Yan Qian smiled, explained: "Because of our game and movie relationship, if the two different times will definitely cause the spoiler in advance. So you must be on the same day."

"I feel unfortunately in the schedule of May 1 Golden Week, but I must have something to pay."

"Again, released on April 14, and can also look at the five-day golden week."

Hu Xianbin's mouth is slightly twitching, thinking, I have said that you are so obvious, comforting is too obvious!

Even people who don't know on the movie industry should also know that the movie is released on May 1st, which is the first day, if the release is released on April 30, it is the next day, the gap is big. Go!

What's more is to release it in advance to April 14?

Movies this thing, basically the highest in the box office, or even some kinds of quality, and the box office that can be released on the day can accounted for more than half of the box office.

Because I lied to this , I couldn't lied after the comment came out.

Of course, "mission and choice" is not rotten, but this law is also common.

The data released on the first day is crucial, and the five-first file period and the real May 1st file period are completely two concepts!

However, Hu Xianbin also didn't say much, after all, never decided to arrange this, it must have his truth.

The movie has Huang Sibo and Zhu Xiaotez that they are responsible. They have successfully passed a movie. It should not have too much problem.

Yu Qian continued: "Yes, this thing is to be confidential, don't mention anyone."

"Even if it is a person in this department, it is the same."

"You don't need to tell them that the game is available on the 14th, just tell them that the final test is completed before the 13th, the package is working."


So this matter is only a few core responsible for talents.

Hu Xintin hurriedly nodded: "I understand!"

"That ..., what should I do?"

,, , There is no loss! "

Accompressible Hu Xianbin, let him don't want to toss, wait for the game to sell, "Fantasy Wars Remasters" is cool, planned!

Hu Xunbin's face's doubts have disappeared, and it is a kind of trust and peace of mind from the heart.

Just he suddenly thought of a thing, the look of concerns about his face appeared: "Wait, there is a problem!"

"When you come over, you will come over, He always says that with the current AI technology, even the game's AI is finished, there will be no great improvement of the game's fighting experience."

"At that time, I still didn't believe it. After all, the game Ai at the time was still in a very simple state, not developing completely."

"But now the game has been completed, I found out how the situation always said, the game's AI experience seems to be quite different."

"Especially in the back 'to be truthful", AI needs to simulate the feeling of true battlefield, whether it is a small soldier that is uncontrolled or they make other behaviors, but I always feel current. The feeling is still almost meaning ... "

"However, in the current level of artificial intelligence technology, I really can only do this. I think this is a shortcoming, if there is no" fantasy battle copy ", then there should be no big problem, but now We have to touch this god, and any little detail may determine our success or failure, this ... "

Hu Xianbin's face once again showed a concern.

After listening to Hu Xianbin, Yu Qian is more happy.

Is there such a good thing?

This is simply an accident!

Yan Qian rushed to smile, and he said: "Do yourself, this thing is completely insufficient!"

Although this is just a small flaw, it should directly affect the players' game experience and the appeal of the plot, not enough to determine the success or failure of the game, but reduce a little reputation and sales is still proper!

When the day, the land and gathered, why didn't you do things?

At this time, Yu Qian simply wanted to look back, laughing and three, everything is in master!

At this moment, the system light curtain suddenly launched in front of Ye Qian, and the word did not appear in his field of view without signs.

[Random technology breakthrough has been completed.

This line of words stayed for five or six seconds and gradually disappeared. It seems to ensure that Yan Qian can see clearly, prevent the error of information.

Yan Qian's smile was stiffly on his face.

what's the situation? !

He almost thought that he was a blossom, it was wrong.

What is the random technology breakthrough? Isn't it only a last cycle? This cycle does not have this special task at all!

Moreover, isn't the last cycle? Isn't Aeeis not born because of technology innovation of News Technology?

Yan Qian is extremely refined, but the system light is not fake. That line word is very clear, but also stayed more than a few seconds, it seems that I have been afraid that Yan Qian did not notice.

What exactly is going on?

Hu Xianbin found inexplicable cortess, just want to find a topic, he rang at the phone on the table.


Hu Xianbin received a call.

Yan Qian was very calm, but it was too strange to compare this phone. Otherwise, he suddenly became like a stumps, it would be too strange, may trigger some unnecessary suspects.

Just like Hu Xianbin's work, I figured out what is going on.

In the system light curtain, you can flush the history information, and Yan Qian immediately found the information when the last settlement is last settled.

The last settlement is September 30, and a mysterious reward was received: within 6 months, it will randomly take a technical breakthrough.

The last settlement is January 31, and no words related to "technical breakthrough" are not appeared in the settlement interface.

Yu Qian did not believe in evil, and put the information on the last settlement from the end, one word, one word, did not!

Yu Qian suddenly was cold, and it was not right.

Bad, big things!

Today, the performance of this line is clearly indicated that the technical breakthrough related to system awards will have a very clear prompt information.

But before the last settlement, there is no tip, which means that the artificial intelligence technology of Zhou Xun Technology is not the technical breakthrough of system awards, which is the normal scientific trees, technology accumulation!

And this appearance is the real system reward.

Yan Qian silently calculated that this special reward released is September 30th, the time is "6 months in the next", October, November, December, January, February, March ...

Today is March 29, that is, the March 31, which has been arrived until the day of the day, is still within the range of "6 months"!

"Bad, it is good!"

Yu Qian understood.

As far as he consciously believed that the so-called technical breakthrough will be completed in the current cycle, and then the artificial intelligence technology of Zhixiao has indeed abrupt, so it will certainly use this technique for system awards. Breakthrough.

But now, the system's technical breakthrough does not say that it will be completed within a cycle!

The system is said to "6 months", now just within 6 months!

Yu Qian stiffly, he couldn't accept this fact!

At the same time, Hu Xianbin has also finished the phone.

The enthusiasm of his face is simply in his words: "I said that I will say why" mission and choice "AI is completely insufficient, it has already been arranged early!"

"Just now Jiang Yuan called me, saying that it was awarded the game field as a research direction last week, and found it in less than a week, suddenly found according to the previous research content Several new algorithms! "

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