April 14th, Saturday.

At 0:00 am.

Vice President of Voli Media, with the person in charge of the "Rage Marine Battra", on time to the cinema near the company.

Even in this cinema is also a large-scale cinema, Lu Xiaoping also specially bought a ticket for two IMAX videos. The whole vast room has two floors, and the large screen plus panoramic sound is guaranteed. Good audiovisual effect.

"Lu, popcorn."

The person in charge of the "Rise Haller", holding two large buckets of popcorn, handing one of the buckets to Lu Xiaoping.

The face is full of laugh, and the heart is dark from MMP.

The person in charge is also very embarrassed, and it is a happy thing to watch a zero movie, but it is also to see who is.

Watch movies with your head, how do you feel right?

What's more, he is still working overtime today before it comes from the company.

I have been overtime for four or five hours. This movie should be a matter of strict, so the person in charge is very unhappy, there is no more watching movies, just want to go home soon. .

But there is no way, he is just a senior social animal. It is not a problem when it is a good time when it is in the face of the subordinates, and Lu Xiaoping can only be a grandson.

As for why, this is said.

After hearing the "Mission and Choice" file, Lu Xiaoping think this is the side of Tengda, and further inferior the quality of this movie should not be like, so I deliberately invited some water troops.

I have been very smooth, and there is no first time to catch the attack, which makes Lu Xiaoping feel that she is pinched into the mematima, which is too comfortable, even a bit of whatever.

But I didn't expect that the situation suddenly changed in the first two days of the movie soon!

Online about "mission and choice" suddenly burst out, netizens are as crazy as among evil spirits, clearly even the basic Xuanfeng, but hard is a high level of attention!

And the GOG updated the new version, the new hero "Skylark" officially debut, her shape and story background have strongly hinted "mission and choice", and triggered a wave of discussion!

I have to say that the influence of GOG in China is huge. This new hero is simply in the fire, so that the "mission and choice" pre-feast moment!

Of course, this is just relatively, than the general movie is hot, and the large piece of large-scale publicity fund is still can't be better than.

But even so, it is enough to sell movie tickets in the first day of "mission and choice".

Although the drainage rate of "mission and choice" is not high, it is also enough to show the enthusiasm of the audience.

The previous series of events originally made Lu Xiaoping failed to expand, but now he is a bit panicked.

Therefore, Lu Xiaoping sailed the person in charge of the "Nursing Hairy", and he worked with him to the early morning, and then came to see the "mission and choice" zero field.

Just in order to finalize how this movie is so, it will not really threaten the "angry warship".

Although Lu Xiaoping feels that this possibility is very small, after all, the geographic period has been confused, but everything is not afraid of 10,000, it is afraid of that he doesn't dare to drop lightly, and it must take a look.

For ordinary people, the ticket may be more difficult, but for Lu Xiaoping, this is definitely not a problem.

Lu Xiaoping is serious, waiting for the movie to open.

He saw the discussion online, some people say "mission and choice" files are not because they are afraid of "angry warship", but is related to "Fantasy Battle Reset".

Although Lu Xiaoping did not agree with this statement, he had to recognize this possibility.

He began to faint awareness that it seems that it did not give up against resistance, but instead of brewing some terrible things ...

As for the person in charge of the "Nursing Haller", he just added a class, the whole person is yawn, and now I can't afford my spirit, I just want to go home to sleep.

Why don't Lu Xiaoping not sleep?

Because as the company's deputy general, he has a special car to pick up, there is a special lounge, and you can sleep at any time.

Many bosses blow themselves for more than ten hours. I only slept for four or five hours. I will give employees to fight chicken blood, painting cakes, trying to prove that they are because they become boss, you work hard to become boss, all It is pure, who is a letter who is a pen.

In short, two people are caught in silence because of different reasons, occasionally eat two popcorn, watching warm-up advertisements played on the big screen.

The audience has also admitted, and the IMAX Hall is already unacple.

"Mission and Choice" did not arrange the first gift, and did not arrange the point. Tenda's confidential work was solely out, so there is no discrepancy message on the Internet.

The audiences in the cinema were in their whisper, and Lu Xiaoping did not deliberately listening, but it was roughly determined from the speech of the audience. Source of these people.

Some are the iron powder of the road, specializing in the road to the road;

Some are the dead flour of Tengda games, is also a loyal supporter of domestic games, because "mission and choice" is "national tour shame", so I've been able to see how to take it in the end;

Some couples have just want to pick a movie to see if they are overnight outside, but today this timeline is more garbage, there is no very good movie, I heard that this movie is "beautiful tomorrow" original shot, quality should be guaranteed, so Decide to book a ticket ...

