Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 952 is an official explanation of ICL!

At the end, a unique preview, three people stopped to rest, drink water throat.

It is gratifying that although this professional player has not experienced the experience, it is still good, and it is very good after a few hours.

Seeing three people rest, the ICL league's broadcast came over and put the information in the hands of three people.

"This is the pre-match data group, there are two teams and the data of the players, and there is a forecast for the BP today, you will see it in advance, familiar with familiarity."

"After waiting for it, these information also bring up, then bring a branch, and the explanation can be as empty as it is like it."

The lead is also a three.

When you explain it, the official explanation is because there is no match information on the table, it is laughing by the audience.

In fact, this thing is quite unreasonable, because the ICL League has also been broadcast for a while, and it has always been empty before, and there is no opinion.

As a result, the second road of the rabbit tailed, the audience saw a list of people with live broadcast of the rabbit, a tablet, and then looked at the official explanation. This is empty, and immediately started picking up.

The commentary of the live broadcast of people's rabbit is so high, but also seriously do homework, preparations in front of the game, the key node of small book records in the competition; the official explanation of the game is scared, Instead, don't you prepare?

This is called the attitude determined that success or failure, no wonder the official explanation game is bad, not just the ability is not good, the attitude is not!

Many spectators have held this point of view, so this ICL official does not dare to follow the audience's head and make the work on these faces.

Of course, these data is definitely true and useful.

Data is not a bad thing, the more data that the official explains, the more you can explain it, after all, there is nothing more convincing than a clear number.

In addition, the real-time data function prepared before, and it has already been officially launched.

Everything is ready, and I will officially start the afternoon.


Near 5 pm, the ICL league live broadcast of major live broadcasts has also accepted the broadcast signal in the game. The audience also received a plane ticket from major live broadcasts, on time.

Today is still two games, 5 pm is a non-related game, while the FV team's game arranged at 7 o'clock in the evening.

This arrangement is also taken care of most people's watch time, 7 points in the evening, especially at 7 o'clock in the weekend, and the number of people watching, it must arrange the FV of this star team to these time.

For the official of the ICL League, the first game can also make the new explanation combination in advance, adapt to the adaptation, and save it up and explain that the FV game is too high, if there is a problem, it is not easy to clean up.

"Good afternoon afternoon, welcome to the third week of the ICL League Spring Festival, the second game of the second game ..."

The official explanation is still the same as the usual, but only the audience of each live broadcast can find some changes in the official explanation.

The first thing is more than one person who is only seen in the player picture of the game. Second, the second is no longer empty on the stage, but also a lot of information on the neighborhood of the rabbit tail.

After the opening of the white, the explanation of the responsible control center also introduced the new comment on the audience: His current status is still a professional player, this time is to better interpret the game content, bring the audience The game experience, so there is time to come.

Of course, "temporary passenger strings" is just a kind of trust, in order to test the response of the audience.

If the audience's feedback is relatively good, then make this professional player in a chapter; if the audience is not good, it can also be transformed into people.

In addition, the explanation of "real-time data" is also introduced to the "real-time data" function, reminding the audience to play the real-time data list as long as you click on the small bubbles in the upper right corner, with professional explanation, you can get a more viewing Experience.

Zhao Ximing also came to the scene today. At the bottom of the stage, he looked at the game, while watching the mobile phone network with mobile phone.

"The official platform also lives with the rabbit tail? It is also looking for a professional player to explain, but also do real-time data, can you turn it again?"

"This is not patented, there is any copying, and then, it is not all in order to improve the watch experience."

"I feel that I know the wrong can change, be good. If the official live broadcast continues to the iron, don't change, then there is a big problem!"

"It's really, this is a benign competition, nothing is very dangerous."

"It seems that today I don't have to run to the rabbita live, I'm going to watch the game, or the client broadcasting the wolf is more comfortable!"

It is still more positive for the roof of netizens, which makes Zhao Xun's heart.

As before, it is planned, responsible for the contestation of the game, briefly introduces the two sides of the first game, and throws the words to the professional player, let him be responsible for the prediction and analysis before the game.

This professional player is also prepared, from both the tactical reserves, star players, recent game version characteristics, etc., with the data provided on the picture, and the data provided in real-time data functions, The head is the way.

Next, the BP links in both sides have also predicted with this professional player.

Because the lineup of the two sides is nothing more than three factors, the first look at the strong hero and lineup, the second look at the player's hero pool, the third look at the entire lineup After the previous line, the battle, the straps Multiple dimensions of paper strength.

