Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 965 New Artificial Intelligence Technology is perfect!

After completing the phone with Xia Jiang, Meng Chang has opened a small meeting with several backbone employees with the advertising marketing department, and the interviews have been given.

Because the interview with Uz Zhi, Qiu Hong and hatchery is required, it takes a certain amount of time, so it is about Tuesday to Meng Chang's interview.

Meng Chang has already excused to work hard, but he has to push a few backbone employees to go to the top, and take a light.

Of course, there is no special explanation, because Meng Chang has always felt that these employees in the Advertising Marketing Department are some of the very obedients, and work together for so long, they are more enjoyable, they are more trustworthy.

Meng Chang's little thought, other people from the advertising marketing department don't know, it is natural that this can be interviewed. As long as everyone is working properly, the interview process is OK.

After the interview-related thing, Meng Chang returned to his own station, continued to play "mission and choice".

He has been playing high in work at work, and finally, it has already finished the test version of the storytelled seventeen points.

Meng Chang did not have any RTS game experience, but after all, "mission and choice" is not the traditional RTS game, which is very low on the operation, so Meng Chang is not so difficult, as long as it is slightly moving, You can hit this stage.

However, in the late part of the game, the difficulty will also have risen, and more profound game understandings and better operations can be cleared.

In fact, for the understanding of the game, Meng Chang's current game schedule is almost.

Just like a lot of 3A masterpieces, generally play the main game content to six seven, the game's mechanism, the gameplay has been unlocked, and then play is nothing more than a look at the plot ending.

Therefore, Meng Chang is basically more practical. It seems that this game seems to be so fun in his perspective.

Especially the AI ​​system in the game, it seems that it is not so intelligent, which makes the fun of the game's core gameplay have been greatly cut.

Meng Chang did not understand too high-profile game design theory, but he as an ordinary player who did not have exposed RTS game, in fact, it can represent many " ".

In terms of "mission and choice", if this game can only please RTS game players, the players of the domestic stand-alone game circle, but can not reach "broken", so many players who haven't catch a cold in the RTS game. If you enter, it is difficult to recover costs.

So Meng Chang feels that this game is not good after sale, and the possibility of receiving the cost is still existing, and it is very big!

In this way, even if my propaganda program fails, it is also possible to get commission!

This makes Meng Chang encouraged.

But a snake bit, ten years of afraid of the well rope, Meng Chang did not dare to drop lightly, in the next time, he still cost a lot of time to play this game, in case.

Every time the employees of the Advertising Marketing Department can see Meng Chang's "mission and choice", can't help but move by Meng Ge's dedication.



On April 5, Thursday.

Hu Xianbin, Yan Jing, Jiang Yuan, Shen Renjie, Wang Xiaobin, Changyou and other departments, gathered in the Horse Horse Artificial Intelligence Lab, view new artificial intelligence technology in "mission and choice". Application results.

Shen Renjie first told everyone to the basic principles of this artificial intelligence technology breakthrough. Although most people listened to a mist, at least understood the biggest game AI made by this manual intelligence. feature.

This new technology allows AI to randomly simulate every step of each unit, and the winning scheme is increased on the basis of the basic rules of the game. By dozens of thousands of even more times, small to a unit move, the overall strategy selected from the entire game can be used as a specific winning rate.

In this way, every moment, every moment, every moment, can control the two sides of the war, and after the winning rate is quantified, it can be adjusted by self-regulation, so that the development of the overall game is always controlled in the hands of AI.

And after this technology is applied to "mission and choice", there are two characteristics.

First, in the battle with "Imaginary Elements", the performance will be more real, and it is more difficult.

It was originally rigid through computer AI to manifest the "truth element".

In the battle, a unit does not listen to the instruction, or the entire unit is different, the specific performance is different, and the viewing sense of the player will have a good thing.

He An, Meng Chang, Hu Xianbin and others have tried, generally reflecting the performance of AI is not perfect, because "the performance of the" Imaginary Elements "is difficult to satisfy.

