Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 957 ICL team is all replaced with a hosted fitness!

March 24th, Saturday afternoon.

The boss of the SUG club is free, FV and SUG two teams have no game today, just go to Wu Yue.

After getting over the World Face, the Sug Club continued to heat up with the relationship between the FV club, and there was a little brothers and the brothers.

This may be the so-called "you me, I have no money, I have money".

The two teams have nothing to do, and the Sug team will also say that the famous team in the domestic electricity field is also a well-known team. The FV team can only be considered, and Wu Yue is thinking that it is difficult to climb.

However, in the World World, I went to Los Angeles. Sug was also beneficial as a sparring. In addition, there was a total relationship with the total, so the two bosses were getting closer, and the relationship was getting better and better.

Of course, Ding Yuba often comes to the FV team, and to learn the advanced experience of the FV team, strive to make SUG can also make better results.

It's just that it is often different. Today, I just entered the door, Ding Ju felt something different.

The main teams of the FV team did not train, and trained in the indoor empty, only a few substitutes of the land manager and the second team.

See Ding Li in, the land manager immediately stood up and greeted: "Tong."

It's all old acquaintances, and there is no need to kindly, Ding Fu asked directly: ", Wu Chi players? How is it not training today? Is there any special event?"

Man is explained: "Ding always, they are in the conference room, today fingers come to people, to talk to the players to championship."

Ding Ji stunned: "Oh! Do you start talking about the championship?"

Land manager nodded: "Yes, it seems that the company has been busy with the version update of IOI and the preparation of the Fashion area league, nowadays."

"After all, you have to come to the company's headquarters, so delay for a while."

Ding Ji nodded, and he also heard a little wind for the iOi version.

The company and the high-rise of the Dawak Group have been very unsatisfactory for the FV team.

It's not because of what is the prejudice for the domestic team. The key is that the FV team is a team of competitors, and the key to the game is to play the data support behind Tenda game, which is equal to the top of the world. The head of the company, proves that Tengda's designers and balancer are more excellent than fingers.

It is also more comfortable to "GOG in imitation of IOI".

Therefore, in order to weaken the FV team's strength, it is necessary to play a new round of version update. Plus the major overseas leagues including the North Mi area are also prepared, so until now take time to send the designer team to find the FV club to discuss the championship skin.

Yan Ji said: "Ding, they may need some time, or do you sit now?"

Ding Ji nodded, sat down on the sofa next to it, waiting for them to open.


At the same time, in the conference room.

FV team's boss Wu Yue, translation also five main team members sitting on the meeting table, and the other is from the two skin designers from finger.

Wu Yue said: "Things we have discussed much about the championship skin."

"Hero is the signature hero choosing our team members in the finals, including lava ancient trees, storm swordsman, blade wings ..."

"Then it is the overall style of the skin."

"Since it is the skin of the FV team, there must be a logo of the FV team. Anyway, return to the city special effects, signature these, this should be the most basic."

"Then it is two elements that our team preferred, I hope I can add it."

"The two also saw it, and our team logo has golden elements, and our team members also like the golden effect, so I hope to add golden elements in the skin's special effects, such as the scope skills exploding a lot of golden light. Special effects, etc. "

"Second, our team members are playing games with brains, and more likes to be cool, there is a sense of technology. So I hope to add some similar program code in the skin, the special effects like scientific formulas, such as guidance, back The city is waiting to show. "

Wu Yue first told the overall idea of ​​the FV team champion skin design.

After taking the overall style, the players also have some special custom requirements for their skin. For example, what kind of back-city action is used, should not increase what special elements in the skin.

The two designers listened to the translation, nodded, while listening carefully.

The FV team's requirements are still very reasonable.

Tu Haojin everyone loves, science and technology and digital sense are also in line with the preferences of the Internet addiction, this series of skin should be very popular.

One of the designers took care of it: "We can set the skin's theme to 'black gold technology'. The normal skin is black as the main tone, with some golden lines, the shape of the armor is a high-tech war armor. All weapons, no matter whether it is a cold weapon or a weapon, it is replaced by high-tech style. "

"With the improvement of the level, the golden elements on the body will gradually change, and the technology is strong."

"As for the effects of similar program code, you can add a large number of times when you release the boot skill or return to the city, give people a feeling of hacker world."

Wu Yue is very happy: "Yes, we want this feeling!"

"Then let the players let the players talk about the requirements of their skin, I will leave."


Leaving the meeting room, Wu Yue's mouth could not help but rose slightly, showing a smile.

Yes, these two designers from the headquarters of the headquarters have no doubts.

In fact, for championships, Wu Yue and team members have already discussed many times, have reached a consensus.

