The office area of ​​the rabbit tailed, the employees are busy.

As a new sector in the near future, it is very difficult to get the current results. A few propaganda brought a lot of heat to the live broadcast of the rabbit, so the employees are all full of power, and one is like hitting. The same excitement of the blood of the blood.

The work that needs to be done in the rabbit is still much more, including the optimization of the website, the signing of various anchors, the arrangement of recommendation and promotion activities, and the business cooperation between other relevant companies, etc., is a long-term job.

Moreover, although the heat of the rabbit tailed is high, after all, the distance is lost, and there is still a long distance from the distance, so most of the employees also feel that they have to continue their efforts.

Everyone knows how much the circle of live broadcast industry is so good, now the development of rabbits is so good. As long as you work hard to broadcast the rabbit tail, can this bonus?

Just this scene fell in the eyes, but he worried himself.

Although the live broadcast of rabbits is still far from making money, it is also a big hidden danger!


Seeing the summary, Chen Yufeng is slightly surprised: "Some, Ma always come today, do you want me to call him?"

Yan Qian shook his head: "No us,"

Give the old horse? No need.

Don't think that I don't know that these good things are you doing, and there is no relationship with the old horse!

As far as the brain of the old horse, can he want to let the rabbit live broadcast unfrunking? Can he negotiate with other platforms and Longyu Group? Can he do so much heat?

Yan Qian understood that the old horse, the thinking of the old horse will only be affected by the last and him, so don't doubt, the live broadcast will fall to the present situation and Chen Yufeng is absolutely unrestrained!

So the old horse does not care today, and Yan Qian is mainly to reverse Chen Yufeng's ideas.

Two people sat down in the session, and they drank the tea and said: "Is there a little forgotten in the rabbit live?"

Chen Yufeng stunned: "What is the general?"

Take the question, let him have a bit panic, how can I forget the initial heart? This sounds this sounds a little bit!

Don't you say that the recent work is out, it's not too happy?

Yan Qian said: "Recently, you recently put all the work center in the TV competition, first is the real-time data of the GPL, and then the ICL's non-official rhizone, remember the original intention of the rabbit tail?"

Chen Yufeng said: "Of course, remember!, In fact, the learning content of the rabbit-tailed live broadcast, we have also made some new features, such as playing the content and learning content on the live broadcast of the rabbit, and there is Live playback of various kinds of knowledge, easy to watch, etc. ... "

"In addition, in our plan, there is also a focus mode, which is equivalent to a self-study room in this mode, and cannot withdraw from within a period of time, helping to improve learning efficiency."

"These features will be online in the next few times."

"The reason why the recent work is focused on the electric competition, mainly in order to play the advantage, and absorb some heat as much as possible ..."

Yu Qian stunned.

These features have not been online, and he doesn't know.

However, Qian Qian quickly responded, and he continued to say the focus on the ground: "This is not enough!"

"Although doing entertainment model, learning model and focus model, it also gives a time limit to the focus mode, but as long as we do not enter the learning model and focus mode, do we have no difference in our platform?"

"I am not possible to think that the audience consciously learning knowledge is impossible. They will definitely in the entertainment model, watch the game, watch the game live."

"Our platform has so many professional knowledge. There are so many scholars to lectures. Many users are only watching the game on it. After reading, they will be returned to Bao Shan, it is a pity!"

"So, you must force all users to enforce study requirements!"

"According to the user's age information, divide them into two categories of adults and minors."

"Minors, the time to use entertainment mode is limited to 1-3 hours, and all recharge windows are turned off."

"Adults use entertainment models unrestricted, but whether adults or minors must force an hourly learning mode or focus mode before using entertainment mode, after the time is here, can you see the content of entertainment mode! "

Chen Yufeng was shocked: "Ah? , this ... this is a bit uncomfortable?"

