Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 944 Rabbit live is always the most professional!

In the official live broadcast, the opening of this game is actually very inexpected.

It's all normal start, there is no invasion, there is no one level, but it is only a part of the invading, playing a set of skills, grab a few wild monsters, what does this mean?

Just a few of the wild, plus a lot of economic differences, it may be one or two of the money on the economic panel.

Moreover, the official explanation also feels that this is not important. After all, it can only be a balance between the 1000 economy, and the difference in the economic difference can be considered a significant disadvantage.

In this way, the official explanation feels completely not to affect the winning rate and direction of this Council.

But the two professional players in the rabbit tail live this are not so much.

They have foreseen the subtle gap between the two sides in the wild, and predicted this invasion, and pointed out a series of chain reactions after this invasion.

After the wilder player had to go home, the self-contained road did not dare to take the line as before, and the awareness of the original on the line period walked. Although both parties have not to catch up, the line on the line has changed.

After the advantageous player player after eating the other party, it is not only in the economic lead, but more importantly, it is leading experience. After that, he will continue to find a chance to catch people, invaders.

Because the first half of the other party has no misery, the other party wants to make up the development of the development, only to brush the wild in the next half, caught people; if the risk of catching the road is too high, even if it succeeds, it is not necessarily earned, it is possible Kill people, but I can't brush the wild monsters. The other side of the wild in the wild, and the next half of the wild, it will be bombed.

In this case, the field of the advantage is full of the initiative, which can guess the current action. In addition, the level of the two wild fields has gapped, and a small poor disadvantage in the early stage has quickly rolled up the snowball!

Looking at the officially explained the audience doesn't know these, they only look at the results: the wild in the wild is caught in the wild area, hitting the door; trying to catch the road and being squatted, down the road, cracking ... ...

But they didn't know the deep reasons behind this, they were derived from the second few seconds of the previous brush.

Once this soft rib is caught by the other party, it is a one-step fault, step by step, and the active "smart" behavior of the scenes, it is actually not the player really has such vegetables, but his action route It has been guessing, between two options in poor difference, he can only be forced to choose the relatively unfractal option, but this can not save the situation, and still seems to be very stupid.

At the rabbita, the audience who watched the non-official streak is very surprised to find that this competition is so good?

Previously, many people watching the games were just to see a lively. After a game was finished, it was only to leave the impression, just a few day show, or two three waves lay win the battle, but these content It is easy to replace, and I forgotten it after a few hours.

However, the commentary of the live broadcast of the rabbit is not the focus of the commentary, although they are also very passionate in the explanation of the group battle, but more is the various layouts and preparations of the two sides before analyzing the group. In how the strong part wants to expand its advantage, the weak part is how to find a chance to break the deadlock.

The official explanation is in the tile, telling the things that are happening in the competition, putting the weights in key groups;

The resolution of rabbit-tailed live is completely different. Most of the time is exploring deep content through the current competition, analyzes the tactical arrangements and motivations of both parties, and will conduct in-depth explanations, passionate group battle. The explanation is only the existence of a brocade.

Various "666" classes floated, the explanation of the live broadcast of rabbits allows the audience to open your eyes.

"Fine! Too fine!"

"Even the eye, how much is there?"

"The experience of an eye is allowed to upgrade the two lines first upgrade level 2 guarantee line advantage? Too thin!"

"I guess the other party to invade the wild area, this is the spoiler explanation?"

"It is a professional player, this game is really too high!"

"I said, why do some professional players will dream, they will appear in the inexplicable place, and the official explanation always said that people are lost, and the pressure is big. It is now not lost, that is some of the tactical arrangements. However, it is only caught by the other party, cracking! "

"This is a professional competition, any mistakes of anything will be caught, expand rapidly, sometimes you don't make any big mistakes, but you can't win!"

"The live broadcast of the rabbit is the total live broadcast platform, really professional! The official explanation is worshiped, I will only watch the game live in the rabbit!"

"Official explanation is a platinum, diamond level, they can understand a hammer competition, all of which are on the rest of the field. Some players are really hit, but that is also tactical, it is the problem of the entire team, Can't simply attribute to 'dish' or 'mistake'! "

"The previous game is really white. If you only look at the head, look at the battle, what does it mean? This pre-tactical game, the resources are accurate to a position, a set of wild blame, catch a few seconds The time difference played a few thousand economic advantages, this is the real charm of e-sports! "

The barrage of the live broadcast is crazy, obviously, many viewers' game understandings are completely subverted.

Previously, many viewers had a wrong understanding, thinking that the game is nothing more than a higher-end five-black qualifying, but the personal strength is stronger, the team is better.

But after listening to these two professional players, I found out that the details were completed after the game, I found it at all!

