Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 962 is an interview with Qiu Hong

On April 2nd, Monday.

Meng Chang did not care about all kinds of jokes and lives of various paragraphs of April Fool's Day, but in the first working day in April, put their enthusiasm into work.

"Meng Ge, I have made the scheme for me have been done, you look at it."

An employee said.

Meng Caica should have a voice, receives the document he sent, then look carefully.

This publicity program is that Meng Chang personally wrote a large frame, and then let the people perfect, and the contents of the program basically all revolve around the topic of "How to Promote" Domestic Classic Game Collection ".

According to Meng Chang's plan, this publicity will be fully spread online and offline.

Online, the official platform will arrange a relatively precious recommendation, on a variety of websites, live platforms, game media, etc., will also have a large number of advertising resources.

Recommended is not best, not because the relationship between Tenda game is not hard, mainly the best recommendation is required to support some data, and this collection does not meet the relevant provisions of the official platform.

The official platform can only be within the range allowed by the rules, give the best recommendation.

Underline, Meng Chang will not hesitate to transfer advertisements in the bus stop, subway station, billboard, business building, square, etc., and promote domestic classic game collection.

Online, two hands on the line, absolutely spend money as flowing water!

In addition, in order to play a better confusion, let your own routine are more late, Meng Chang also hides a careful machine.

He has passed the official platform. The current "domestic game collection" is all the old games in more than ten years ago. I hope that the official platform can continue to add some excellent domestic games to this collection.

In this way, the number of games in "Domestic Game Collection" has been increasing, and some new games are also updated, "Mission and Choice" is secretly flicked, and the players are not easily discovered.

Because the game update is required to play the game to download, if no one is playing "mission and choice", who will be free to do what this game update?

Add some new games, let the number of games across the collection, the deeper the better.

In short, the routine is probably such a set of roads. It is a little bit. How long can the advertisement beat it, how long can you get it, get the success of April to complete the task.

As for the commission of May, Meng Chang felt that only two words, "followed", hoped that "mission and choice" have not been discovered until the end of May.

But in case this game sales do not work?

Can't get a full amount, take two or 30,000, not bad!

Meng Chang, more thinking, the more beautiful, the mouth does not help but rise slightly.

After watching the entire program, I nodded by Meng Chang: "Yes, press this plan."

"Right, the propaganda fund is only one-third."

Meng Chang still hidden.

This time, Meng Chang applied for the first time, and the DPRK had to have 30 million publicity funds.

I didn't say that I didn't say that I didn't say it. I didn't even have enough to ask more.

In the heart of Meng Chang, there was a greed in an instant, but it was finally restrained, as long as it was 30 million.

In fact, in accordance with the promotion funding of 3A, 30 million publicity funds are less.

Most European and American 3A promotion funds are roughly flat with development funds, and one or two million knives are generous. The standard 3A masterpiece is far away.

Meng Chang is not much, mainly, forgetting an output ratio, feels nothing necessary.

Because the actual propaganda effect of "mission and choice" decided his commission, according to Meng Chang's routine, as long as it is not found, 30 million is enough for him to make it, spend more money, will not take more commission; And if it is discovered, the probability is that the more burn the money, the lower it, it will only play the reaction.

As for these 30 million enough, can it play a publicity effect, will not cause "mission and choice" this game unmanned ...

It didn't matter to Meng Chang. He was too lazy to consider that it would not come true.

Therefore, Meng Chang's intention is to first burn 10 million to see the situation. If you go smoothly, you will burn the remaining twist, if you have a problem, then you can think of other ways.

The employee responsible for the propaganda program nodded: "Good, Meng Ge, then I will arrange it right away."

"The propaganda on the side of Meng Ge," Fantasy Battle Rehabilitation Edition "is also said to be on the 14th of this month."

Meng Chang nodded: "Know it."

He is not very concerned about "Fantasy War Remastered Edition", only knowing that the sale of this game will definitely cause very serious negative impact on "mission and choice".

The only regret is that the time is idling. If the "Fantasy War Reprogramment" is also replaced on May 1, it will be lore, but it will not change.

Meng Chang did not take the "Fantasy War of Reproduction" in his heart, and continued to stare at the employees of the advertising marketing department to go to the propaganda plan.



April 3, Tuesday.

Meng Chang is still going to work in the morning, can't wait to check the netizen's response.

Today's publicity has been spread, video websites, live platforms, game websites, etc. have updated advertisements for "Classic Domestic Game Collection".

The offline publicity work is also in full preparation, and the subway station of major super-first-class cities. There are also various billboards that will appear "Classic Game Collection".

The advertisements of "Fantasy War Remasters" have also been launched, because publicity funds are also exploding, so there is more advertisements that are more advertisements in "Classic Domestic Games".

Open the video website such as Pei Adda Net, all the advertisements related to the game, basically all the advertisements of "Fantasy War Remasters" and "Classic Domestic Game Collection", two advertising rounds.

In major forums, players have begun to discuss.

What makes Meng Chang feel a little more unexpectedly, although he did not want to use "Classic Domestic Game Collection" when he did not want to use "Classic Domestic Game Collection", the players still naturally discussed them.

"The Fantasy War Reproduction" has begun to advertise the advertising? It's so excited, it's hard to wait! "

"14 will be released, of course, to begin publicity."

