Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 981, is there a lot to have spoiled?

After some breakfast taking the fish touched, Qiao Liang can finally brush the phone and refreshing.

I didn't dare to brush the phone because it was afraid of being spoiled. After all, his friend circle and fan group may have a dramatic dog everywhere, and a do not pay attention to it.

But now, Qiao Liang has read "Mission and Choice" all the plots, not afraid of being spoiled!

It is already in the early hours of the morning, the fan group has been completely quiet, and the wave of movie tickets in the circle of friends has also been brushed.

The major forums have many posts in discussing the story of "mission and choice" movies, but most of these forums will label "containing spoile content" in the posts, avoiding these posts that have adversely affect the netizens who did not watch movies.

Qiao Liang turned over the chat history of the flour, and looked at the post on the online discussion "mission and choice" story.

"Sure enough, the heroes will be slightly, and the big® see this film is horizontal!"

"But everyone praises this piece, it is a bit repeated, or you have to wait for a professional film reviewer to blow the rainbow fart."

Qiao Liang turned over online posts, and the whole person was still immersed in the aftertaste of "mission and choice".

However, the use of "mission and choice" is still too lacking, all the words "of" ", there will be more aesthetic fatigue.

It is still to see the professional analysis of professional film reviews.

Because "mission and choice" did not point, the professional film reviews couldn't see it before the release, and naturally it impossible to write a video review in advance.

It is estimated that "mission and choice" word of mouth broke out, waiting until noon.

At that time, the audience in the white field has also seen the plot. Various film reviews have been released, and the scores are also stable. "Mission and Choice" will have to usher in the new view of the movie.

Qiao Liang continued to turn over the post on the forum, suddenly realized a problem.

"Hey, why not many people mention the game?"

The movie forum is also calculated, the post on the "mission and choice" in the game forum, most of them are also discussing movies!

"Everyone read the new movie" Mission and Choice "? It's so good! I really didn't expect this classic domestic garbage game to have today!"

"Look, but after reading it, do you have a game? Isn't this game? Why choose a movie?"

"Maybe the game will soon sell it, maybe it is?"

"Maybe it feels that the RTS game is already cold, do not make money at all, so don't do it? The movie can also earn box office."

"I don't believe it, I don't make money, don't make money?"

Seeing that these people discussed this, Joe Liang is really anxious and funny.

What can I come out? When can I come out?

Already came out, just you didn't find it!

The first feeling of Qiao Liang is this. At least one million single-game loyal players in China are all staring at Tengda game, and the result "mission and choice" are out, but is it hard to discover? Play it yourself?

This is a bit awkward!

But Qiao Liang is thinking about another thought, it is actually reasonable. Because of the operation of Tengda, it is equivalent to a large filter, filtered several layers.

Want to find the "mission and choice" to find "mission and choice", you need to meet the following points.

First, you must purchase the "Mission and Choice" in the "Domestic Classic Game Collection".

Second, the game body must be retained after purchase, and cannot be deleted.

Finally, in the early hours of this morning, I also want to see the update content of "Mission and Choice", or open automatic updates and notice download content, they can know the "mission and choice" original client is replaced!

The first article has already brushed 99% of the players. Everyone's money is not a wind blowing, knowing "mission and choice" is a garbage to the best game, the same price can buy some discount 3A, who go to buy This garbage game?

Money is too much to go to the water drift, at least I can listen to a sound, what is the buying garbage game?

Articles 2, the third article is also difficult, because even if you buy a collection, there is no need to stay in your computer, there is no need to pay attention to its update content. Because all players know that this company has already closed, no one will make this game update.

What's more, the time now is early in the morning.

This update package is pushed by zero, it should be the same time with the movie.

Those players who really pay attention should be the first time to watch movies, and those who have not bought tickets are also going to sleep.

Like Qiao Liang, Yin Biao, the player who opened the "mission and choice" original game, should be in Wanzhong.

Obviously, if there is no Qiao Liang, other players want to find that the update of "mission and choice" game will still have a long time.

I thought of this, Joe Liang was in an instant.

"Sure enough, I am the total knowledge of" "

"Do you have so many arrangements in the heart, what is it?"

"In order to let players can't find the re-formation of" mission and choice "? Do you save money?"

"How can it be!"

"It is definitely to give you a surprise!"

"On this way, it's more ceremonious!"

Qiao Liang suddenly understood the intention of.

If it is only a single game called "Mission and Choice Remastered", most people do not link it and "mission and choice", but will think that this is actually two completely different games.

But the intelligence of the total intelligence is to let the "mission and the choice of researcher" in the body of "mission and choice", this has a very strong symbolic meaning!

It symbolizes the end of the shameful era, symbolizing the new era of "mission and choice", and also showing this new era to all players!

These are hidden in the "domestic classic game collection", hidden in the game of "mission and choice", waiting for players to discover.

Thinking of this, Joe Liang decided to send a Weibo.

"Thank you in this special day, I always give gifts to all domestic stand-alone gamers!"

Then, he cut a picture from the computer. It is "mission and choice" now dozens of G's game capacity, as a graphics, below this Weibo.

Fall microblogging, takeaway is just right.

Qiao Liang finished breakfast, felt a relaxed, opened and slept.