The FV team can win, who is the first work?

Of course, it is a total!

If you don't have a lot of money, it is also a package of food and a package, providing a perfect training environment, and find a special data analysis team and a sparring team, which greatly enhances the FV team in a short time. How can I get a championship with the original strength of the FV team?

So, this champion is sure to commemorate the total!

But this is not to express too obvious, it is best to let finger companies can't see it, but domestic players can see the best.

Therefore, Wu Yue and the team members have discussed for a long time, and finally identified two elements of gold and numbers.

The golden element is similar to the Saard of Gog, which is similar to the Memorial, and the number of fv teams are thrown.

In the IOI, I will leave the first set of championships as a commemoration, and it is also barely repaying the morality of the FV team!

Dingjiang is sitting on the sofa in the training room, seeing Wu Yue from the conference room and greeted him.

Two people are also very familiar, sitting on the sofa a little cold, and chatting with the nearest things in the two cents.

Dingquan looked at the second team players in the training room, suddenly felt that there was something wrong.

", , how do I think your team members seem to be more strong than last time? This is not too fast, you caught up with DGE's monsters!"

"How is my teammaker practice so long, it seems that I haven't seen the effect at all?"

Wu Yue squatted: "How do I know? Maybe people and people's physique cannot be generalized."

Ding Yu thought: "That's right, your team members are really different, but the overall body is getting better; my team members are different, but the fat is still fat, the thin Still thin, there is no change at all! "

"What do our team members won't be a fake gym?"

Wu Yue thought: "That ... also may be a problem with diet?"

Ding Fu is gently shooting the thigh: "Yes, it is definitely this!"

"At that time, Zhao Ximing made us cook aunt, go to the nearby gym card, and say that the price of subsidies is the same, so I don't care too much."

"It looks now, it is not such a thing!"

"The price of subsidies is the same, but the effect is too much!"

As a rich second generation, Dingyi is not often going to the club, but only occasionally goes. Previously, Zhao Ximing was the same as the money subsidized by the club, so Ding Fu did not think much.

I didn't expect it for a while, the gap is so big!

Ding Ji can't sit: "No, I have to go back!"


After leaving the FV club, Ding Ju directly returned to the SUG club.

Only, this time he didn't go straight, but stopped in the roadside and stopped the car, and then patiently waited.

According to the club's arrangement, the fitness time will be arranged after the in the afternoon, and after the fitness is over, come back to eat, and then rest and continue to play at night.

Look at the time, now the training game should be finished, as long as you stand at the door, you should go to the gym training team members.

Ding Fu waited for more than half an hour in the car. Sure enough, Sug's team members came out of the club and walked toward nearby gym.

There are a lot of cars, and Ding Fu also specially selected a relatively far position, so the team members are not realized that their own boss is in the eyes.

After the players walked away, Ding Fu came down from the car and looked down with lightly.

Sug's team members have been trained in the nearby gym, but they have no effect at all, not only to take the gap with the FV team's team members, but more far.

This makes it difficult to accept Ding Fu as a boss of the club!

He tailored and came to the gym near the training base, and then silently followed.

It was still a bit worried that it was a bit worried, but it quickly found that he thought, because there were many people in the evening in the afternoon, he mixed in the crowd, and the players did not pay attention.

In order to avoid exposure, Ding Ju is specially for a while, and after all the players are all replaced, they are hidden in the crowd.

I saw the team members found the private education of the sparred, and started today's training.

However, Ding Ji's brow is frowned soon, because he saw that these team members did not care seriously, but they were drawn!

There are a lot of people in the gym. Many of the power districts are occupied. If you want to use, you can only queue. Private education is just a team member to do some physical improvement training on the yoga pad, and the players are not particularly serious. When they are tired, they will give up on the yoga pad, and they have not played the best training effect.

Dingyi now understand why it is not significant for so long.

Because of the cooking aunt and ordinary gym, there is no hosted fitness in the fitness meal for taking the fish!

Although the coach of the gym is also due diligence, on the one hand, the equipment arrangement of the gym is not so free. On the other hand, on the other hand, private education does not dare to practice so embarrassment, the players draw the fish However, private education is not embarrassed to say that, you can only hear anything.

So, this fitness slowly flows in the form.

Even Ding Jiang suspect that these players are always in the fitness. When the club manager is not there, they will not come, the private education on the gym will not say more.

And it is sure not a SUG club family, other clubs outside the FV team are affirm that all the clubs are all almost, because the teams of other clubs are obviously also born with SUG half a pound, there is no difference.

Ding Fu is not happy at the time.

Like everyone's money, the FV team can use the fish takeaway and hosted the gym, the training effect is so good, we can only ask the aunt and ordinary gym, and don't see the effect for a long time?

