Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 945 ICL Officially is also looking for professional players to explain!

In the evening, the GPL League has finished the two games on Saturday.

After the end of the interview, the host introduced the schedule of tomorrow, and then the audience will start in order.

The two official explained that he had grown up. Today's work is finally completed, you can go back to rest.

Have to say, it is true that it is also an individual, it seems simple, driving the mouth, but actually there are many things.

The full spirit of the explanation must be highly concentrated. It can't miss too many details. It can't show too many mistakes. Sometimes I will go back to try to make some game knowledge. I will understand the latest stalks on the Internet. If I take the official shot Some other programs, this day's working hours are easily out of ten hours.

However, the two explanations have not come to pick up the headset, I heard the brightened: "Don't go first, to the lounge, Zhao always has something to say."

The so-called Zhao, must be Zhao Xunming, Longyu Group.

The two explanted it.

They know Zhao Ximing, but they really meet, but there are not many deals. Because Zhao Ximing's level is too high, even if there is anything, it is the leader of the ICL League project team, and then the leadership is then conveyed by the lead.

This time, Zhao Ximing personally look for him to meet, what does this mean?

The two people came to the lounge in the background with a mood.

However, just in the lounge, they stunned.

More people!

Not only two of them, even other explanations that have nothing to do today are all arrived.

In addition, all staff members responsible for OB and background data analysis are all coming, and the whole lounge is full of people.

Obviously, when the competition is still in progress, Zhao Ximing has already gave these people.

Such a big burst, let everyone feel a little, do not know what Zhao is going to do, and it is very worried.

Zhao Ximing's face is not very nice. He got a look at the remote control, and the big TV on the lounge began to play a competition video.

Two explanations, this is not today we just explained the game?

But I discovered it carefully, this is not the version they explain!

Obviously, this is the video of the rabbit-tailed life to explain today.

Zhao Ximing did not speak, others naturally did not dare to speak, the whole lounge was very quiet, only the voice of the rabbit-tailed bullets echoed throughout the conference room.

"We see that the official picture gives a tower rate up to 74%, but in fact this team has several pre-tactics, can't be generalized ..."

The explanation did not understand Zhao Xuming's intentions, but listened to the problem.

Obviously, the commentary of the live broadcast of rabbits is much more professional!

The same data, the contents they analyze too surface, and the explanation of the live broadcast of rabbits can always dig out more information through other data.

And the gap between the two sides is more than this, from the pre-tactical prediction, to the BP, then explain the details of the game process ... Today's two explanations can be said to be the explanation of the live broadcast of the rabbit!

The face of the two explanations can't help but get it.

Zhao Ximing played the audition video of the live broadcast of rabbit tailed in front of so many people, it is equivalent to being punished in public, who is going to live!

It's too bad!

More terrible is that there are more than half of the commentary video over the live broadcast of the rabbit, and now all the audiences of all ICL leagues have seen the contrast between the two sides!

Other comments are the same low, and the heart is celebrated, and worry.

Fortunately, today I happened to you, there is no first to step on the pit, being a whip in front of everyone; worrying, my own level is half a catty with today's two, waiting for himself. It is necessary to be lifted!

Not only the comments, OB also has a team that provides data support from the background, but also understands the intention of Zhao's respect.

Is all the pots to explain, are they there?

Of course not!

The OB of the rabbit-tailed broadcast is OB in accordance with the requirements of the solution, explaining that I want to see the brush of the two sides, OB puts the main lens in both parties.

Therefore, there is also a big difference between rabbit-tailed live and official OB.

Even when the last gives MVP, the MVP of both parties is different.

In short, the live broadcast of rabbits does have much better than the official, and this is a full range, from the solution to the OB to data support, basically a full rolling state.

Until the game is over, Zhao Ximing presses the pause button on the remote control.

"Now I understand why I am looking for you?"

"You are official explanation, it should be the highest level, and the result is hit by an unofficial explanation of a live platform!"

"Now online public opinion, the official live broadcast of each live platform ran a lot, shameless is not shameless!"

"You are also a professionals, in this industry, there is a rich work experience, how can you make this look? Is there a problem with the ability, or have a problem?"

Zhao Ximing, this series of trues, I asked everyone.

Several comments are silently shouted.

Can this blame us?

You let us go to the FV team's second team, the professional player active than the game, is this not funny? We are all Platinum, diamond level!

