Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 980 is more in touch than all RTS games!

In the plot image, Qinyi captain followed the guidelines of Aeeis, familiar with the method of use of the control station, and started underlying operational training.

In the game, Qiao Liang also follows the guidance of Aeeis, familiar with the operation mode of the game, and performs the battle of the basic level.

Original Joe Liang knows that this is a RTS game is more worried. I am afraid that my hand is difficult to play, but I didn't expect this game to operate more simple than I imagined!

Qiao Liang has also played some traditional RTS games, such as "Xinghai" and "Fantasy Battle", but the level is not high, and people are purely be abused.

Because traditional RTS games are too high for players, they must be multi-wire combat, and they have to be highly APM, but also to grasp all kinds of tactical details.

It is a unilateral abuse than yourself.

Qiao Liang is not a genius player. He is just smart than the average person, more constant and perseverance.

Otherwise, when he played "back is shore", he will not suffer for so long.

But "mission and choice" are different from other RTS games. It does not need to reach every unit at all, as long as a whole force is released, it is enough.

In the teaching process, Aeeis will continue to strengthen this concept.

Simply put, in the "Xinghai" and "Fantasy Battle", players often need high micro-operated. For example, one of the most basic operations is "pull the soldiers", a small soldier in a formation must take away, this operation can avoid the loss of your own, do not give the enemy experience, pull the array of enemy teams and so on.

Raise is not good, directly determines the player's team skills, the gap between masters and rookies will also be unlimited because of this one.

Because the resources and units in this traditional RTS game are too important, they need to be fine. Many times, they have to fight with five or six small soldiers, and the influence of death and a small soldier is very huge.

In this continuous collision of this detail, the resource gap between the two parties gradually opened, and the strong party gradually determined.

This approach is a classic RTS game practice, of course, can't be said, but a question is that the gaming threshold is too high. For those players who can't do these operations, the fun of the game will decline.

The "mission and choice" simplifies these operations directly on the game mechanism, even if you can't do it, it does not affect the experience of the game content.

There is also a good place to give up these fine operations and resources, "Mission and Choice" is lower, and the difficulty and a larger scene.

The map of "mission and choice" is extremely broad, and the degree of freedom in the perspective is very high. After making some simple operations, there is a lot of time to think about the next action, as well as the fierce battle in the battlefield, check all kinds Opinions on the feedback of the troops.

The film-level plot image, the big scene in the game, very low-income difficulty, let Qiao Liang have a very good first impression on this game.


It is also the first time to contact the entire control system, and the simplest campaign began training, and Qiao Liang feels very embarrassed.

He carefully considering it, think this may be because the entire plot arrangement is clever.

In most RTS games, it is often a multi-protagonist to drive the plot.

For example, in "Fantasy Battle", different races have different heroes, and each hero will have independent plots.

In the plot of the entire game, the player needs to constantly replace his position, maybe in the previous minute, also in the control A hero against B hero, the next minute has been completely reversed.

Of course, it is not said that this traditional practice is not good. Most successful games have their own set of play, which is beneficial.

The advantage of this practice is that the game can accommodate very grand, multi-diverse worldview, and highlight the epic feeling of the whole story.

But the problem is that players are basically playing games with a great perspective, without any emotion, emotional experience with the protagonist of the plot is mostly stripped.

The story of "mission and choice" is another way.

The plot is full, and the captain of Qinyi, Aeeis does not have any , it just uses good, there is no emotional electronic sound to constantly prompt Qin Yi to make a variety of operations.

In this way, the players will actually have naturally governed themselves into the role of Qinyi.

In addition, AEEIS will talk directly to the player in the game process, but also enhances this generation.

With the advancement of the plot, the players' emotions are also changing with Qinyi's emotions, even more capable than moving.

A significant place is to change the player's emotion when joining the "Implementation Elements".

Before joining the "Implementation Element", the player and Qin Rice are the same, the command is 100% listening to the commander soldier, what is the play, and the entire battle process is also very smooth.

After making some simple instructions, Aeeis artificial intelligence will refine these instructions, so the human army looks unstoppable, and the players' mentality will naturally be the same as Qin Yi, unconsciously expanded.

However, after joining the "Imaginary Elements", the bars suddenly had their own thoughts, and many times a violation of orders, making some angry behavior.

Even how many wars did not appear, the morale of the whole force has already collapsed, and the four sorrows can escape, and the players can be temperate, and the feeling of pride is also waters.

At this time, Aeeis will boot the player's operation and provide some data analysis. After trying to try it, it was found that the effect was good, and naturally, it will make the same choice as Qinyi.

After the player makes the choice, after completing this part of the game content, Qinyi in the plot image makes the same choice, further enhances the player's generation.

In the experience, there is a subtle difference with the traditional RTS game.

Most of the traditional RTS games are given to the target, then let the player action.

Many times the player commands the battle, not what I want to do, but what you want to do.

But in the "Mission and Choice", through the clever plot arrangement, the vast majority of players will make the choice of Qinyi. In this way, the player's generation will be more intense, and the situation and behavior of Qinyi are more understandable.


Unconscious, time has passed in a second.

Qiao Liang is completely immersed in the game, can't stop at all!

This feeling is similar to some excellent filmmatings in foreign countries.