"Most people usually work very busy. I want to see live broadcast. As I have to force them to use an hour's learning mode or focus mode, although it can be solved with hanging machine, but this is undoubtedly giving Users have made a huge obstacle! "

"In this way, people will definitely choose to go to see the live broadcast of other platforms."

"If we are already in monopoly, you can consider this, but now our market share is still very low ..."

Yan Qian smiled: "I know these."

"But we do live broadcast, it is to bear social responsibility!"

"Good medicine is sick, other live platforms are provided by pure entertainment, and our platform provides a lot of learning content. If you don't do this forced regulations, who will really have motivation to take the initiative to see these learning. What? "

"Guide users to use live platforms correctly and is our responsibility."

"Even if some users don't matter, I believe that users staying will experience our good intentions!"

Yu Qian said that he was so strict, let Chen Yufeng can say anything.

I can only feel emotion, I'm always a different entrepreneur!

Just like the previous touches takeaway, in addition to the summary, who can think of having a big price, give up so many potential users, to support the garbage classification, protect the environment?

Although the decomposition of the kitchen waste compared to the garbage manufactured throughout the city is only the nine bull, the investment and results are completely less than, but this is a feeling!

This time, all users of the live broadcast platform forced learning models or focus patterns, although it will make the platform lose a lot of users, but as long as the platform is insisted, take this hours to learn or earnestly Things, it is also a merit!

Chen Yufeng nodded: "Good, I will arrange it right away!"


Arrange the live broadcast of the rabbit, Yan Qian came to the fish netfish, ready to drink cup of coffee, take a little rest.

The new functionality to the rabbit live broadcast is relatively simple. In the case of a focus, learning model, add a little restrictions.

The next month should be able to go online, and forced users to use an hour a day to persuade a large number of viewers.

Thinking of this, Qian is a little peace of mind.

He just calmed down and prepared to think about the situation in other industries, the phone rang.

I saw a call display, which was turned out.


Yu Qian stunned.

Before He An came to Beijing, I looked at the "mission and choice" Demo, and put forward my sincere advice: "Use the role of the game, and make a new game, but also Returning the loss, otherwise he is not in return. "

Yan Qian heard Hoan's judgment on the spot, waiting for the "mission and choice" to sell the dead, lost a lot of money.

But why is this phone call?

Because in general, He An doesn't like it, it's nothing to do, I'm talking about it, and I am actively calling, it is definitely something.

But the "mission and choice" is not yet arrived?

Purchase: "Hey? Teacher He, is there anything?"

On the phone, He An's voice is very serious: "Some, have you pay close attention to the news on the rice game circle? The latest news in the early hours?"

: "Ah? What news?"

Don't say that it is recently, Yu Qian has not paid attention to the news of foreign game circles. Because what new games have been out of foreign countries can't affect the money, what is the need?

He Lu sighed: "Torry, you are very confident! It is no wonder that this happens is too low, it is not possible to understand it within your plan."

"The summary, the next thing you must be mentally prepared, don't be too much stimulus."

Yan Qian felt very angry: "What is it?"

He An stopped a little, then said: "" The Fantasy Battle "is a heavy version, and a propaganda video has been exploded, it will be said that May be officially released in May."

"If I have not remembered, I have your" mission and choice "should be ... May I started in May?"

: "" The Fantasy Battle "? Is the" Fantasy Battle "of the" Fantasy Battle 2 "?"

He An: "Of course, can you still have" fantasy battle "!"

"Head, you should know the status of this game in the history of RTS games? Follow the" Star Sea "series and" Directive and Conquer "series, the most successful RTS game in history is not over, especially There is also the "Fantasy World" with IP, this extremely successful MMORPG game ... "

"Some, I know" Mission and Choice "is also invested in huge sums. You are also full of confidence in your own game, but this matter is not a joke, there is no need to hard, and it is a few billion R & D funds. It's going to go in, and it doesn't matter if you have two months. "

He An is a long-minded and bitter.

Since the Demo of "Mission and Choice" last time, He An is uneasy every day, and it seems that it is possible to foresee the sales of the game, and the balance falls down the horror of the altar.