Compared with the game understanding of the professional players, there are several Pacific Ocean.

And we have always explained this from other games, and there is no problem. We work hard every day to get off work, practice your mouth, understand the game knowledge, and work hard?

How can we do it now as a group of deaths such as a group of deaths?

But I think so in my heart, I don't dare to say this.

The commentary video of the rabbit-tailed live broadcast they also saw, have to admit that the two sides did significant gaps.

Now I can't recognize that there is a problem, and I can't recognize that there is a problem with the attitude. Whether it is, I have a big problem.

What is the problem?

Finally, it is also a more witty, standing out, the words: "Zhao always, don't bother."

"This, I have to admit that our two professional players found in the live broadcast of the rabbit, there is still a certain gap in the game understanding, this we must admit."

"Our explanation is a class of books, and it is better to explain the professional literacy, and there is no professional player specializing in the game understanding."

"But this problem is not difficult to solve, we can join some professional players in the normal explanation of the work."

"Like a live broadcast of rabbits, the official explanation of the rhythm, professional players, or the former professional player as a professional analysis, two coordinated, and similar results can also be achieved."

The best attitude is definitely still comfortable Zhao Ximing, and then gives the official explanation of the ICL league.

Although these explanations are different in the game understanding, it is impossible to compare with professional players.

Because these explanations are all coming from a process, they are born. They also explain other games before ICL league. They are also a person with a face, and there is still an intricate relationship. How can you say it.

Zhao Ximing did not intend to open these explanations. What should I do if a group of people from the new recruit?

Therefore, this time Zhao Ximing is just to beat the leading and tap of ICL League, let them a little crisis, and can find way to improve their own level.

The official explanation of the ICL league is not as good as the unofficial explanation of the live broadcast of the rabbit, which is too outrageous. It is unacceptable at all.

Since the mainguell has been stateous, there is no need to be too harsh.

Zhao Ximing said: "All commentary, go back every day, give me the resolution of the live broadcast of the rabbita from the head to the end, the rest of the plate, improve your own game understanding!"

"In addition, the official real-time data app will soon be done soon, it should be launched on various platforms, I hope to improve the situation of the spectators of each platform."

"There is also the time to hurry to find some game understanding, the professional players who have been able to go, as the special guests of the explanation, this matter must be implemented as soon as possible."

Then, Zhao Ximing said to the assistant: "You are slightly staring at this matter, always report to me."

The assistant nodded: "Good Zhao,"


at night.

The boss of the Sug Equipment Club has just ended the meal of several friends, ready to go back to sleep.

As a result, I just got a small meeting, the phone rang.

When I got up, I was handed over from Yang Yang.

"Ding, there is something to report with you."

"I just called the ICL League, ask our club, there is no professional player who wants to transform the explanation, saying that there is a good opportunity."

Ding Ji is somewhat inexplicably: "Isn't it previously recommended?"

Yi Yu reminded: "No, Ding, we recommend that Lao Zheng is the person who comes to the bare, it is recommended to the rabbita. Now is the official explanatory team of ICL League."

Ding Ji said: "That should be gone! Our main player is playing well, the substitute and youth training players must be carefully trained, but also the old Zheng age is bigger, so let him go to explain, other People are suitable. "

Yu Yu said: "The little high is OK, the mouth is good, and it will be active."

Ding Fu was not happy: "That's not, the little high is now a substitute, but he just has been 18 years old, just as a year, soon will mention a team, send it to understand that it is not a waste Yet?"

Yu Yu said: "Well, Ding, I think so ... it ... directly?"

Ding Yuxi thought: "I can only get back, who makes them don't come early? The rabbit is broadcast, and we have already given the right candidate. Zhao Ximing is coming, we can't force it. "

"... Does he can't find a suitable person?"

Yi Yan said: "That is not. According to I know, when the live broadcast of the rabbit is just a person in the FV team and our team, other teams have not asked."

"After all, our two clubs are better than the total relationship."

"If the official explanation team of the ICL League is found to find some of the other clubs, you should still find some suitable candidates."

"Just these people's game understanding will be slightly worse, after all, the strength and game understanding of the FV team is now unique, our team is more than their first gear, and there are several figures in the back."

Ding Fu said: "That is nothing to do with us."

"Ok, let's reply, we love it."

Manager Yang: "Good Ding."

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