He has completed the presence of stage sex, so that all domestic game players know the existence of "mission and choice".

Next, you should take a good rest, raise a savage, get a lunch after getting up, then go to the "mission and choice" movie, watch the movie and play "Fantasy War Reproduction", the final "Feng Shen ".

It's a perfect arrangement!

Qiao Liang is full of satisfaction, lying in bed quickly entered a dream.

In the dream, he seems to have seen the savage of domestic stand-alone games, and all 3A is more frequent, and the scene of the world game circle occupies a scene ...


At the same time, Yu Qian just got up.

He looked at the table, now is 8 o'clock in the morning.

Originally, today is Saturday, I should sleep again, but I have been over the bed for a long time, but I have no sleepy.

It's just worried!

Yesterday, he cited 11 o'clock, he didn't see the premiere of "mission and choice" zero point, and did not pay attention to the discussion on the network.

Simply turned off the phone to put the mobile phone ostrich, it is afraid that there will be the last time the movie is tear.

If there is no accident, the movie "Mission and Choice" today has been released, and the game has been updated.

"The game is so deep, should you stick to two or three days?"

"The movie is needed, but the drainage rate is not high, the propaganda is very small, even if there are some reputation, as long as you don't break the circle, the problem should be still not big."

Today, Yu Qian can only comfort yourself.

After washing, he sat on the couch and hesitated after holding the mobile phone.

There is a tension of the results after the test.

Different, the more difficult the exam is, the more uncomfortable, and Yan Qian is now the better, the more it is, the more it is ...

Yan Qian could not help but comply with the propaganda strategy for the previous period.

"Meng Chang, this person is really in the middle, and the front is a tiger, and the result is suddenly chain!"

"I also photographed the chest, let me believe him, I believe a hammer!"

"Forget it, he is not used, there is no, the heat in the previous period is to press it, but the deduction is his commission, not mine ..."

I thought that the preliminary work of "mission and choice", Yan Qian did not play.

Meng Changyi understood the way, I have been making a big bag of all propaganda work, it is really smooth, but the movie is released, suddenly blood!

First, the Weibo of Qi Qi Media is a new hero of the GOG. The heat of the front is not easy to press down!

Yu Qian is looking into the eyes, urgent in the heart, but insert it.

Can only comfort yourself, Meng Chang should have a number, now it is probably the countermeasures in the closure.

After doing a long time, I'm starting the phone.

There is not long after the boot is booted, and various information has begun to bombard!

"He is always, congratulations, movie word of mouth, God is scheduled!"

"The last rate of movies today is very good, the courtyard has already given us a drain!"

"Lu Zhiyao acting once again hot again!"

"The end of the tailway is warm and the aeeis is warm, our automatic smart lifting bar is crazy!"

"Head, you put the" mission and choice "to the original version of the copy to the original game! Now the players are discussing, how many hours will top the" mission and choice "to the official platform The top five before the list, the top first is also a minute of minutes! "

The person in charge of each department has been sent by the person in charge of the department, and a friend who is similar to Lin Chang, Wu Yue, in short, all good news!

The most sputum or a few information sent yesterday in the early morning.

"Do you look at the zero point? The movie started!"

"[Picture] (Buffali in the vitality)"

More than two hours.

"God! This piece is simple!"

"Don't say it, this film is absolutely fire!"

"Some of the bails, the last plot is very god, reverse reversal, I really didn't expect that Qinyi captain will eventually be betrayed, but also become a buzzard! What will be like the next story? Confused? I can't wait to see it! "

"Look knowing is so good to play the universal play, it is too interactive!"

After a few minutes, I may be Lin Chang to play a phone call to Yu Qian. I found it to shut down.

"Do you have already slept? This kind of confidence is really admirable ..."

"Right, I went to Jingzhou at noon tomorrow, I will drink a cup together. About the night, the old man has a new instruction, let me communicate."

After reading this long string of chat history, Yan Qian fell into silence.

Qin Yi was finally betrayed, but also became a buzzer?

I am ... is it spoiled?

He has never been completely movie "mission and choice" movie. Yesterday, I didn't look at it after the movie of the zero point, so I didn't know what the specific plot is now.

As a result, Lin Chang directly gave a spoiler chairman ...

Obviously, Lin Chang will not think of it, as the source of Tenda Group, the source of film creativity, the gold medalist, actually do not know the story of "mission and choice" ...

Originally, I didn't want to care about him, "mission and choice" suddenly came to open the door, and Yan Qian was uncomfortable. Where is the mood to eat with him?

But I saw that Lin Chang said is about Lin's night, and Yan Qian considers it, I feel that I should see it.

In case, the father suddenly opened, ready to let Lin late back to inherit the family?

Let's take the forest to the night, I can't help it!

Since Yan Qian arranged Lin Dynasty to the Ocean game, Lin Xia has successfully completed several projects, although she is not particularly strong in these projects, but the history is already very nice.

But the more successful projects, the more panic.

Yan Qian felt that this time should be a few words in the forest us, and it horts the heart of Lin Xia: Lin Night now has a unique strength. It is time to let her go back to you!

Thinking here, Yu Qian immediately replied: "Ok, then we will see you at noon!"

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