In short, the source of the audience fifteen.

Lu Xiaoping feels some unique, because this situation means "mission and choice" audience groups are more diversified.

If the audience is relatively single, for example, most of them are the remote fans, then the post-strength of the movie may be more insufficient, after all, the iron powder is so much, after reading, if you can't break the circle, then the follow-up box office will definitely plummet.

And the audience group is diversified, which means that the chance of this piece is larger!

Of course, the key is to watch the quality of the movie itself.

Soon, the lights in the screening hall gradually darkened.

On the big screen, after a lot of logo, the film was officially started, and it was quietly quiet in the cinema.

The movie is open, that is, Qin Yi woke up in sleep, and talk to the Aeeis and became a new one of the new commander.

For players playing "Maritime Fort" DLC, this start is actually very good, because the contents of DLC are connected together.

For those who have not played, it doesn't affect it. Because this scene of the beginning is inserted with some Qinyi's memory fragments, it is mainly to implement the head of the head in the nest, and the teammates have killed.

Although these pictures are broken and very short, it is also enough to let the audience understand that it is necessary to make a good thing.

Moreover, with the progress of the movie plot, in some key nodes, such as "Implementation Training", it will again insert some memories of "Dagger Action", although the time is not long, but enough to ensure the whole story Integrity.

At the same time, at the same time, the audience also saw the Joint Fleet of the Jedi simulated image with him, and learned about this story from the explanation of Aeeis.


Lu Xiaoping stuffed a popcorn in his mouth, the light of the big screen was on his face, and the bright light rapidly changed, and the expression he was slightly sluggish.

He was shocked by the movie cool scene!

The past domestic science fiction movies are often perfunctory and unrestricted. For example, the furniture, electronic equipment, etc. in the space cabin, the electronic equipment, etc. will clearly see the traces of very cheap and patchwork, very uncomfortable.

This aspect is because of the issue, on the one hand, because of the ability to problem, but more or attitude issues.

Because many domestic science fiction movies are not enough attention to these details, they just have to be a "sci-fi feeling", which is enough, and the focus is all other aspects, for example, how to change the script in accordance with the requirements of the credit.

Not attitude, these details are impossible.

But "mission and choice" is completely different.

The differences in these details don't even have to look at it, it will be clearly felt clearly!

The IMAX big screen presented various details in front of the audience, including Qinyi wearing space clothes, sleeping sleep borrow, commander's handling desk, it seems to be the product of the future technology, and there is a strong The real sense!

Of course, the reason why this level can be achieved, and a very important reason is that this movie is only this one.

In the past, it is natural to use it. Zhu Xiaote can naturally, repeatedly modify, repeatedly designed, excellence, and do the perfect situation.

But the players don't know this. They have seen a real feeling in the scene of all domestic science fiction movies in the movie. Everything inside is impressive. This shock is the other theme. The movie can't match, allows the audience to enter the status!

More cool is Qin Yi when using the workstock, the screen displayed on the block.

According to the plot setting, Qin Yi sat down, the surrounding cabin will be covered by holographic technology, he is like being in the endless starry sky, looking at any direction from the left and down, it seems to see the universe Real scene in the middle.

Moreover, Qinyi can also use the console to constantly change the angle of view, whether moving, zoom or jump, the surrounding scenes will change in real time.

In the traditional movie, the actual picture of the commander and the battlefield is separated, and can only be displayed by cutting the lens, there will be some slight cut.

In the "mission and choice", the actual picture of the commander is integrated with the actual picture of the battlefield. Qin Yi is like a ghost. In the endless starry sky, command the battle, not only make the entire picture smoother, coherent. It is also more visual impact.

In fact, when shooting, the surroundings are all curtains. Those fierce battles in space are specially produced.

However, after all, it has invested in a special effect, and it is more real than the use of special effects to make a spaceship. It is more realistic and the special effects is perfectly combined with the exquisite set, so that the audience seems to be true!

For sci-fi movies, the most terrible adjectives are "false".

Once the scene or details make the audience feel fake, even if there is a good story, the audience can't see it.

"Mission and Choice", no matter how realistic or special effects, they have achieved the ultimate truth, so they played the effects of the conentes in the beginning, and all the audiences shocked!

Lu Xiaoping realized that the situation was somewhat, and the original expression has become stiff.

In contrast, the person in charge of the "Rage Marine" was originally drowsy. Seeing this startup moment!

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