It didn't come prior to, it was mainly not realized that there would be such a big difference.

Now I will come with Zhao Xuming together with Zhao Xuming, now there is always a problem with the fish takeaway and hosted the gym.

After all, the recent magic has also opened the fish takeaway and hosting the gym. It should be no problem with these professional players.

Thinking of that Ding Ju left directly, contact other club bosses to put Zhao Xun.

Does the players don't work well? Never!



March 26, Monday.

Yan Qian's case came to the office to view the situation of each department.

"It seems that there is no way to see these entity industries."

"Take a little today."

Yan Qian found in the work report of various departments, touched the fish netfa, touched the fish takeaway, hosted the report of the gym, and then viewed.

Since the previous entity industry enters the ultra-one city, Yu Qian has never seen the work of these departments.

Mainly, I am afraid to see the business of the prosperity, the scene is full, and I can only add it to myself.

But today, Yu Qian is still, it is ready to prepare in advance, so take a look.

"Touching the fish net coffee is really full of just opened."

"Well, expect, there is nothing to say."

"Well? The situation of hosting the gym is not bad? How many people have retired?"

Yan Qian saw the work report on the hosted gym last week, not so happy.

It seems that the hosted gym is a bit of soil and soil!

The hosted gym of the Magic Mono has many people registered during the opening, but they will soon advise a batch.

Because it is too much to host the gym, it is necessary to bundle the fitness meal to buy a lazy apartment, and strictly implement the fitness agenda, many people are not can't persist.

In fact, the hosted gym is also the same situation when Jingzhou just opened, and after washing a few dials, the customer group is roughly determined, after a while, because these customers are very obvious, so hosted gym Talented to fire.

And the white collections of the Magic, are obviously over the overestimation of their own perseverance.

"It's also good, can this happen to persist in one or two months? Don't ask for a loss, make money slowly."

Yu Qian opened the report of the fish for takeaway, and the situation was better than the hosted gym, but it was far from this hot situation in Beijing.

In fact, the reason is very simple, on the one hand, because the Magical has no garbage classification, on the other hand, because there are many foods in the magic, and the competitiveness of the fish is far less competitive than Beijing.

"Hey, say this, what is much more optimistic than I think?"

Yan Qian couldn't help but be happy.

It's been happy, the new week's work report has also been issued.

Yan Qian is a new week of work in the gym.

However, I just saw no two lines, and Yu Qian's smile was stiff.

"All clubs of the ICL League are all transferred to the hosted gym? And everyday diet is also replaced with fitness meals for taking the fish ?!"

A sunny day, let Yan Qian fainted.

What is this?

Isn't it still good last week?

Don't I use any Tenda industries before the ICL League? What is this?

Qian Qian immediately called a phone call.

"The team of the ICL league of the magic has replaced our gym, what is the situation?"

The common friends are somewhat surprised: "Hey, you still don't know?"

"It's also right, the business of the magic, maybe you don't pay attention."

"This, the SUG club's Dan finally found that his fitness effect was very poor. It didn't work for a long time. It was found that it was because the gym found, the team members were not well practiced, all in touch fish."

"Other clubs also have more or less similar situations, only the FV club is used by the hosted gym, and it is very fast."

"So the boss these clubs is not happy, everyone is the same subsidy, why are we using inferior service?"

"These bosses are still very concerned about these things. After all, the money is the same, the team members are not well trained, on the one hand, affecting the sense of view, on the other hand, also wasted time."

"So, the boss of several cents, I found Zhao Ximing, asked him to change into the gym and touched the fish taking the fish, and could not be taken."

"And their reasons are very sufficient, and the body is part of the shape, which is conducive to the club and even the entire ICL league, and the higher the quality of the team, the higher the quality of the world, and more hope for ICL in the World. League glory ... "

"Zhao Ximing should feel that anyway is the same money. They have been working with Tengda in the live broadcast of the rabbit. It doesn't matter if you cooperate."

"It is also enough for the store that hosted the fitness here, so it is all signed, and I have given them a little friendship."

"I have already said that the coaches over there must be strictly demanding these professional players, and strive to put them all in a muscular man, and they also play a reputation for the hosted gym!"

Yan Qian hangs the phone, caught in a silent state.


Previously, the ICL League had made Yu Qian once again, and the live broadcast of the rabbit is inexplicably because the ICL league sucks a lot of heat, and the audience is more and more, caught up.

Now, even the hosted gym and taking the fish, I can't escape the ICL's claw!

I can't hold it, I immediately got up and prepared to go to the rabbita live.

I have to do something to save the current situation!

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