Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 961 Propaganda Program is beginning to achieve! (Makeup more)

Hu Xianbin's eyebrows continue to say: "Listening to Jiangyuan said that before Shen Renjie is responsible for research direction, although it is mainly in conventional application of artificial intelligence, it has also involved some research in game Ai, has a certain technical reserve. Just research The center of gravity is not here, so many research results are in a pre-stored state. "

"Who can think of this sudden result, this is not an accident!"

According to Jiang Yuan, the artificial intelligence AI algorithm studied in this martial horse laboratory is very advanced, and you can directly get "mission and choice"! "

"I have already said that there is still a long time from the game, now I have to update the new AI, I will make up for the final shortcomings, let" mission and choice "really become a perfect game!"

Hu Xianbin is not excited in his eyes, but it has become a sincere worship!

Before this, he just heard that the No knowledge.

Now I know that the original, I have already seen the "mission and choice" game in the game, so I have built this artificial intelligence laboratory, and the surface is for Otto Technology, but it is actually for "" Mission and Choice "!

I have to say, I'm always really show, others are just a show opponent, and Yan is always not satisfied with the priest, and the teammates are delicate!

Yan Qian blinked, temporarily caught in a stable state.

What the hell?

Another my problem? ? ?

When I set up a horse laboratory, Yu Qian also specially made Shen Renjie to help the correct answer, thought, this is a result, how can I get a few months?

However, I didn't think of it, because this potholes system reward, I will have achievements in a week!

And it is still a 6-month time node!

It's big!

Yan Qian couldn't help but condense.

He grows up, calmly calm, then stand up: "I will go first."

Hu Xianbin, rushed to stand up: "Good ! I must cooperate with the horse laboratory to give Ai before the game is released, make up the last short board, with" Fantasy Battle Remasters "to touch one touch! "

Yan Qian did not leave Tengda game, and the back said that he can't say the bleak.

Hu Xunbin looked at the back of the ,

"The total back, how is it?"

"Is this a legendary ... Is there any loneliness?"

Hu Xianbin resumed the vitality and re-confidently put it in the work.

Suddenly, he thought of a question.

"Mr. Yan said that the game release date was changed to the 14th, 14th, and said that this thing must be confidential, don't mention anyone."

"That ... do I want to say to the advertising marketing department?"

"However, all propaganda programs have not been involved in the delivery date of the game, as if they don't need to know this."

"And I also said that let me keep secret, then I still don't say it."

"I always definitely know the publicity plan for the game. If he feels necessary to tell the advertising marketing department, you will definitely tell you personally, and you don't need me."

"Well, I am still doing my job."

Hu Xianbin didn't think much, but there is a big one, and there is no problem.

So, he quickly forgot this small episode and continued to work hard.



March 30, Friday.

In the office, Yan Qian is looking at the work of each department, and the expression is a bit of love.

He has not completely recovered from yesterday's huge strike.

Can this?

"Mission and Choice" is what you have to develop, and the artificial intelligence laboratory of is its request, and this research direction, although he has not directly involved, but it is indeed a relationship with himself.

The strange system did not say clearly?

It is also a bit unreasonable ... Because it is strict system that does not use any misleading words, time limits and tips after the technical breakthrough, it is clear.

It seems that I want to go, the biggest pot is in my own ...

Who let himself understand the meaning of the system?

This is the most uncomfortable.

Therefore, Yu Qian has been hit. In these two days, the big TV in the family is not fragrant, and the game is completely unsatisfactory.

I can only go to the office to turn into the work report submitted by the departments, find a good news that can make you happy, can barely maintain life.


The office came out and knocked on the door.

When Yan Qian looked up, the people came to let him feel a little, it is Meng Chang.

However, Yu Qian immediately remembered, today is March 30, on Friday, this month, this month, the performance of this month will be completed by Meng Chang this month.

Yan Qian opened the laptop and analyzed the report.

Because the mood of the two days is not very good, so I didn't open it before. Just judge from Meng Chang's expression, this time ... It seems still not bad?

Click the Analysis Report carefully.

Looking at it, Yu Qian's brow gradually comforted.