This feature of this game is that the plot of the film level is always, the rhythm of the whole process is fast and more.

"Mission and Choice" do a relaxation degree through movies and games.

Players play the content of the game for a while, after playing tired, then enter the plot, relax and relax.

The plot played a role in the ground, throwing a new problem for the player, creating a sense of expectations, players watching the plot image, then directly enter the next stage of game content, so constantly recovering.

In addition, the generation of the game is extremely strong, when the second half of the game, Qin Yi Anxia, ​​confused, desperate mood can even directly infect the players in front of the computer, let the players also have such an amazing mood I have to get a game.

Qiao Liang feels that his emotions are like this to play in the palm of the "mission and choice", it is simply a strengthening version of the movie experience!

When playing into the middle story, Qiao Liang has roughly inferred, the story of the game with the contents of the movie, mostly exactly the same!

Although it is exactly consistent, the experience of games and movies has various advantages and disadvantages.

The advantage of the game is that the players can take the experience in each plot. The game is an interactive art, and the freedom of players in the game is much higher than movies. If the player decides to make the decision made in the game with the decision made by the protagonist in the movie, it can strengthen the player's generation and the protagonist.

This kind of participation is that the movie cannot match.

The advantage of movies is that the experience is better.

Compared with the game, the content of the movie is more concentrated. The entire emotional process is compressed, and the large screen and sound of the cinema, the viewing effect is definitely more than one grade than the player's computer and headphones.

So, before Joy Liang still thinks that you can refund the movie, use the game white, but he will not think so.

Because after playing games, he wants to go to the cinema to see!

Such a lot of clothing and special effects, the road knowing is so good, this film is just a cool screen on the small screen on your computer? Big TV is also white!

Such a good film is still going to the cinema.

And the movie can not replace the game, because the game gives the player's participation and the feeling, the film is unable to do.

"The truth is too big, the thief!"

"I have made me two money on this way!"

"But ... this kind of cockle thief wants to come more in the future!"

Although Qiao Liang's wallet was double hits, it also got double happiness.

"Strange, the problem of worrying the plot, it seems that there is no appearance?"

"How did you do it?"

The whole story has passed more than half, this is no longer a secret, and Joe is slightly thinking.

To do this, the most critical or plot arrangement.

The story of "mission and choice" can be said to be a Lewai, you can also say that it is a road to Lao and aeeis's opponent, but no matter what, this arrangement is risks and opportunities coexist.

The risk is that all audiences are all concentrated on the road to know the one person. His acting is super, the audience is cool; his acting is pulling, then the whole movie is to be dragged by him, directly dropping directly Valley bottom.

Plus the story of the entire story is actually a phased, and the connection between various stages is natural, but the stage is very clear.

Therefore, after such a plot to the game, you can make the players have strong participation and feelings, but also make the plot image and the game content perfectly.

So, the players will not only feel cut, but they will feel that the plots of the entire game are very good!

"Can you still do this?"

"My game knowledge is subverted again!"

After thinking about this truth, Qiao Liang is just a sigh of this game.

Simple game change movies, or movie change games, do not do this.

It must be a game and movie to stand together, and consider the expression of two different art carriers of games and movies, combined with their short boards and strengths, and then through the deep understanding of the two art, they can perfectly use a plot to perfectly Combined!

And what you want to do, the most critical is not the ability, but your strength.

Qiao Liang believes that there are many people who are suitable for both games and movie scripts, but they dare to use the same script to do games and movies, and all put into huge money boss. In this world, it should be a phoenix!

The plot continues to advance.

The plot of the game is completely consistent, just because the player's generation is stronger, the length is longer, so feel more intense.

In the final stage of the plot, Qinyi speech inspired all the human morale, and in the final battle, Qiao Liang suddenly found that the soldiers who did not listen to the command suddenly changed, and many people will sacrifice their lives in order to defeat the insects. " The communication of human permanent "is quickly jumped on the screen ...

I don't know why, Qiao Liang suddenly felt that her eyes were humid.

Although he is very clear that this is just a game, the soldiers inside are just false procedures, but I don't know why there is a feeling, it seems that these soldiers have really live in this moment.

Looking at them, I watched the insect group, sacrificed myself, and Qiao Liang realized that Qinyi's complex feelings, and then combined with the wonderful performance of the road, Joe's heart can be said to be five flavors.

And when I saw the last Qin Yi was betrayed, I became the new insect group, and I opened my eyes to the universe, and Joe Liang was deeply shocked, until the screen turned black, there was a list of production staff, he also I haven't returned to God for a long time.

The entire game process is not very long, because the capacity of the movie itself is only more than two hours, and the plot is inserted with the game's level, and the time of the entire plot is taken to approximately six hours.

Of course, this is the difficulty of the most basic game, and the player can go to experience higher difficulty, and the game time will increase accordingly.

At this time, the sky is already on, and it will be in the morning.

Although Qiao Liang is somewhat sleepy, but more excited and excited!

Before playing the plot, enter the game will automatically follow the previous plot, only the title screen and various new game modes will appear after the end of the plot mode.

These game patterns are quite a lot, but Joe is now in a mood to study these gameplay. He has only one idea, it is now, immediately give this game now!

Of course, Joe Liang's old arm is also a bit can't live. It is just a hurry to eat breakfast and quickly compete.

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