Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 985, Joe Liang's inspiration!

In the middle of the night, Joe is sitting in front of the computer, watching the list of "Fantasy War Remasters" on the computer screen, suddenly wants to come to the smoke.

Of course, he will not smoke, just feel a smoke, think about life in the smoke, and comply with your current mood.

In the popming liver, the plot mode of "Fantasy Battle of Fantasy" is all over. After reading all the CG pictures, Qiao Liang's big brain is blank, only countless question marks.

"Is it, I am not open to this game?"

"This is a" fantasy battle copy "? Really not the roadside small workshop hanging the sheep head selling dog meat to fight medicine?"

"The player's Demo is stronger than this!"

Qiao Liang is deeply confused.

Isn't this level!

It's already rotten to understand!

Pinching the nose and playing the game from the head, Joe Liang found at least three or four points that he could not accept.

The first is to sell the finished product and the previous publicity is serious.

Before the producer has no promise, many times have suggested that all battles of the over-games will be revised, including the art resources in the game, and the real-time flow of the real-time will also be done.

I even said that there will be some fine-tuning in the plot, which is used to adapt to the changes in the "Fantasy World" World View.

However, after the finished product is released, these commitments have not been completed!

The vast majority of overcale animations in the game have not been repailtr, just improve some resolution, add some light and shadow effects, although it looks much more than the old version of the filming, but it seems to be two The picture performance in the age.

Truely revived only one of the most classic, most popular two-game animation, but let Qiao Liang can't accept it at all, he is happy, looking forward to the end of the end of the end of the end, actually doing it!

When I just saw this over-scene animation, Qiao Liang's first feeling was good.

After all, I have seen the front animation of the past. After all, Joe Liang's eyesight's tolerance is very strong. He found that this animation was obviously different from the original version, and various details have also improved a lot.

This overport animation looks like an instant calculation, although the movement is smooth, the mirror is not bad, but it is obviously a lot behind the details.

Qiao Liang felt that the last important CG was a bit perfunctory with an instant calculation, but it was not bad, and it was barely acceptable. As a result, he found that he found that it was not right, this is not an immediate calculation, it is the Er Chiang's CG!

This is very crashed!

If you make such an effect with an instant calculation, you can still say that makers have the ability but no attitude, but now the CG of the East East has made an instant calculation. Is this not explaining that there is no ability to have no attitude?

If you are other manufacturers, you can "Fantasy" and "Xinghai" series of games so famous, a crucial reason is that their CG is very beautiful, and can even say surpassing era. .

Such a manufacturer has made such a CG. Is this not a joke?

Moreover, this game is very optimized, and all kinds of inexplicable small problems are like walrings, although they can't play it, but the hit of player game mentality is fatal.

"The Fantasy War Reproduction" did not replace the game engine as many players expected, but on the basis of the original engine, and even played with the current high-compact computer, there were occasional cases, such as loading When the battle map, black screen, inexplicably returned to the level selection interface after loading, and people are extremely irritated.

The more outrageous is that the Chinese subtitles appear in the game, with a very funny way to completely ruined the player's gaming experience.

All in all, Qiao Liang's expectations completely lost, "The Fantasy Battle Remastered" is a shit, it is a complete garbage, completely can't find any highlights!

Originally, Joe Liang's mood was very good. I just read the movie of "mission and choice". I came back to open the "Fantasy War Remastered" I want to continue, just like a big meal but yet. The people want to eat some desserts again. If you have never thought of an accident, a big shit!

This disgusting feeling is simply caused serious mental injury, which will continue to take effect for a long time.

Qiao Liang opened the fan group and forum and wanted to see other people's response.

Previously, Qiao Liang deliberately did not pay attention to the information of "Mission and Choice" and "Fantasy Battle Edition", mainly afraid of spoiler, affecting the first impression of the game.

Now he has already played, don't worry about the sudden problems.

Sure enough, the players on the Internet are also crazy!

This morning, everyone's discussion is concentrated on the "mission and choice", and domestic players are all rejoicing.

Because this is an accident, although many people are guessing Tengda will have the game of "mission and choice", they have never thought that they will be so fast, and the quality is so high!