"In fact, I feel that I don't need to promote it." The Fantasy Battle "also needs to advertise? Many old players have no conditions at the time, now there is conditional, no replenishment?"

"The Fantasy Battle Remastered" advertise I can understand, this 'classic domestic game collection' is also advertising, what is the situation? "

"Yeah, these two advertisements will make the game area of ​​the video website to the round."

"Is this a publicity of the official platform?"

"There is no reason, how can the official platform going to publicize the game?"

"But other companies don't make sense to spend money, this is a pile of more than ten years ago, I have long not made money."

"It is said that it will also join a new domestic game after it may be a lot of companies."

"Hey, I feel that I feel sad. People foreign game companies, the game made in more than ten years ago is" Fantasy Battle ", and after more than ten years, a" Fantasy War Remasters ", all the top Good game; discrete to the domestic game company, ten years ago, "Mission and Choice" this kind of garbage, result More than ten years, there is no game, but only more than ten years ago Those old antiques, ... is sad. "

"Yeah, now a lot of domestic games are forced to force the liver, and to say gameplay, it is not as good as the classic domestic game more than ten years ago, but also the more live, the more it goes back!"

"The players of people are more happy, just fry a fried rice is very fragrant; we are more unlucky, I don't have to stir fry!"

"Weird, how does this collection do not have Tengda games? If you want to say domestic games, I think" back is the shore "and" struggle "these games should not be there?"

"Maybe because these are old game collections?"

"It may also be because Tenda's influence is too big, it has been self-confident, so it is not necessary to mix with other games."

"Then I came back, recently Tengda hasn't sent a new game for a long time, isn't it for a few months? This time I have been waiting for so long, I have been working hard."

"Qiao Lao Wet that b is already by 'Tengda, no new game, is a long time ..."

"Indeed, there is no hearing, evil door, confidential work is too good."

"It may also be that Yan is always in a big trick. The result has been encountered some difficulties? Another patience, etc., ,

"Hey, forget it, don't talk, no meaning, or wait for the" Fantasy Battle Remasters "to sell."

Players discuss what they have, but overall is immersed in a more emotion.

Although the sale of "The Fantasy War of the Fantasy" is a good thing for domestic players, but they can disclose these domestic games, there will be an inexplicable sadness.

Especially the players who know the development of domestic games have begun to talk about the old life, and they have tested the catastrophe encountered by domestic games, as well as the current situation of "innate and late day".

After reading the discussion of netizens, Meng Chang was temporarily put down.

Although these promotional materials in "Domestic Classic Game Collection" have attracted a little solution and doubt, but the overall problem is not big.

"The Fantasy Battle Remastered" is perfectly scattered with the players' attention, so that everyone is not paying attention to this "domestic classic game collection", which is a major advantage for Meng Chang's plan!

Meng Chang was temporarily put down, and it was very nervous to look forward to this month. I got the commission early, and the bag was safe.



April 4th, Wednesday.

Magic, independent game hatching base, is also known as "Trendering Plan Eastern Studio".

Qiu Hong is talking to the video call from the distant emperor.

"Qiu Ma, at present, the hatching base of the emperor is all well, and the development of each game project is in progress."

"The daily fitness training and game activities of the independent game designers are also normal arrangements. Now the designers are getting healthier, and there are even a few small muscles."

"The" Ink Yuncan "is now fully developed, and the official platform has been contacted. These two days can be officially released."

Qiu Hong nodded: "Well, the official seems to have attached great importance to" ink cloud ", not only arrange the recommended position, but also a interview."

"But ... for the developer U Zhengcheng interview, even if you have to give me an interview?"

Interview with Qiu Hongqi knows that it is still very unexpected.

Xi Yu said: "Qiu, you are an investor and the initiator of the destway plan, and is you not normal?"

Qiu Hong wants to think: "It is also right. Well, then this way, you continue to prepare the publicity information of" Ink Yunyun ", I have to prepare an interview in the afternoon."

After completing the video call, Qiu Hong took a review of the work in recent months and prepared an afternoon.

After the hatching base of the emperor has been stabilized, Qiu Hong will come to the devil in the horse, and continue to convene independent games, and build a separate game hatching base in the Magical.

Now, the incubation base of the Magic has finally takes place to go on the right track.

At the same time, several games on the emperor have also developed, especially before, it has been sent to Demo, and the "ink cloud smoke" developed by pre-sale is completed, but also makes the entire emperor's capital base. .

Now there are two hatching bases, the incubation bases on the emperor are stressed, one is full.

Because the pre-sale performance is good, the official also prepared a good recommendation for "ink smoke", and also gave the developer Xiangcheng and the "Directive Plan", Qiu Hong arranged an interview.

For this interview, Qiu Hong is originally tangled.

Because he knows that he is just a toolman. In fact, the entire "power plan" is provided by the concept of the concept of funds, and the general matter is only an executor.

Proud the best practice, Qiu Hong feels very much in his heart.

But after all, the official interview is a very good opportunity. This interview can give the incubation base, add a lot of exposure to "ink smoke". If the refusal is equal to, it is the full face of the official face and give up these exposure, Very losing.

So Qiu Hong finally agreed to this interview.

On the other hand, it is necessary to keep the secret, and the other cannot be greed, and all the credits will be taken to himself. This interview can be said to be a very severe challenge for Qiu Hong.

However, Qiu Hong felt that he could complete this challenge.

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