The professional player's understanding of these two middle and lower reaches, plus the officials provided by the official offer, and there is a guessing between the two sides to guessing eight nine, often said a hero, the player on the court Locked.

After the start of the game, the situation in the style of the game, the group war solution is responsible for explaining the passion group, and the professional player is inserting his own understanding of the current situation, and analyzing from the perspective of both parties A play.

For example, how strong the strong party will expand its own advantage, and the weak side should avoid resource replacement.

Although the cooperation between the three explanations occasionally there will be small flaws, there will be the situation of grab, but the overall effect is still very good.

After this game, Zhao Ximing once again opened the live broadcast between the ICL League of major live platforms and major forums to view feedback from netizens.

"Today's official explanation is praised!"

"The two old fritters are still very good, the rhythm is controlled very perfect, and the group battle is also very passionate, plus professional analysis, today's explanation is not impulsive."

"There is still someone to abandon these old solutions. The game is not understanding. Now it is no longer can't really do it, let them bring rhythm."

"The fact that the so-called 'expertise' is not difficult to broadcast there, the official explanation of this side of the professional player, the official explanation will be almost the level!"

"It is indeed, it is necessary to say that the extent is the degree of passion, or the official explanation is more winning!"

"There are still many people to broadcast the live broadcast of the rabbit, and I can blow up the book on the stage. Now? Official explanation is not bad?"

Looking at the speech of netizens, Zhao Xuming could not help but be self-sufficient.

Take a look!


Sure enough, the game understanding of the professional players worse, the live broadcast of the rabbit is coming to the two professional players, nothing is to engage in a first, how can it always explain the official explanation on the ground?

Zhao Ximing couldn't help but let go, put your mobile phone, and continue to look down on the game.


Soon, the first game was over 2: 0.

Although this game is not a focus war, it is obvious that the strength of both parties has a certain gap, and the inferiority does not have too much resistance to play GG.

This is also a little concern about Zhao Ximing. It is a serious fault of the entire GPL league. The topmost FV team is a unique file. The next gear is SUG, and it is another team.

This is no way, after all, the soil of the national service IOI is not too good, the fresh blood is small, the team behind the back is not easy to catch up, so this strength fault may still last for a long time in the future.

However, for Zhao Ximing, this is not a particularly serious problem, and later will be resolved with the rapid development of the GPL league.

Even if you are anxious, this problem is impossible to solve it quickly, let alone Zhao Xuming still has more important work to do.

After a simple transceiver, today's focus, that is, the FV team's game is about to open.

The data of the two teams in the second game has been given to the Taiwan, and the three explanations are familiar with this data when the gap is inserted.

Professional players turned over receiving a few FV team, said confident: "Collectors in recent fv teams, basically in two sets of tactics."

"Although they have different heroes in several games, they have not been separated from these two tactics."

"If there is no accident today, it should still use the two sets of tactics."

Asked the game: "The FV team is not a tactical complexity?"

Professional player nodded: "They are indeed known as tactical complexity, but now there is no need to expose too much tactics."

"Since the FV team hits the team of weak strength, the two sets of tactical rotation can always win, then it is not necessary to expose other tactics."

"Anyway, our club habits are like this, 'Big Zhao' will only use the real key scene."

The control field is very happy: "If this is the case, it is good. If you continue to use this mature tact, our explanation is very good."

Because two sets of tactics commonly used by the FV team have been studied many times, from the tactical choice of tactics from the selection, all aspects have been understood.

If the FV team continues to use this tactics, then these three official explanations can speak in advance, reach the effect of "spoiled explanation".

Coupled with the very passionate group war, it will definitely be better than the commentary of the live broadcast!

The three explanations also hurriedly told the guns, and they were full of confidence in the commentary.


After a short break time, the second game is as scheduled.

The team members of the FV team admitted to the scene of the tsunami, and the cheers of the tsunami.

The number of views and barrages between major live broadcasts have also have a very significant rise.

As a short war of the World Face, the Spring Festival held the king of the winning record, the FV team almost occupied the traffic of the entire ICL league, saying that the iCL league is not exaggerated.

Seeing the audience so much, the three explanations are also rubbed, and they are ready to perform in front of the audience.

Soon, the game entered the BAN selection.

"From the ICL League to start, the FV team still maintains unbearable gold, today's bad results continue to keep it? Let us wait and see!"

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