Love After Marriage, He Got A Free Wife

Chapter 1310: Momo is thin-skinned

"Ah~" Xiao Yuanyuan was held up by her mother, and her little feet stood on tiptoe on her mother's lap, screaming again.

The servant Nangong hired for his daughter has surveillance cameras in every corner of the house, so he can see his daughter at any time.

But ever since the child learned to "ah", Patriarch Nangong and Police Officer An haven't stopped at night.

In the middle of the night, Nangong Zi walked out suspicious of his life, and called the man in City Z who had just cleaned up his son, "Hey, Mr. Jiang, I have a question for you."


"What's the matter with the child's 'ahh' all night? He doesn't sleep at night, and the 'ah' has never stopped. Now the frontal brain waves in my brain are all 'ah'."

Jiang Chenyu: "Endure it."

Nangong Zi: "I can't bear it, Xia Xia can't stand being yelled at by my daughter, and if I get angry and don't want to beat my daughter, I will beat me to vent my anger."

Gu Nuannuan took a shower and went out, and asked her husband, "Who is it?"

"Ah Zi is dead. Yuanyuan doesn't sleep at night and keeps barking."

Gu Nuannuan stretched out her hand, "Give me the phone, and I'll talk."

Anyway, she is the most experienced person, and Jiang Tianzhi was raised by her since she was a child!

Because Gu Xiaonuan did have some tricks, the phone calls between An Kexia and Gu Nuannuan immediately became frequent.

It also slightly eased her novice mother's uneasiness.

Jiang Momo ate the ice cream and said, "Nuan'er, let's make a tutorial, I think Ning'er will need it in the future."

Ning'er was wearing a bachelor's uniform and eating ice cream, her little face turned red, "Auntie, I'm still early~"

Jiang Momo took another bite, "What's the matter, you will use it sooner or later."

Ning'er was shy, "Then I will ask Auntie for help then."

The corner of Gu Xiaonuan's mouth still has traces of chocolate from eating the little prodigy's ice cream, "If Ning'er really has children, she will definitely be more reliable than us, and the children will enjoy themselves too.

Look at how she treats the tiger, Ah Shu and Xiaolong every day. "

Jiang Momo nodded approvingly, "That's right."

Because Ning'er is about to graduate, Mayday is the season of sunshine in the world.

In the season of blooming flowers, Jiang Momo came to the school to play with the two of them. "I, an old senior who graduated, return to my alma mater to experience it."

The three of them wandered around the campus for half an hour and had lunch. In the afternoon, Ning'er was called away by her classmates to take graduation photos.

The two sisters continued to play paralyzed there.

"Sometimes I really admire my son. His little feet stare at the scooter, and he can control where he goes. I don't even know how to play. Otherwise, we can skate to where we want to go, saving walking."

In this season, the summer heat can be felt in places without shade.

The little tiger is smart enough to know at home that if he doesn't play outside for a long time, he will feel uncomfortable in the sun.

In the evening, the weather was neither hot nor cold, with a slight breeze, and he became active again.

"This year the tiger will take the lead, and next year I will send the little dragon in." Jiang Momo said.

Gu Nuannuan said: "So the tiger is an experimental product, used to clear the way."

The little tiger at home sneezed violently a few times, and his nose was blown out.

Mr. Jiang took a paper towel and hurriedly wiped his grandson clean, "What's wrong, you have a cold when the season changes?"

The little tiger licked his mouth with his small tongue, "Squeeze, Bao wants to play."

Jiangsu also took time to go to Z University in the afternoon. His company recently recruited a new accountant, named Xiang Shuang, who is a postgraduate student of finance and accounting at NUS. By chance, the two met in the incubation center. She needs a chance, and Jiangsu needs a helper.

The two had worked together before, and Jiangsu was quite convinced of Xiang Shuang's ability, so he asked her to go to the company to help him.

In this way, it also saves him to manage both technology and finance, as well as expand outward.

Ning'er also knows about this, "Brother Xiao Su, is it because I don't have a high degree of education, so you don't let me go to the studio to help you?" Ning'er's study management also involves financial accounting. Being urged by her boyfriend, she got all the certificates, but Jiangsu still didn't want her to go to the studio.

Now that she heard that he was a graduate student, Ning'er felt a little wronged, and wanted to help her boyfriend by continuing the postgraduate entrance examination.

Jiangsu hugged her, "What are you thinking, silly girl." He only found out after falling in love. A woman's mind is full of twists and turns. She obviously hasn't said a word, but she has already thought about it seven or eight times.

"I don't let you go to the studio to help me because you will affect me." Jiangsu and his girlfriend said clearly, "Because it's you, so I can't do business with you. I want to worry about you in everything, just Wants to do all the work for you and let you rest and play."

If she did something wrong, Jiangsu would not be willing to criticize her. Let her go, and Jiangsu knew that she was looking for something to do for herself.

Besides, Jiangsu doesn't want to mix life and work together. At work, if they disagree, the two may quarrel or lose their temper. If this situation is brought home, how can the two live a good life.

There are still many uncontrollable factors, etc. Jiangsu does not want to let his girlfriend go, not to deny her ability.

But Ning'er thought that going by herself could help, and wanted to accompany him to get up step by step.

Because the two had different thoughts, Ning'er was wronged for several days.

Everything was explained clearly, and Ning'er also understood. The grievance disappeared in an instant, and she was so simple, "Brother Xiao Su, you are right in thinking, Yaya thought it was simple, then I will listen to you~"

The only gratification for Jiangsu on this entrepreneurial road is that he has an understanding girlfriend, who makes him tired and spiritually dependent.

Xiang Shuangning'er also met, and she went to familiarize herself with the work after a few words.

Ning'er didn't take it seriously, she pouted, and went straight to find her boyfriend.

On the day of the graduation photo shoot, Ning Er wanted to take a group photo with Jiangsu. When Jiangsu graduated, she accompanied him in the filming, and he couldn't miss it when he graduated.

So, here he is.

Jiang Momo and Gu Nuannuan sat in the coffee shop by the side of the road, looking at the young couple, "Tsk tsk tsk, this is the love of young people. Nuaner, we got married early." Jiang Momo sighed.

Gu Xiaonuan ate the ice cream again, "Even if my sister doesn't get married, do you think your second brother or your Su brother can accompany us to fall in love on campus?"

Jiang Momo held a cup of iced milk tea in her hand. The two sisters would occasionally switch you to eat mine and I to drink yours. The sisterhood for many years has long been used to this. "It's true. The two of them are with us, just thinking about how to get married sooner, earlier...cough cough, and have children earlier."

Gu Xiaonuan drank Jiang Momo's milk tea and said, "Momo, why are you so thin-skinned?"

Jiang Momo: "This lady is the manager now, so pay attention to your image."

After taking photos with his girlfriend, Jiangsu turned around and looked around, then pointed at the two girls sitting there, "You dog thief! You two are sitting there cultivating immortals, hurry up and get down to take pictures."

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