Back to the hotel, Xia Jiang first organized the content of today's interview.

Previously, I interviewed U Zhengcheng, I have already sorted it almost, plus Qiu Hong's part, and it should be available in a few days.

It's just that Xia Jiang's attention is completely unable to focus on the content of the interview, but can't help but want to pay attention to the "mysterious man" behind the hatching base.

After the initial suspicion of this mysterious person, Xia Jian organizes all kinds of clues, such as the list of games standard for hatching base, computer equipment used in hatching bases, usually eat fish takeaway, hosted gym ...

Combined with this unique atmosphere of hatching base, this mysterious investor has been identified in his heart, most is the total!

After all, the working environment of Tengda Group is so unique, just like fireflies in the night, it is unforgettable.

Wu Zhicheng's independent game producers did not have to take Tenda, and did not know Tenda's work environment, so they guess it; but Xia Jiang has seen Tengda's working environment, and also went to many companies to have interviewed, like Tengda Environmental companies can be said to be unique, the impression is too deep.

"If the hatching base is really invested, then this kind of behavior is simply a model, which is a savior of domestic games."

"Is it a bunch of light?"

"I have done so much, but we haven't been particularly expressive, it is a bit embarrassed."

"How can I help me? Don't let the good people bleed and cry."

"Take a exclusive interview with the general arrangement?"

"Well ... no way."

Xia Jiang really wants to do our best to do something.

After all, the development of domestic independent games is the approach of the official platform, just because of the complicated reasons, the official platform does not have a big ability to support all independent game producers.

As a unhappy outsider, I originally made so many excellent games have contributed to the development of domestic games. Now I have to "get rich in the rich", all of which don't help those conditions. Independent game making people, equivalent to helping the official platform is very busy.

If the official platform, if it does not say, then it is too hot!

The first reaction of Xia Jiang is an exclusive interview with the general arrangement, after all, this is her job.

However, she will soon dispel this thought, because I was originally a very low-key person. I just barely accepted a text from the previous interview. I didn't want to reveal. The incubation base is completely confidential. Don't intend to let anyone know.

If Xia Jiang is going to find a special interview, most of them will be gentle, she is not so unhappy.

"In this case, please apply for a few more than the game related to the 'Power Plan'."

"" Ink Yuncan "is released, or you can add it to the collection of 'domestic classic game'."

"'Domestic Classic Game Collection' seems to be the event of Tenda with the official? Um ... Although the recommended bit is already the best in the permissions, the time seems to be prolonged."

"But the words come back, these I can't do the Lord, even if you are looking for your colleagues, you will not be good to say."

"If you don't ... change your personal interview?"

Xia Jiang has thought of several ways, but she is only a editor, and it is not necessary to recommend it within her terms of reference, but it will not be approved.

So Xia Jiang feels that you can change your interview.

Just like Tear an exclusive interview before, although there is no picture of Tono, but through the interview with other employees, it is also very perfect, and it is very perfect.

So the problem is coming, who is interviewed?

Xia Jiang also stayed in the contact information of Tengda employees, but according to her understanding of these old employees, the old employees in the initials are now basically step by step, and the person responsible for the department, most of them are not working in the Tenda game department.

If it is not working in the game department, there is no good interview, after all, the official platform is only paying attention to the game.

Xia Jiang has been looking for a long time for the address book, and finally decided to call Baoxu.

This is the old man, the person should be more extensive, and the situation of the game department should be more appreciated, find him quasi.


At this time, Baoxao is wearing a hard hat, followed by Liang Liquan to inspect the construction site of the gourmet market.

The renovation of the whole food set market is in full swing, and Liang Liang sail will guide the work every day.

In fact, Baixu is still still the employee of the game department. It is true that the food group help is actually very freedom. If you want to come, you can't come.

But Ba Xu is still running here every day, mainly to leave his own impression of the colleagues of the game department, and save the next outstanding employee to accompany him.

Anyway, Liang Wei will not catch people, Baoxu is hard mixing, occasionally, from the angle of the game, some own insights.

Sometimes Liang Liang sail will adopt, sometimes it will not adopt, but Baixu doesn't care, but it is also idle, just brush the existence.

Visited a circle, everything goes well.

Just then, Bao Xu's mobile phone rang.

"The official platform editor Xia Jiang?"

Seeing the call display, Bao Xu couldn't help but have a glimpse, because the interview has been a long time, or there is still a note in the address book, he can't think of who this person is.

Baixu immediately took it.

After the summer river, after two sentences, he directly asked Baosu's things about the Tenda Game Department. But she didn't expect Baoxu, now not to be responsible for the work of the game department, so he will turn to the phone from the head of the current person in charge.