Because the deficiencies of Ai, sometimes the fade of a certain force looks unreasonable, which makes the truthful discount.

After the application of the new technology, the "Imaginary Elements" simulation made by AI is based on the existing winning rate, and each unit has certain rationality as a support, intended. Really enhancement.

Simply put, the original troops do not listen to the instructions, the player may feel "it is crazy", and the current troops do not listen to the instructions will make players feel a stupid subordinates.

The difference between "crazy" and "stupid" is the change in new artificial intelligence technology.

Even in the plot after the protagonist speech, the human troops have exploded a powerful struggle because they are encouraging, this time AI can make more smarter than human beings.

This decision will significantly improve the overall battle performance, but will not let the player feel hang, there is no value to improve the improvement, this is the most likely to weaken the untrue to bring to the player. .

Secondly, over time, the upper limit of human-machine battle will be unlimited, and you can support games to introduce more related gameplay.

After all, "Mission and Choice" is a RTS game. Although players like Meng Chang may calm down, for some veteran, customs clearance game plots is not difficult, and after customs clearance, they Lost the driving force for continuing to explore the game depth gameplay.

Other RTS games have the solution to this to open the ladder and automatically filter the masters through the ladder in the player group.

Players are constantly improving in the confrontation with the masters, constantly progressing, always pursue higher goals, and the life of the game will naturally be extended accordingly.

But "mission and choice" is completely different traditional RTS games, in order to reduce the threshold, the player needs to be made, and only two races have no balance.

The PVP ladder can do, but the effect is absolutely worse, the strength of conventional PVE is not enough, the master will lose interest soon.

Now, new artificial intelligence technology can provide a "eternal war" gameplay, which is "endless mode". In this mode, the power of AI will continue to improve, and the difficulty curve will be very smooth, so that the masters who like this game can be rushed to the sky through PVE, gain a long-term goal.

Of course, PVP even more people can do, but these gameplay is only as entertainment mode because of poor balance.

In addition, the original campaign model will benefit.

The original campaign is not complete by the designer. The difficulty curve may not be smooth. It is sometimes difficult to improve, and the player may have no feeling even after the game is finished; there is too much difficult to improve the player card. turn off.

With the help of new artificial intelligence, the designer can not only optimize and adjust the original level design, but also according to real-time winning rates to make dynamic adjustment of the level, so that the player is more smooth in the process of playing the plot mode.

After this series of changes, "Mission and Choice" This game is finally replenished with the last piece, the last little is also perfectly solved!

The next until it is released, Tengda's designers will adjust the level of "mission and choice" and some details to ensure that the game can achieve perfect.

"Mission and Choice" is the first to eat the bonus, and this time, the reason why Wang Xiaobin and Yan Jingyue are all called, which is to make this artificial intelligence technology to be applied to more games.

Especially "Fitness Battle" and GOG.

In "Fitness Battle", the characters in the game will be frequent and players. This new technology can enhance the deep learning ability of the game in the game, which can make feedback to the AI ​​behavior of the player, making the role of the game more direction The player's preferences.

That is to say, the original developed only the body, apparel, etc., after joining the artificial intelligence technology, the character of the game in the game will change as the protagonist.

In this way, the players of each "fitness battle" can cultivate their favorite roles into the state of themselves more tacit with themselves.

In GOG, this technology can also be used to develop difficult human-machine fighting systems.

Of course, GOG has already had a large number of professional players, and various tactics and routines have also been very rich. In terms of artificial intelligence technology, they want to eat these tactics. It is impossible to cross the professional team. There is also a long way. Want to go.

But at least this level of human machine is completely no problem with the player who is segmented with Platinum.

Although this is just a prototype, its development potential is very large, and even one day, one day may be artificially intelligent and the professional team of the same competition is also said.

In other words, although the artificial intelligence technology does not directly improve the competitiveness of the Aeeis artificial intelligence on Otto mobile phone, it has a very far-reaching impact on the many games of Tenda!

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