Love After Marriage, He Got A Free Wife

Chapter 1311: Lu Ying and Bai Chen

"Call us, let's go." The two who have long been used to being called "dog thieves" by Jiangsu are used to it.

Jiang Momo got up and carried her bag across her shoulders. "Nuan'er, this bag can be worn with a skirt, I bought two, and I'll take it to our house for you at night."

Gu Nuannuan nodded, holding milk tea and drinking while walking.

Arrived at Ning'er's side.

"Hey, Auntie, you two are eating ice cream and milk tea again~" Ning'er said, "You all ate three today."

Jiangsu is very familiar with it. He held Ning'er's hand the whole time and said, "Let's make it up while the two men are not around."

Going home at night, Gu Xiaonuan denied that she hadn't eaten ice cream, and was even annoyed, as if her husband had wronged her. Jiang Chenyu looked at her, not revealing. Jiang Momo also didn't admit that she drank milk tea, Su Linyan watched the small video of Ning'er's Moments, the woman holding a cup of milk tea and drinking vigorously.

Bai Chen disappeared recently, Yan Zhenyu asked Jiang Chenyu in private, "Is there something wrong with Xiao Bai?"

Jiang Chenyu replied: "Lu Ying is back."

Yan Zhenyu: "... Didn't you say you don't love me?"

Jiang Chenyu: "You still don't know Xiaobai, his mouth is the toughest in his whole body."

If you say you don't love her, you don't love her. If you really don't love her, how could Bai Chen not even mention her name for so many years, and they are not allowed to say it. "Don't ask him, wait until he takes the initiative to contact us."

Now that Yan Zhenyu knew about Bai Chen's recent affairs, she calmed down.

A mansion.

Bai Chen looked at the time and called Lu Ying.

Lu Ying, who was at home, looked at the phone number, raised her eyebrows with a smile, "Hello?" But her tone of voice was cold again.

Bai Chen asked impatiently: "Is there any letter in your stomach? I still have something to do. How can I wait for your stomach every day?"

Lu Ying: "How do I know, the child won't tell me directly that he's coming."

Bai Chen urged impatiently, "Okay, okay, call me if you feel uncomfortable, please chirp. You won't do something straightforward."

After the disgust was over, Bai Chen asked again, "Are you free tonight?"

Lu Ying: "What are you doing?"

"I called you to eat. I checked everything. Pregnant people will have morning sickness when they eat. I'll see if you have morning sickness." Bai Chen wanted to invite someone to eat, as if he was arguing.

Lu Ying: "If you invite me in a different tone, I'll be free."

Bai Chen: " you like to eat or not."

After speaking, the phone hung up.

After hanging up the phone, Bai Chen hid in the mansion by himself.

When he was free, he would think, what did Lu Ying do when he came back?

Do you want to ask her again?

Forget it, the tone was good to ask her, but she also pushed her nose and face, don't ask!

half an hour later.

Lu Ying's phone rang, and the corner of her mouth raised, "Hello? Colonel Bai, what's your order?"

"Come on, let me know where you are, and I'll pick you up at night." Bai Chen was furious again.

In the evening, Bai Chen's car was parked downstairs of a hotel, and after waiting in the car for more than half an hour, there was finally movement by his car window.

Lu Ying went down and opened the rear door.

Bai Chen: "Let me be your driver? Take the second seat."

Lu Ying closed the car door forcefully again, and walked around the car. Bai Chen looked at her slender waist and flat belly in the car, and felt that the line of sight was direct, so he turned his face and looked out the window.

After a while, the co-pilot's door opened, and Lu Ying sat on it. "Have you been waiting for a long time?"

"No, just arrived."

He started the car and went to the restaurant. When passing the traffic light, Bai Chen looked sideways at Lu Ying's stomach, "I remember you used to have a small belly."

Lu Ying: "I remember that you used to look better than you can see now."

Bai Chen: "...I am old enough to see now."

to the restaurant.

It was Lu Ying's return to China, the place where the two met for the first time, his godson smashed someone's roses, and he said he would return a new one for them.

When he arrived at the restaurant, the two of them left too.

"That little meat bun is so cute. It's a good thing it's not your own son, you can't give birth to him like this." The two sat down naturally, and Lu Ying also remembered what happened last time. Seeing how wronged the little guy was, she suspected that she was wrong at the time, why did flowers have thorns.

Bai Chen took the menu and ordered a few dishes. "Not being my own son is better than my own son. Don't make sarcastic remarks. Who knows if my own son came out of your stomach."

After ordering, Bai Chen handed the menu to the waiter.

Lu Ying: "I haven't ordered yet."

Bai Chen took the kettle and poured water for the two of them, "It's alright, you, the food is always the same, I've ordered them all."

Looking at the elegant and dimly lit restaurant, the restaurant was a little quiet because the two were waiting for their meal.

Last time, the two had their own companions, although Bai Chen's companion was a cub. This time the two sat together, "I didn't intend to go abroad to settle abroad, why did you come back?"

Lu Ying said: "My dad's old injury happened again. His personal doctor said that he didn't cooperate with the treatment. He could bear it a few years ago. Now that he is getting older, he is a bit disobedient. My mother said let me come back and supervise him. .”

Bai Chen asked, "Or the gunshot wound ten years ago?"

Lu Ying nodded.

After returning home, the Army Chief was also angry with his daughter.

He didn't listen to his daughter at all.

Bai Chen asked: "Uncle doesn't listen to you the most, why are you angry with you again this time?"

"It's not because of my father and my mother. I went abroad with my mother, and my father felt that I abandoned him back then, and he didn't appreciate it when I came back this time." Lu Ying and Bai Chen also planned to run away. Going to get married.

Bai Chen joined the team a few years ago, and both Lu Bai and his family knew that their children were in a relationship, and they were very optimistic about this marriage.

Lu Ying hadn't graduated yet, but she was already planning to join the army, trying to be in the same place as Bai Chen.

At that time, Bai Chen was also working hard. In his twenties, Bai Chen had already started to understand the real estate prices around him, and started saving money to buy a wedding house.

The two also defaulted to this, as long as Lu Ying graduates and his job is stable, they can discuss marriage, get engaged and get married.

Unexpectedly, the year Lu Ying graduated, her parents divorced, and Lu Ying was the only child in the family and had been working hard between her parents. As a child, no one wants their family to be broken. She will be like a piece of tape, busy to glue her family that is about to be broken.

Father's stubbornness, he is used to being a commander, and he doesn't listen to anyone's words. Lu's mother has always been submissive to her husband, knowing that her husband is a great hero, so she tolerates everything, and sometimes Lu Ying, who is patient, feels wronged for her mother. So she will never bear it, she would rather let Bai Chen compromise with her if she speaks badly and has a bad temper.

That time, it was because Mother Lu only wanted her husband to give in to her once.

But Lu's father, who hadn't realized the seriousness of the problem, didn't back down in the slightest. A trivial incident caused family conflicts to erupt.

Lu Ying sleeps in the living room at night, afraid that her mother will leave the house suddenly.

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