be unpleasant, you have to slowly cultivate new people, and slowly connect this booth for the ICL League.

But Zhang Yuan crashed his idea.

Although the ICL League broadcast is a live broadcast of the rabbit, it is nothing to do with Tenda's Evil Division, but it is obviously a serious waste of the competition. Zhang Yuanshun handed this work, which can save it. The necessary expenses can also ensure the effect of the ICL League's non-official streak.

Chen Yufeng stood up: "That is trouble! I booked tickets this evening, go to the FV club, pick two three reliable professional players to explain, to fight for Sunday, you can directly explain the unfrigent stream Give arrangements! "

Zhang Yuan nodded: "Reassured, I can find a suitable candidate soon, let them adapt to the IOI game, and there is no problem before Sunday."

Chen Yufeng three times, and then prepared to go to the FV Club, and selected two or three people from Wu Yue, and as a good professional player, as an unfair flow of ICL league.

Originally, I want to do an official rhizone to say it is very difficult. Whether it is OB or explaining, it is a very professional thing. Any detail is not good, it is easy to be officially put on the ground.

But now there is a strong support of the two departments of Tenda Evil and FV Club. Chen Yufeng found that this thing is so simple, running running legs!

Chen Yufeng couldn't help but feel: "It's still a great thing, it's precious, and it's a half-time!"

"If you have a GPL league in your morning, you have invested in the FV club. How can you be so smooth now?"

"Sure enough, the height of the station determines the field of view, the view decides the success or failure! The height of the is too high, it is difficult to do not succeed!"

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