Hanging a phone, Baoxu is a bit wonderful.

"What is the matter of Xia ed Editor? Don't you do it? How do you still have a corner to find me here."

However, Baixu is not too much, and still continues to follow Liang Liangfan to go to the market.


After the call to Baoxu, Xia Jiang also gave the current head of Tengda game to Hu Xunbin called a phone call and learned about it.

Especially in detail, I have asked things about "domestic classic game collection".

"The program of this domestic classic game collection is not the general meaning, but the responsible person of the new advertising marketing department Meng Chang?"

"And this Meng Chang, in fact, it is the Meng Chang, the cold side girl, ..."

After understanding this information, Xia Jiang suddenly found an excellent candidate for interviews.

Interview with Meng Chang is not very perfect?

I feel that this Meng Chang seems to be the same class with Qiu Hong, there are many similarities, but Meng Chang's situation is much more complex than Qiu Hong.

Why do this Meng Chang will choose to join Tengda after the failure of establishing a cold-faced girl, and began to add bricks to the promotion of domestic games?

Xia Jiang still remembers the Tenda employees in previous interviews, including Huang Sibo, Baowu and others, they all have a common point, which is basically all grassroots, one month to earn one or two thousand blocks of grassroots games, and there are all-year-old bubble network bar Addict teenage.

When these people joined Tengda, the company was still in the grass, in the cultivation of the total, all became the talents of Tenda.

After Tengda's development and growth, seems to invest in Qiu Hong, and Meng Chang has achieved a certain achievement in the relevant field, but some people who are misunderstood will use them.

This is also the use of the general use of the people. With the development of the company, some changes have occurred?

Xia Jiang immediately decided to interview Meng Chang!

Moreover, she also thought of how to help the bail.

First, I will send this interview with Qiu Hong to go out, and it is available for sale and promotes a wave of "ink cloud smoke".

Then I will send Meng Chang's interview and propagate the story behind the "domestic classic game collection".

Finally, add "ink cloud smoke" into "Domestic Classic Game Collection", suggesting!

If these two interviews are separated, the players may be aware of, but if the two interviews are released before and after, "ink cloud" has added the collection, the players will definitely get to this hint?

Xia Jiang did not directly evidence to prove that the investor behind the incubation base is the total, and the total life is low-key, and it is definitely not appropriate.

But Xia Jiang can use this way to hint, as for the players understand, that is, players' own things.

"Well, this is also a little bit of power!"

Xia Jiang, the more I feel perfect, and immediately decided to call the Tenda's Advertising Marketing Department, about an exclusive thing.


Tenda Group Advertising Marketing Department.

The Meng Chang, a face of the Xiajiang Phone.

"Are you the official platform editor?"

"To interview me???"

After getting a positive answer, Meng Chang fell into a silent state, some entangled.

This interview is still not connected?

It is reasonable that Meng Chang is completely unreasonable.

The reporter of the official platform wants to give an interview, send it to the live broadcast platform to promote the collection of "domestic classic games", equal to free of charge for the marketing plan for Meng Chang, what is the view, how can this be refused? ?

But Meng Chang knows that this is the better that it is, the lower it!

And Meng Chang doesn't want too much.

After all, he is doing things under the Tongda, which is strict, and it is a huge debt of the huge debt, and people have to bow on the short eave.

In fact, Meng Chang did not have a little interest in promoting domestic classic games. It is not good to admire and loyal to Yan, and he may not make it cool, and take points more.

But it is clear that Xia Jiang misunderstood, the entire interview can be carried out around "Returning", "Lost That", which makes Meng Chang to live?

When I thought about those problems in Xia Jiang asked, Meng Chang felt uncomfortable.

Of course, with Meng Chang's eloquence and acting, it is only no problem, but after all, I still feel awkward.

Acceptance is definitely not, but the direct refusal will look very hard.

Meng Chang said that after another, he said: "Summer editor is like this. Although I really want to accept this interview, I am too annoying!"

"Don't return it, you interviewed the other backbone staff in our department, how?"

Meng Chang did not want to let the heat brought by this interview, but I don't want to personally, I can only push others else.

Didn't interviewing the prostitute, this exclusive interview is definitely no heat, and will not affect the Meng Chang's plan. At the same time, no face of the official platform is not refuted.

Xia Jiang is silent, obviously no way to interview Meng Chang directly, let her feel a bit unfortunate.

But I still said that I still said: "Well, there will be someone else to interview your department, I hope to cooperate with it."

Meng Chang is very happy: "Ok, Xia ed, you can rest assured!"

Xia Jiang hangs the phone, I think, it seems that I have an interview with the "leak" interview method used in the time, and I have to reap out the rivers and lakes!

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