Buy, pay, download.

"The Fantasy War Reproduction" has two pricing, playing version is 168, the luxury version is 258.

For the ashes gamers like Qiao Liang, of course, it is necessary to buy a luxury version.

A little little bit is painful, but Qiao Liang feels this money.

Real ashes players can endure the game, as long as it exceeds us.

After opening the download, Qiao Liang looked at the capacity of the game and the time of download.

"More than 30 g, than" mission and choice "?"

"Hey, but" mission and choice "forced a blue-ray movie, it may take up the space."

The Joe Liang didn't know that "the initial installation package of" mission and choice "did not plug all the blue movies, but only plugged a few parts.

If Qiao Liang looks at the capacity of the "Mission and Choice" folder, it will find that this game has actually broken 100g.

More than 30 g of the "Fantasy War of Fantasy also include the original client content.

In fact, some signs have been perceived in advance, but "the Fantasy War Remastered" is too beautiful in the mind of Joe Liang, so he naturally ignores these "small problems".

Although the network speed is very fast, but still have to wait.

Qiao Liang once again opened "Mission and Choice", and waited for the "Fantasy War Remastered".

Once again entered the "Mission and Choice", Qiao Liang discovered that the game of the game was all open.

When players just start playing "Mission and Choice", they do not appear on the title screen. After entering, it is a game story. If you exit the game in the middle, then you will continue the plot from the place where you will go.

Until the first clearance of the entire plot, the title screen will appear again.

Divided into several different options in the title screen, namely [plot mode], [Eternal War], [Network Battle], [Creation Mode], and [Option] and [Exit Game].

The plot mode is to experience the plot of the plot, but this time you can go directly to a specific level.

Eternal War is obviously similar to endless mode, which is still in this gameplay, but the difficulty will gradually increase.

The networking battle allows players to play their players, players and AI, can freely choose the number of people, map size, and difficulty in the battle, and the degree of freedom is very high.

Taking into account the "mission and choice", human and insects are unbalanced, this networking combat model can only be a relatively relaxed entertainment model.

The most attractive Qiao Liang, obviously or this [create mode].

Previously, "Fantasy Battle" has been published with the game with a large number of classic RPG maps, and "God" is also pregnant.

The creation model of "mission and choice" is equivalent to the official to set the editor to the game, simplify the use of the editor, add a lot of modular operation, so that ordinary players can make a little more touching. map.

Of course, if you want to make some more complex content, you still need to learn and drink.

In the first time I entered the creation mode, there is a pop-up window prompt. The big idea is the basic content of the art material in the creation mode. The copyright of the game is all, the map mechanism, the game, etc. all.

If the player finds the map of the map being infringed, you can contact Tenda to carry out rights, Tengda helps handle these infringement, and maintain the legitimate rights and interests of players.

Seeing this, Joe Liang couldn't help but feel it, Tengda is still a conscience!

Players use the editor's original gameplay content, these copyrights must definitely belong to the player, this is undoubted.

However, Tengda can add an additional sentence. If the author is infringed to help the rights, this is very warm, reflecting a care of players.

Qiao Liang took the horse to see all the models all over again, did not play deeply, after all, these models with the combat content of the plot mode is not big, and Qiao Liang is now full of "Fantasy Battle Remasters ".

After waiting, there is time, and then slowly experience these models is not too late.

Of course, Qiao Liang is the most optimistic about "mission and choice", and there will be many interesting RPG maps after a while.

However, "The Fantasy War Remastered" This will definitely put the editor to copy the editor. When the player chooses which one, it is not good.

Qiao Liang turned slightly in "Mission and Choice", simply experienced other gameplay, and then fell to retreat.

Because he found the "Fantasy Battle version" has been downloaded.

"Okay, I will not be full of" mission and choice "when I have a" fantasy battle copy ", I don't seem to be a slag."

As a gray-grade core player, Qiao Liang is still very pious when playing this game, even when I open the game icon, Qiao Liang feels that my hands are slightly shaking.

There is even a kind of excitement to re-meet with the goddess who has not seen many years.

