Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 953 The gap between the explanation is the realm of the company.

After the control field is explained, it will be handed to the professional player, let him start his performance: Analyze the BP of the FV team.

The professional contest confidence on the official explanation is full: "The recent tactics of the FV team mainly have two sets, and a set of global stomaties with the wings of the blade, and the other set is the core of chaotic bad luck. Warring Battle. These two heroes started from the World Competition. Although it has been slightly weakened, it is still prejected by many batteries. "

"Let's take a look at the hero of the FV team, basically, can determine the lineup of their games to choose."

"Hey ... The opponent Ban has fallen the blade."

"This hero is the core hero of the global stream. Its function is not alternative, so most of the FV team is to choose a chance of chaotage."

"Hey ... The other party has a chaotic bad luck."

"In this case……"

This professional player has helped.

This opponent has not given the face too!

I have prepared for a long time, the two sets of lineup lineups, there is a lot of tactics in the game, as long as this game is open, I can directly let all the audience see what is called saying, what is called drama The permeable explanation.

As a result, two core heroes gave me BAN.

If it is not lost by BAN, most of the FV team will choose these two tactics in the mentality of Tibet, but now, the situation is full!

The eyes of the professional player Kak, the explanation of the control center is rushing: "It seems that the opponent is also prepared before the match, and the FV team has been very deep! So how to deal with the current situation What? I think they may have to take a new tactic. "

Nowadays, the live broadcast has been cut to the game screen, and there is no picture on the broadcast station. The control field comes slightly touched the work player with elbows, meaning that this small episode does not have to be affected, continue to explain.

Professional players also reacted quickly and stabilized.

He thought about it, it's also, the FV team has always been in these two tactics. You can see it. The other party's coach group is not stupid, and it will definitely see.

Just didn't think that the other party didn't grab itself, and did not study the lineup of these two sets of playing. Instead, it was directly simple and roughland Ban. This still made him somewhat caught.

Although the FV team is often used by Ban, it is completely free, and it is directly locked, directly locking the third MVP of the finals.

The professional players on the unconventional player saw this scene.

Teacher, this question, I will!

Isn't this a gameplay that is a game that is directly suppressed with the ghost blacksmith directly to eat all the wild districts and mid-circle war lines?

After the World Finals, many professional players have studied this tactics, of course, there are many ways to explain.

"FV chose a robust swordsman, and then obviously planning the ghost blacksmith, then the world's finals!"

However, his voice did not fall, and he saw the opponent's first step to grab the ghost blacksmith.

The professional player's mouth is tensive, and once again falls into the silence.

How to explain this!


Also, the collant station of the rabbit tailed.

The host responsible for controlling the ground is also surprised after seeing the other party to lock the ghost blacksmith.

"It seems that the other party is ready to be fully prepared. From the BAN, you will be aimed at this system, know the storm swordsman and the ghost blacksmith.

"That's like this, I am afraid that the FV team is a very bad news, because the storm swordsman is weak in the wild, there is no ghost blacksmith to provide additional experience and economy. Once the other person is targeted, it is likely to be in three The road collapsed. What do the two teachers think about this selection? "

The two players of the FV second team did not live, it seems that all this is within their expectations.

"In fact, this situation is definitely in the expectations of the FV team."

"This routine has been used in the World Competition. Others can't know. If you want to take, the best way is to take two heroes in purple, and the latter blue square will be out together. But fv Since the team grabbed in the blue side, he did not afraid of the other party to grab the ghost blacksmith. "

"In fact, it is also very simple. Since the other party chooses the ghost blacksmith, you can only go down. Since the next road will naturally disadvantage. So as long as the FV team also gets the right line, do a good view You can protect the wild area of ​​the storm swordsman ... "

Two people, I have a paragraph, saying the FV team roughly the idea.

Finally, I added a sentence: "Of course, this play can only be used when the line of the three lines of the opposite line is not as good as it is, and it is necessary to accurately catch the other party's open line, in order to successfully avoid the previous period The wild area collides. This play can not succeed, but also look at the field of view and one level arrangement after the opening of the two sides ... "


On the other hand, the explanation of the official platform can only speculate on the approximate play of both parties according to subsequent selection.

