Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 943 explains the level of the level!

March 18, Sunday.

Rabbit live broadcast ICL league broadcast station, three explanations, wearing a headset, while taking a variety of data sheets on the table, chatting.

The competition is still in ten minutes, and the three explanations have been in advance and prepare to begin today's performance.

Yesterday, Chen Yufeng ran a fv club. Selected two eloquence from Wu Yue, the best, and did a live broadcast and a certain fan, to serve as the commentary of today.

The two team members were originally in the FV team, although the strength is not bad, the strength of the five people of a team is too strong, and there is not much chance to rotate.

And they are not young, because the problem of slowing slowness, energy decline, is increasingly can't keep up with the rhythm of the professional stadium, has been entangled in the future.

This explanation, for the live broadcast of rabbits and these two players, is a good test water.

If the effect is good, you can continue to explain that if the effect is not good, these two players can also consider going back to play their careers, or simply retire live.

Because it is the first day, it may not be so skilled, so arranged a senior control point of the GPL to tell them. Although this control is not very high, it is still very set on the rhythm of IOI, but he is there, and the rhythm of the three will not run.

This morning, in two new Jin solutions, I said that when I practiced the tacit understanding, the official of the rabbit sold this is the first-hand information of the competition, a total of more than a dozen pages, and it is provided to the site explanation.

These data include the usual hero, common tactics and some detail habits, which can be said to provide a good data support for explaining work. Coupled with the game understanding of the active professional players, it will definitely dig out more than the details.

Not only that, there is a tablet computer in front of the three explanations, which will be pushed by a special team in real time, such as: the distribution of kills in the game, a blood situation, economic line chart, etc. Wait.

These data are from the background of the Longyu Group, with the same set of real-time data that will be online with future platforms.

Although the package has not yet been completed, it cannot be displayed to the audience, but give the three solutions to see if it is complete, they are all professional and can easily understand.

The preliminary work has been prepared, and the live broadcast of rabbita has also made enough publicity and preheating on their own websites. Now, now, they will play the lack of reunion of the game.

Two professional players are a little nervous.

There was a player before I spent a game in my live broadcast, but after all, it was a very private environment. Even if I had some small problems, I saw my fans, and I won't be too crowded.

But now in a very formal occasion, even if you have a misfortune, you will be picked up. If you have a professional error, you will make yourself "beat the name", so both people are somewhat.

The senior explanation of the responsible control center smiled: "Let's take a few times in the morning, don't have to be nervous. This time I am responsible for the control, guide the topic, you follow my rhythm. If you are concerned about your mistake , Then I have a sentence, you will pick up. "

Two professional players nodded, and they were going to start, and quickly finally sorted out tie and hairstyle, and see the direction of the camera.


At the same time, a large number of audiences poured into a live broadcast of rabbits and prepared to watch ICL league.

After distributing the transfer rights of the ICL League, the audience of the rabbit tail is not significantly reduced, but the number is basically stable!

Mainly because of the influence of the "blotting incident", many people left the impression of "rabbit live than other platforms".

Although the live time of all platforms is now unified, even if there is a delay in the network problem, it will not be more than two or two seconds, but once the initial impression is formed, it is difficult to change.

Of course, after knowing the live broadcast of other platforms, the live broadcast of rabbits is gradually returning to each platform.

However, this reflow is that it takes a certain amount of time, and some viewers have formed habits. Every time I have a game, I will live a live broadcast, and some people will stay.

Today, many old audiences found that the live broadcast of the Rabbit Live ICL League is divided into two channels, after coming in, the default is the live stream of the rabbit tail, the second is the official live stream!

Moreover, rabbit-tailed live broadcast has been promoted and preheated with their live streams.

The original rabbit-tailed live broadcast gave the ICL League a big recommended resource, now these recommended resources have been changed, although it is still a promotion of ICL league, but the focus of promotion has placed live stream of live broadcast in the live broadcast of rabbits.

Most audiences did not care too much. After all, many electric competitions have appeared two traffic, nothing more than some an an anchors used the official game screen for secondary explanation, and there is nothing new place.

These two-way streamlined is often served by the anchor, mainly to play their own style, attracting their fans. On the professional and obsembles experience, it is still better than the official stream.

This is also normal. After all, the official flow of the official stream is the class of classics. The eloquence is better, and the mouth can get the first-hand information from the official, even if the game is better, and other aspects can be used. The advantage is to make up.

