Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 975, the last top brand left!

Zhu Xiaotee saw a glimpse.

He clearly remembers that a similar discussion is not much yesterday, just in a small discussion, there is basically no heat.

It can be just a day after a day, and all kinds of discussions suddenly!

The release date of the "Mission and Choice" movie has been hammered. In addition to some of the most basic information, there is not much trailer to come out, but this does not affect the enthusiasm of netizens.

The game "mission and choice" is even more than eight characters, it is in a pure "doubt" state, but the players have also guess from their own intelligence to guess a seven or eight eight, and even people have four "Fantasy Battle Remastered" released on the 14th is linked to a piece!

Moreover, the heat discussed is still in continuous growth. If this momentum really keeps two days, then it is really not good!

Zhu Xiaote's expression, soon became surprised from frustration, it became surprised.

"On the day, how can so many people are discussing?"

"If you only look at this day, it is really not bad!"

Huang Sibo is also full of exciting expressions: "I understand!"

"This is the master of the total, and he doesn't do anything on his surface. It actually did a lot!"

"The reason why we feel that the advertising marketing department has not done, because we will set it with a traditional propaganda method. But this time the publicity is clearly useless!"

"The traditional propaganda method is simple, the effect is directly, but it is difficult to inspire the players' participation."

"Interested players will only know how to understand, and then wait patiently to release the movie, the game is sold, will not go too much."

"And those players who are not interested, will not deliberately understand these problems, and want them to pay attention to it, it means that they should invest in publicity funds, because the marginal effect is decreasing, this price is actually very poor. of."

"The general publicity program is a 'interactive type' propaganda method!"

"Just like the puzzle event when you publicize the" Bequiet ", this way can better stimulate players' participation, and the traditional propaganda mode is completely different!"

"It is said that it is through the way 'riddles'', set the lower sleeve, and the careful players will hook, and once these players will takeively sharing with others, thus playing a 'Subcommittee' effect!"

Zhu Xiaote also exposed a sudden expression.

"Stimulate players' participation?"

", make sense!"

He carefully reases the propaganda program related to the "mission and choice", and suddenly realized that the previous seemingly unrelated content is connected together!

The advertising marketing department requires strict confidentiality of "mission and choice", and the company does not allow any information, and the content of the game has no disclosure.

Although the movie is scheduled, the information is submitted, but there is no active publicity, so most of the audience have not noticed that there is no extensive discussion.

Then, the advertising marketing department will start to release the wind at a point!

The first is a lot of resources to promote the "domestic classic game collection", which will be very cleverly hidden in this collection. It seems that this money is very ubiquitous, but does not play the effect, actually It played the role of popular science.

The game inside "Domestic Classic Game Collection" mixed a face in front of players, "Mission and Choice" This "national tourist shame" is once again pulled out, the more discussion, the more people who know these inside, the more players. .

After this shame is once again mobilized, it provides a great soil for the sale of "mission and choice"!

Secondly, the two concepts of "Incubation Base" and "Domestic Classic Game Collection" are bundled by the interview with the official platform, and an unwilling photo, which triggered the players for the infinite delusion of Tenda's new game.

Then, the advertising marketing department is a shot, deliberately released the fake news, and use "fitness big fight" to cover "mission and choice", so that the players will fall again into the confusing state.

At the critical moment, the game of the players can't be opened, the gods of the media attacked, "mission and choice" movie, the news of the movie, directly, let the players have all doubt all the facts!

During the whole process, The higher.

Until the end, they were no longer a handkerchief, a letter, a small flower that was taken, but an invitation letter.

The beauty that has always doubted whether there is existing in the letter that inviting the players to go to the mountain pavilion, which is a tempting?

So, the previous pavement is that long publicity finally has the result, and the players' eyes are all gathered!

Also different from the traditional way of propaganda, interested players will try to speculate through all kinds of clues to speculate on the specific content of the game and movie, and the players who are not interested will be interested in the discussion of a large number of players.

The topic will continue, in the next few days, discussions about "mission and choice" will inevitably fall out, completely outbreak in a short time, form a super-large hot event!

Compared to traditional propaganda methods, this biggest advantage of this way is to save.

There is no propaganda funding, and the players are all voluntarily to go to the root, understand this information!

Huang Sibo and Zhu Xiaote Cegory such a reputation, and immediately felt that this happiness is really absolutely!

Although the programs are doing Meng Chang, I can see it. Which is Meng Chang's style? It is definitely that I always point out!

It is not that Meng Chang is more stupid. The key is that Meng Chang's brain loop is not so long. This idea is completely labeled with his habits.

Just like writing some martial arts novels, many of the dysfunction is smart, the more you learn.

Meng Chang is this kind of smart person, if there is a general pointing point, he can't think of this wonderful plan for a lifetime!

And strict, Meng Chang's smart is a little smart, but the summary is not only smarter than Meng Chang, but also more wisdom than him!

"So, I always have a confidence in" mission and choice ", so I dare to use this propaganda program with this small blogger and risk factor."