"I think it is possible that the FV team found alternatives to the ghost blacksmith in this tactics, so I wanted to take the implantation intensity."

"It is also possible because the nearest version of the storm swordsman has added a little bit of growth attack power, so the FV team's Wild player thinks of the storm swordsman thinking that it can now be on the career game without a ghost blacksmith. ...... "

The three explanations don't know what the exact intention of the FV team is, only guess.

Although professional players have much professionals than these two comments, it is only limited to what he understands.

For some mature tactics, he certainly has a lot of saying, including how the previous field of view and lineup is arranged, and various details are believers.

But what do you say for a tactics he doesn't understand?

He can only rely on guess, although guess than the other two explanations more professional, but the correct answer from the FV team is still poor for 100,000 miles.


Under the stage, Zhao Ximing couldn't help but frown.

He can see that the professional players who are responsible for the audience are obviously not state, although it is constantly proposing their own analysis, but it seems to be a state in which the cat is hitting the mortal, full relying.

Zhao Ximing hurriedly opened the live broadcast of the live broadcast of the rabbit, and wear the headphones listened carefully.

The more you are more and more cool.

Because the explanation of the live broadcast of the rabbit is completely different from the official explanation, and the situation on the court has developed in full on the live broadcast of the rabbit!

Look at the barrage of the two live broadcasts, it is already two completely different paintings.

"The original shape is revealed?"

"The last game has been in the official platform's game understanding, and the results have found only because the previous topic is too simple ..."

"This time I encountered the high-end tactics of the FV team, the official explanation is not good."

"It seems that this buddy is not good if there is no reason, this pass analysis is like a tiger, the result is completely wrong, how can this might not hang it?"

"It's far away, don't toss, or go to the rabbita live ..."

In the live broadcast of the live broadcast of the rabbit, the barrage is all the "professional", "cattle", and the official live broadcast, the barrage has become "a born," said "," "

The barrage of the two live broadcasts forms a distinct contrast.

Although the heat of each live broadcast platform is virtual, it can't see a clear decline, but the number of rapid growth in the live broadcast of rabbit-tailed live broadcast has explained everything ...

The number of live broadcasts of rabbits is true and will not lie.

Obviously, the official explanation of the superpower of the first game has attracted a lot of viewers, increasing a lot of heat. However, after the official explanation, these virtual heats have all run.

Everyone discovered the professionalism of the officially explained that Xiao Qixi's cat, sometimes very professional, sometimes it is complete.

This field is also a focus war, explaining whether a professional directly affects the viewing experience, so many audience naturally ran back to the rabbit tail.

Not only is the live platform on both sides, but there are many people in the forum in discussing.

"It seems that the FV team is indeed a unique team, just take a tactics to scam the other professional team players."

"The level of ICL league is still better than the GPL League. You think, the neighboring station of the rabbit-tailed live broadcast is just casually looking for some staff from the GPL league, explaining it directly from the FV team two teams, quite So a temporary grass platform team, the result is this, also gives the ICL League's officially prepared explanation! "

"Although I updated real-time data function, what is the use of these data? Still have a professional explanation to explain that these data is wonderful."

"Tenda Group will come out and have such a high game understanding?"

"How do you say it, always truly do a game, , , , , , , , ,,, , , , , , , , , ?

"It's really, I feel that the whole Tengda Group is a tiger dragon. I am afraid that there is no dish, all the game understands all."

"Although Longyu Group is a game company, the main purpose is not to develop games but make money, the gap on the realm determine the gap between the game understanding, so say no problem."

"There is a saying, it is true."

"Forget it, there will be such a game game in the future, and the live broadcast is the best. The game understands is absolutely guaranteed. Other platforms are really no."

Zhao Ximing read more speechless.

What ghosts, this is all!

Do you talk about the game, which is there?

On a game, is it for the gap between the Longyu Group's "realm" in the "realm"?

Do you have a brain?

And "there is a ghost to see the game in the game game," What is the ghost?

Zhao Ximing is very angry. It was carefully prepared to start the key war before today, let the official explanation to find the face before, I did not expect it to completely lost!

The best in the game, not only paying a light, but also a lot of stuck!

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