The situation is really good!

This analysis report is mainly based on the amount of funds and resources invested in the advertising marketing department, as well as the actual propaganda effect of "mission and choice" game.

The better the promotion is, the higher the amount of commission.

This time, Meng Chang is obviously very good, and the commission has a full 1500 yuan.

There is almost no propaganda effect on "mission and choice", but the problem is that the money is too small, so the commission is relatively low.

This report has not been described in detail how Meng Chang is operating, because the relevant personnel are only responsible for assessing the investment and effect of promotion, and identifying a commission value, and the work content does not include the evaluation of Meng Chang's publicity program.

As long as the Meng Chang's propaganda program does not violate the regulations.

Yu Qian finally exposed a happy smile.

Fortunately, there is a good news, you can slow a mouth!

But with this, he also has curious about Meng Chang's specific propaganda program.

"Although the money is not much, the promotion effect is also very bad. Very good!"

"how did you do it?"

Yan Qian handed the laptop to Meng Chang and asked.

Meng Chang reached out of the laptop and saw that the above-mentioned up to 1500 pieces of commissions, his face also revealed the expression of joy.

Just he did not immediately answered Qian's question, but a little silent, a moment: ", I ... can you answer?"

: "Yes."

In fact, Yu Qian can ask the staff of the Meng Chang propaganda program, or the employees of other advertising marketing, and you can know what Meng Chang's specific propaganda program is.

But Yan Qie thought, since Meng Chang did not want to say, then did not ask.

Because Yan Qian knows that he has a "observer effect", many things will change as long as they have a slight observation.

Take this propaganda program, maybe I have a question, this publicity program that can be lost is suddenly unachable?

Moreover, after Yan Qian knows the details of the propaganda program, it may be difficult to point out, and it will be destroyed by himself.

This kind of thing is not there, there have been many times.

So, since Meng Chang is not willing to say, then I still don't ask, anyway, Meng Communicate has already got it, and the publicity fund has already spent it. It is nothing more than to continue this process next month.

Yu Qian is not concerned about the process, only cares about the results, as long as Meng Chang can complete your own requirements, it can be.

What is the specific plan, is it important?

And Meng Chang at this time, it is a happy and suspicious.

Happy is because of all his plans!

Meng Chang's idea is to put "mission and choice" to "domestic classic game collection", then give this collection crazy advertise.

The promotion funds are spent on top of the collection. Naturally, it is equivalent to spending the "mission and choice", but as long as it is deep enough, it is found late enough, and the publicity will not have effect, so Meng Chang can be happy. The heart will be joined by month.

This month, Meng Chang did not invest too many publicity funds, just taking a small trick test, mainly, I would like to try this set, it will be exposed in advance.

If you put a lot of money, it is exposed in advance, isn't it all before?

This month, I earn 1500 pieces. I finally changed the embarrassment history of making zero, I determined this routine, then I can make the enemies in the next month, I will always promote the funds, so that I will spend money, directly taking a full commission!

Meng Chang wrote, since the game is on May 1st, it is not separated at all in April.

The reason why, because he is afraid that after telling the plan, he will always secretly secretly, so that his plan is before.

The people are all in the past, not only is often yin and yang, but also bad, not bad.

Of course, Meng Chang also knows that even if he does not say, there will be a lot of other ways to hear, so he does not use all publicity tools this month, but it is reserved.

If these means are all, they are all guess, and that Meng Yishang will gamble; but if I have never guessed it ... it is embarrassed, 100,000 will make a hand!

Two people have a ghost tire, who can't guess the countermeasures of the other party.

However, Yu Qian feels that this is not a big problem, as long as the two people's goals are consistent, it can be.

Meng Chang said: "He is always, if there is anything else, then I will go back to continue to prepare the propaganda program next month."

Yan Qian nodded: "Well, come on!"

He said is unbearable, but Meng Chang is obviously not believed.

Meng Chang left the general office, secretly decided to make up his mind.

"Hey, you have been caught a few times, I don't believe you can win every time!"

"This time I must find back to the venue, take a full commission!"

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