"But even so, the problem of promoting the innate shortcomings is still still solved very well."

"Especially the movie, the first day of the drain and the upper seating rate are too critical, and it is not possible to increase the quality of the movie. Many quality, the movie, because of the lack of the murder, and there is no problem, the risk is still Very big! "

Zhu Xiaote has once again put forward new concerns.

This program is not perfect from the current point of view, and its problem is too ideal.

The game is still good to say, the wine is not afraid of the depth of the alley, the time is always fire, waiting for a few months, there is no relationship; but the movie is not the same, if the initial leather is not enough, the upper rate is not high, then the upper rate is not high Will further cut the drain, then the daily box office continues to fall, it will fall into a vicious circle!

Compared to traditional propaganda mode, the heat is currently not too enough.

Because the traditional propaganda program is very intuitive, the overlay advertisement is playing, the burlow cattle is blowing out, the more money, the better the effect.

However, this propaganda program is generally used, although the money is saved, but the initial effect is not as good as the traditional programs. It is characterized by the user's sense of loyalty, high participation, and it is, but many passers-by will not be attracted at the beginning.

This discussion must be continuously spread, forming a trend, in order to spread toward the tracquatics.

If the game or movie is coming out, I have not played the effect. So this spread of the chain will break it, then it is finished.

Huang Sibo and Zhu Xiaote have been very smart. I will understand this theory.

"So, the initial exposure is still needed, and on the current programs, everything is perfect, the only problem is that the current discussion has not been broken."

"If this discussion lasts for three or five days, it is still possible to break, but now time is obviously not coming ..."

Zhu Xiaotebi browed.

He felt that the turn has been completed, but now it is, but it feels a very critical ring: initial heat.

This is likely to affect the success or failure of the entire project!

Huang Sbo nodded: "Well ... this is really a very serious problem."

"But now, we can do it."

"It can only be said that we want to get the problem, and you will definitely want to get it. Probably is already ready."

"We do your job, wait patiently."

Two people discussed for a while, and did not want to know how to solve the final problem, I have to resolve.

At this time, I can only choose to believe that I have always!


At the same time, Meng Chang is lying in his own residence.

Today he did not go to work, because he has completely lost the power of going to work.

Until now, he can't accept this tragic fact.

This month's commission is afraid that it is a lot of fierce!

What is the difference between the next half a month? Anyway, he listens to his life.

The game and movie fire, he couldn't mention it in a penny;

Games and movie yellow, how many of him can take it all.

Moreover, Meng Chang high-strength work will work hard, put your enthusiasm is almost almost, and now I don't want to do anything except for the bed.


When I lying, the phone is ringing.

Meng Chang lived a few seconds and ceilings, and then he took a mobile phone, and said weakly: "Hey?"

The voice came from Yao Yao on the phone: "Meng Ge, today you didn't come to work, is it a uncomfortable body?"

Meng Chang: "I am fine, it is a bit tired, I need to rest."

Yu Yao: "Well, indeed, Meng Ge is really hard in this month. I have something to report with you, before you don't let me go to all departments, say to confidential to" mission and choice " ?"

"I just asked me if I was called me. I still have to keep confidential? There is a new hero that there is a new hero. It has been dragged for a long time. Players are very anxious, and they will continue to drag down."

"And now the" mission and choice "has been transmitted, and there is a new hero over GOG, should it be no harm?"

Meng Chang was silent.

If you ask for two days, his answer is definitely refused.

But now Meng Chang is already a state of breaking the tissue.

Plays all the materials like Holmes, guess the various materials of "mission and choice", and the movies are all being taken out.

Moreover, the movie is about to be released, nor is it two days a day.

Meng Chang feels that he is already a heart as a gray: "Casual."

Yu Yao nodded: "Good Meng Ge, then you have a good rest, I hang it first."


After obtaining a positive reply from the Advertising Marketing Department, Yan Jing is immediately arranged to update the official version of the GOG.

"New hero 'Skylark' can go online!"

"Everyone will hurry, can't delay in a second!"

Yan Jing is very urgent because he can feel that this new hero should be very important to the general!

Eye people can see that the total marketing program belongs to a thick hairstyle. If other people's marketing plan is a fire and then starting a crazy fan wind, then the total marketing plan is to pile up a lot of forage, bury Good lead, then wait for the fire of the stars to quickly develop into the momentum!

But now there is a problem, the lead is buried, but also spark smoothly, but the fire is not enough, the burning is not fast enough.

If you can't burn very much before Saturday, then it is possible to linger.

At this time, I came to the test of each department!

The role of "Skylark" is associated with "mission and choice". I originally intended to be Qinyi captain, but I was summoned.

So, this "Skylark" is a female role wearing a battle suit.

Now, this new hero finally wants to send it!

This update will affect countless GOG players' heart, and Yan Jing is just like this opportunity to help publicize the "mission and choice", slightly enterprise!

"It should be a key base card left to me?"

"Well, it's almost time to play!"

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