Through the sale of "mission and choice", many players are also like Qiao Liang. For the upcoming "Fantasy Battle Edition" unlimited, many RTS game players feel double happy today.

Results The "Fantasy War Remasters" gave them a good news, they were kickname.

Domestic players are awkward, and angry players are looking for various refunds, and they are scams.

Players spitting the points and the difference between Qiao Liang, nothing more than the actual quality of the re-formation is too far from the propaganda film, and the small bugs of the wool have seriously affected the game experience.

Foreign netizens are even more intense than domestic netizens.

Some netizens have moved the score of foreign game websites. After only a few hours, the rating of "Fantasy War Remasters" is already crazy, and the score of 10 points has fallen to 2.7 points, and it seems still still decline!

In the face of the question of foreign players, the official gives response: "According to the feedback to our community, you hope that we will maintain the original game of the original game, completely do not need to be broken. Therefore, we decided to withdraw the reddock animation and corresponding The original plan of animation movements, retain the spirit of "Fantasy Battle", let players revisit the unforgettable moment. "

This official response is clearly more exciting conflicts.

Players were originally fired, spend 3A masterpieces, bought such a garbage, and the official actually put the pot to our head?

What is "everyone wants to keep the original taste"? Who is your so-called "everyone"?

"What is the ghost to let the player to revisit the unforgettable moment?" Do you want to play the original version directly?

The game made this urine, obviously the time period, the budget is not enough, sincere is complete, but I have found a reason why you are so fresh, it really does the players be a weakness?

For the players, this is a commercial fraud, of course, it is inexpensive!

Many players gave the pot to the officially found outsourcing company. I feel that the game is completely an outsourcing company's pot, but there is a player finding that the outsourcing company is only part of the game model, and this part of the model is already The relatively good part of the full game ...

When Qiao Liang thought this was over, he saw a more fascinating post.

Have foreign media notice that the "Fantasy Battle" end user agreement is modified compared to the original version, the "Fantasy Battle", and the player uses a custom map of the map editor to return to the development company, and the player's homemade map is also the property of the development company, not only Including the various art elements in the map, even include the map of the gameplay and everything!

This news can be said to be in the fire, so that players are more angry!

As everyone knows, the reason why "Fantasy Battle" has always been a good vitality, on the one hand, because the electrical competition is OK, on ​​the other hand, because there is a large number of community homemade content, the players can produce all kinds of RPG maps. It is said that it is done.

But after this agreement is changed, it means that players will not keep their own design maps, in case the map is fire, the players can't keep their research and development results, can only hand over.

In fact, similar agreement is already available in the first two years, there is already, but because the "Xinghai" map editor has not emerged too many excellent works, this agreement did not cause too much at that time. Many waves.

The news that "Fantasy Battle Remastered" is simply modifying the user terms in this junior bone eye is simply to deliver ammunition to critics!

In the external network, there have been many players to ran into a variety of game websites to give the "Fantasy War Reprogramment" brush, even many players call for 10 points for the original minimum of the website, put the current countdown first Going up to ensure that the rating of the "Fantasy War Remasters" becomes the lowest station!

In short, "Fantasy Battle Remastered" was originally highly eye-catching before the sale, but after the sale, he also welcomed the Waterloo, the score plummeted, and the pre-order players were all refunded. The players who have not bought naturally cannot take this shit again.

I didn't expect this once the gods, and the reputation sales double explosion!

After the online surfing, Qiao Liang couldn't help but feel thousands.

"I didn't expect," The Fantasy War Remastered "will be such a result?"

"If I told others ten days ago," The Fantasy Battle Remastered "will look like this, everyone must feel that I am crazy."

"Especially with" mission and choice ", this gap is bigger!"

"The original national tourism is made into true · 3A masterpieces, and the original classic game is re-made into a shitude ..."

"This is too topical! The new video content is available!"

Qiao Liang suddenly realized that although the "Fantasy Battle of Fantasy" is rotten, although gives him a big shitude, it also gives him a very perfect material!

"Mission and Choice" should become the god of God, and the light is not enough, but it has to rely on peers.

What is more exciting thing than the "Fantasy Battle of Fantasy" is more exciting than stepping on the God of God.

Qiao Liang suddenly felt his inspiration, start writing a new video of the new video!

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