However, I really saw the game screen, but Qiao Liang stunned.

"This picture ..."


Qiao Liang is poor words.

It is indeed a copy of the copy, the entire picture is much better than the original game, but not only does Qiao Liang has a bright feeling, but he feels some disappointment.

Because this title interface is completely just a little refurbished, you can see the difference between the details, but the entire interface layout is still exactly the same!

If this UI layout is placed ten years ago, it is really very advanced, but the development of the game so many years, the overall UI layout has become more and better, compared with the game screen of this era, this UI layout is It's a bit too late.

"Maybe you want to restore this original feeling, it is not an external interface packaging, mainly to look at the actual content."

Qiao Liang quickly found the reason to comfort himself, click the [Campaign] button to prepare the story of the game.

Although "Fantasy Battle" is a very competitive RTS game, but its competitiveness is only the top of a small player. Qiao Liang is not the core player of the RTS game, and the plot is the most essential part of this game.

Because of the official release, the CG and model of this game are all heavy, Joe Liang is thinking, even if this CG does not reach the "Fantasy World", it has to reach the "Xinghai" level?

Anyway, this top CG is full of enjoyment.

The dark sky, the earth, the red brown surface is full of weeds, the lens gradually closes, and a low female voice begins to make a white.

"The war of the war is still echoing in the wind, but the remains of the old days are quietly coming ..."

The expression of Qiao Liang quickly became confused, and it became confused from confusion.

"The picture is this?"

"This precision ... Is it sure it is back?"

Qiao Liang even doubted to his eyes and memories.

The original version of the "Fantasy Battle" cg is how it is not impressed, and the current CG gives him a feeling that it seems to have changed, but it seems to have a little change.

It seems just to increase the image quality and resolution of the old CG a little?

This CG did not have the feeling of mosaic and it looks clear. But the problem is that the details of the texture in the CG have a mess, and the weeds on the ground look unreal, even even the shape of the small soldiers is not changed!

Very rich in the year.

"This is a bit should not, knowing to do CG, but the beginning of these CGs is good to do well?"

"Yes, it may also be the more important CG, after all, after all, this game is too long, too much CG, all revocation may not eat, batch reinforcement can also be understood."

Qiao Liang can only comfort yourself so.

He clearly remembers the last story of the "Fantasy Battle", the front pair of two high popular characters, as long as the CG is heavy, it will be, the slag story CG of these small butter fish is not heavy. Down is not hurt.

After CG, the campaign reading is started.

Job's brow wrinkled.

"This interface ... Really heavy? Didn't see the difference!"

"No, this progress is more ugly than before."

"How is the three words on the 'load on the progress bar? How is it? Is it a little bit? Is this going to die forced? Intern does it make PPT?"

"It's not right, this is a version that is officially released? Is it not a semi-finished product in the test phase?"

I haven't seen a formal game screen, and Qiao Liang has fallen into a deep self-doubt.

This will not be the posture of the clicking button?

Finally, after a little time reading, it officially entered the game screen.

However, in seeing the real game screen, Qiao Liang's psychological defense crashed completely.

"Fraud, this is definitely fraud!"

"This is the same game with the trailer ?!"

The official game screen is indeed a change in the original picture, but it is still the same as the CG and the title picture: the image quality is indeed, but the art resources seem completely changed!

Especially the actual game screen, let Qiao Liang are simply.

Because of the previous preheating "Fantasy Battle Remastered", the official has released a trailer, a very classic battle plot in the Fantasy Battle.

In that trailer, all character modeling, the scene details are fine to the extent of "Fantasy World" online game, even when the landscape is watching, the hair is smooth, the pores on the face can see, the mouth is more The rigid seam is paired with the line.

Although there is still a significant gap with the current story to 3A, as a RTS game, it is already proud of the group.

But now Qiao Liang discovers, those content demonstrated in the trailer!

If the original game screen is 1, the game screen shown in the trailer is 10, then the current game screen has a maximum of 2.

I don't say that this is a copy, the quality of the picture is improved, and it seems that there is no problem, but it is not a matter at all!

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