However, the total attitude is too strong, confident, so He An also feels that there should always be a number in his heart, barely put down.

But I heard the "Fantasy Battle" this morning, I would like to have a copy of the revision, but also crashing with the "mission and choice". He An is not calm!

Although it is a total amount of money, after all, this game initial idea is from He An, and it is so huge, but also the heavy responsibility of "washing the country to shame", how to think is not lost.

So He An does not dare to delay, call directly to remind it.

Yan Qian can't help but come out: "Really? That's great!"

"Do you know" Fantasy War Remasters "? I am so good to cooperate with them."

He An stunned, and she said after a few seconds: "Some, you are serious? Not only don't avoid it, but also take the initiative to hit it?"

: "Don't ask for it directly to the same day, almost the same."

He An: "..."

"Well, I am, since you are so confident, I don't say anything more."

"But I suggest you go online to see the" Fantasy War Remasters "promotional video, and make a decision."

Hanging up the phone, the mood of Yu Qian instantly.

I have recently recently because of the hosted gym and rabbit-tailed live, the mood of Qian is very beautiful, and now I heard this good news, and the whole people are jealous.

Yes, Tiantiansheng and all have encountered it, this is still not lost?

If there is a little bit of success, it is now hitting it with "Fantasy War Remasters", must definitely be broken?

When Qian came to this world, the time of 2009 was September 17, and the memory before crossing ten years ago, that is, 2019.

He remembers the news that it seems to have also passed the "Warcraft 3 Reproduction", but the blizzard has always likes to jump, so he jumps to 2020, so he didn't play.

But this does not affect, because from the video of the updated video, the quality of this game is absolutely no problem, even if it can't be the kind of death god, it is not a problem with the classic.

After all, it is a classic game. The game mechanism is very perfect. As long as you change the picture, do you add a good CG, is this not alive?

Of course, the "Fantasy Battle" of this world is not equivalent to "World of Warcraft", and this researcher comes out of the year in advance, it has changed.

So in order to steadily, Yu Qian still decided to see how this resembled propaganda video is doing.

He opened an Ai Island website and quickly found the handling of external network video.


"Hey! Hey!"

A handle ax be deeply cut on the tree, the light rain in the sky, the rumbling drums sounded, the orc camps, the hard work is hard to log wood.

" ..."

The rushing bells resounded through human towns, and the peasants who were collecting gold mines came to the town hall, pick up the iron sword, armor and shield.

A line of tabs appeared on the screen: "Development - art and special effects are not the final effect".

The camps in the picture, human, orc, elves have appeared in the screen, overlooking the perspective, busy farmers, bustling towns, assembled a big army, and finally doing.

The picture is quickly stained with the picture, and more details are presented one by one.

Orc ... ... ...

These details are clearly displayed in front of players, with impassioned music, which makes people boil!

Then, each heavy and heavy models have also been displayed, and those who have a well-known hero will become a high-definition version from the mosaic version, which seems to be ten times.

"Renovating roles and animation!"

"Renewing a new map and the battle!"

"New upgrade interface with map editor!"

"HD presents 4K resolution!"

"HD re-system, the king returns!"

On the barrage, all are the sound of "true fragrance".

"This cold is too fragrant!"

"Zhenfu warn!"

"Buy out of the goods! Don't buy or people?"

"Good guys, this picture quality, shouldn't you change your computer?"

"Buy the map editor to send the game!"

"Don't you use the" Xinghai 2 "game engine to copy it? That's too cool!"

"The replenishment, no matter how much money, it is incorrect!"


Seeing this promotional video, then looked at the players' response, Yu Qian was completely relieved.

Surprising, absolutely no problem!

This is simply a project that can succeed with your feet, why not drove "mission and choice?"

This video is so well, the feedback of the audience is so good, and it is a company that makes so many boutique games. Can this game be poor?

"Mission and Choice" pays!

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