In the competition, the top professional team with the gap between the ordinary professional team, is larger than the gap between diamonds and gold in the ranking.

These deep, detail tactical games are the most exciting part of the game.

I feel that the official explanation is also a good solution, but now I am a comparison with the resilience of the rabbita, it is simply a high-end!

Many people not only sent a small gift, but also went to major forums to post, propaganda's unofficial streaks of the rabbit live.

"Everyone goes to the rabbit live broadcast to see the live broadcast of ICL! The two professional players explained that the official explanation of the game is complete!"

"It's too exciting, the two understands are just like a player's action on the command."

"These details estimate that only the coach and analysts of the professional team can see it, we can see it really earn!"

Soon, the unofficial flow of rabbit-tailed live broadcast said that the entire IOI player circle was opened!

Before, everyone discussed the game, who was arrested, and who had a crime, who is the worst, and then see who is MVP, who has played a famous scene, in short, the topic discussed is basically floating.

But after this competition, everyone discusses the brush speed, visual field arrangement, tactical selection, and so on.

After the end of this game, the official explained the MVP to board the player, because from the data, the data of the boarding player was the most gorgeous, and the group played more excellent.

However, the explanation of the live broadcast of the rabbit is to give MVP to the wild player. Because on the road player made a little fault in the line, it was difficult to cause the line. It was the end of the homage player's invasion. After the road pressure, after the GANK and one squat, the road was given, so the late stage of the road Can take over the competition.

What's more, this Wild player played a good job, although the data is not very good, although the data is not very nice, but it is died in order to die, it can be said to die is very valuable.

Therefore, the live broadcast of the rabbit is after comprehensive consideration, or the MVP will grand up the wild player.

If there is no explanation, this MVP looks a bit strange. After all, the KDA of the wild player is not good, and there is no particularly wonderful operating scene.

However, after reading the audience of the whole game, there is no objection to this MVP, but it is to give MVP to it, it is very uncomfortable!

After the MVP is selected, there have been a variety of different sounds in the official live broadcast of the major live platform ICLs.

"This MVP should give you wild, know how to understand."

"The official explanation is not, it is recommended to see the commentary of the live broadcast of the rabbit."

"Look at the official explanation is really a variety of details, there is a lot of fun. I really can understand the live broadcast of the rabbit, there is no problem?"

The superpo tube of the platform is tube, but it can't manage it, because the brush is too much!

Even if the keyword is blocked, there are 10,000 methods to show "rabbit-tailed live".

So, many people have opened the lives of the ICL league of the rabbit tailed, and they went completely after reading a few minutes!

From the tactical prediction before the game, to BP analysis, then to the tactical arrangements in the game, the players' battle strain ... The official explanation of the two professional players who came to the rabbit tailings are not at a horizontal line, and the gap is clear. !


At the same time, Longyu Group.

Zhao Ximing has just finished the phone with Zhu Yan, and learned about the situation of broadcast unofficial rhizophones in rabbits.

The deputy generals of these live platforms are anxious.

Although the delay is gone, the live broadcast of the rabbit is still rushing from them!

All major live broadcast platforms have a group of taps in spontaneous propaganda. The audience who go to the rabbit is basically no more, and the heat gradually decreases. Who is going to live?

Zhao Ximing is also speechless.

I thought that this has passed, and the major platforms broadcast the ICL league. Their respective heat is, and his main energy can also put it in other respects.

But now there is another branch!

Regardless of how the ICL league develops, there will always be winners, and this winner seems to always be a total!

At the beginning, the total cost of the ICL league was bought, and the live broadcast of the rabbit tailed, and it was the impression of all the audience to establish all the audience all the data.

When the heat is absorbed, I have done a distribution of the transfer of the ICL League. Finally, it is equivalent to a penny, and there is a lot of money, and it is also a blood.

Thirty seconds delayed although there is no long time, but also left the inherent impression of "rabbit-tailed live broadcast", from other platforms, a group of viewers.

Now, it's hard to go back to the same running line, and the unofficial rhizophone has been successful, or you should continue to grab other platform users!

Of course, Zhao Ximing is also very clear, this is no wonder.

In all the way, it is the meaning of the official stream, but I just didn't expect the official explanation. It was shredded.

At the end of the root, or this official explanation is too rice!

Holding such a good resource, leading the elogenous salary, basically will not accept the competition of too many foreign worlds, and the result is still complete!

Although the comments of the platinum and diamond segmentation will be aware of the budget than the game, but the audience can do this.

The viewer wants to see is a professional analysis, you don't, that is embarrassed, let's see others.

Zhao Ximing wants to get angry, spend so much money, and raise the official explanation. As a result, it is not as good as the unfair flow of the rabbit tail. This is really this!

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