In short, most of the audience saw related publicity, but not too much.

However, after all, the live broadcast of the ICL league comes in the default is the broadcast station of the rabbit tailed, so most of the audience still stays, I want to see what the broadcasting of the rabbit tail live this is different from the official stream.

After broadcasting the ICL League's promo, the broadcast station appeared in the live broadcast.

The three explanations of the suit, sitting in danger, wearing the same explanation of the eardown on the head, and placed a penny, a pen and a tablet.

And the official explanation of the ICL League is just two comments wearing a shirt, and the desktop is empty, nothing.

"Hey, is this not the explanation of the GPL?"

"The two next to ... are the team members of the FV team?"

"This suit is very handsome."

"How so many things on the table, have this child, a pen, there is a tablet?"

"I feel ready to be very sufficient!"

"Hey, to analyze the game data!"

The competition has not officially official, and the two team members have just appeared, and there are still a few minutes of equipment debugging time.

On the official live broadcast screen, the brow has begun to release some of the data from both parties, such as the previous ten minutes of economic leadership rate, the number of members MVP, the two sides of the battle history data, etc.

The official two explanations are basically in the data, just occasionally mix some simple explanations, such as a blood, a tower is high, indicating that this team is very good at getting a preliminary advantage to roll the snow ball wins.

In the live broadcast station of the rabbit, the three explanations is to look at the information on the hand, and some content that is completely unable to live on the live broadcast screen has also been explained.

"We see that a tower is as high as 74% on the official picture, but in fact this data is not particularly accurate. This team has several different tactical strategies, one is a tactical strategy of speeding resources. This tactical strategy will incline the hero selection of the road, and their tower win in this strategy actually reach more than 90%, which means they are very familiar with this tactics; and in other tactical strategies, they One tower win is only 60%, and even a lot of time can't get a tower, it is in the early stage. "

"This shows that the speed of speeding is the most mature, best-effective tactics, this other party should make corresponding targeting on the lineup ..."

Sure enough, the voice did not fall. The other party has been a hero that has two ways to open the road.

Not only that, in the Ban selection process of both parties, the two professional players are like a play in advance, which is very accurately predicted that the heroes who have to take them next, and will provide two different different times when they are uncertain. Select, there will be one.

Because these tactical systems are in the knowledge reserves of two professional players, it can be said that it is handless, not only accurately predicts the lineups of the two sides, but also can be introduced to make a simple introduction to this lineup tactical play. .

And the official explanation, only after the two sides have selected the hero, according to the characteristics of this hero, guess the tactics to be taken by both parties.

If you only look at the official explanation, it is completely unpleasant, because the explanation is very good to complete the understanding, the task explained; but as long as the two professional players in the rabbit, the content of the two sides explained the content. !

The screen has been brushed by various 666 on the barrage.

But this is not over, after entering the game, the gap between the two sides further reflects.

The two professional players live broadcasting in the rabbit, explained in detail, including the early eye position, why should you insert a certain location, multi-person disassembly can get experience faster to 2 levels In the brush route and brush speed of the wilderness to the two sides ...

It can be said that the details of each player have escaped the eyes.

Rabbit live broadcast OBs and official OBs are also different.

Official OB has been giving online lens, but the two sides are more stable, occasionally change blood, and the knives have not missed too much, and there is nothing to say, but I have already added a wave of tower in the player. "Good makeup, basically very solid".

The OB of the rabbit-tailed live broadcast is under the requirements of the two professional players, giving the main lens to the hero of the two sides, and set out the specific data of the hero.

Many viewers have some understanding, what is the good look?

However, the two professional players explained soon, they will be explained: one side of the players are very poor, and the speed is 5 to 8 seconds than other first-class players. The other party's player is obviously in advance, and it has been an estimate of this, so I specially brushed a group of wild blames, and I went to the other country in advance.

Sure enough, after half a minute, the two sides have encountered the wild, brushing a faster party with Yi to wait, directly putting the other party, forced back, and then comfortably eat all the monsters of the other party, and establishing an economic advantage in the early stage.

The rabbit tail is broadcast again and again has been screwed by various 666!

The two explanations have been paving from the beginning, saying that the wild player brushed the wild, and the other party played the invasion of these 5 to 8 seconds, and established the economic advantage in the early stage. .

And the official explanation, OB did not realize this, until both party players encountered the lens. The audience is nothing to know about the two people.

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