Love After Marriage, He Got A Free Wife

Chapter 1318: get in the car and go home

"Jiang Tianzhi, are you a pig? Don't you take a bath when you go out with your uncle?" Gu Xiaonuan criticized while washing.

The little tiger cub yelled even louder, "Baby is taking a bath, and mother hates Smelly Bao~"

Bai Chen couldn't see his godson now, Jiang Chenyu wanted to go to wash his son's hair, hung up the phone quickly, and Jiang Chenyu also went out. "Where did you follow your uncle?"

"Hmph, don't tell Dad and where~" The little tiger was still angry.

Gu Nuannuan hated his son, "You are not a big man, you have a big temper, you still want to put on your wings and fly to the sky."

"Bao is flying~"

Jiang Chenyu said, "Close your eyes, Dad washed the foam off his head."

The little tiger closed his eyes forcefully, poured a basin of warm water, and the little tiger spit directly with his mouth pouted.

"Whose son are you?" Gu Nuannuan asked in disgust.

"Where is the boy~"

Gu Nuannuan dislikes and treasures her son.

After taking a bath, the little guy was running and playing in the living room naked again.

"Husband, who called just now?" Gu Nuannuan asked.

Jiang Chenyu: "Xiaobai, I'm probably bored, I want to chat with the tiger."

Tiger heard his name being called, and walked over, "Dad, Bao and godfather are chatting."

Handed the phone to his son, dialed for him, and put on speakerphone.

The phone rang a few times, but unexpectedly it was hung up!

Bai Chen heard the phone vibrate and saw that it was Jiang Chenyu who was about to connect. He didn't think about it, and saw a few people coming out of the restaurant.

He hung up the phone without hesitation and started the car.

The little tiger was dumbfounded, looking at his father cutely, he blinked, and didn't know what happened.

Didn't the godfather want to chat with him? Why didn't Bao answer the phone~

Forget it, let him play with Dad.

Under the eaves, Lu Ying stood in a row with a man, and the two shook hands with a couple of each other, smiling and talking.

The vehicle drove past and watched the couple get in the car and leave, leaving only a few people from the company under the eaves.

"Director Ge, how are you going, Miss Lu?" A colleague from the company asked.

The man called Director Ge stood there in a formal suit, but he was somewhat charming. That person, Bai Chen remembered. The man who gave Lu Ying roses last time!

Director Ge lowered his eyes and looked at Lu Ying with affection that anyone could see. "Yingying, where do you live, I'll see you off?"

Lu Ying shook her head, "No need, I'll take a taxi and get home."

Director Ge said again: "You are a girl, it's not safe to take a taxi, why? Afraid that I will do something to you?" Director Ge's words to Lu Ying were full of ambiguity.

The colleagues at the back saw each other, smiled at each other, and matched up one after another, "Sister Lu, let the director send you off, I believe it's safest for the director to send you off."

"Yes, Sister Lu, maybe the director will visit your house in the future."

"Go, Miss Lu."

Director Ge smiled lowly, spread his hands, and invited Lu Ying to go to his car, "Beautiful lady, please."

Before Lu Ying could refuse, there was a "stab" at the door, and a car stopped in front of everyone.

Bai Chen stood directly at the entrance of Manxianglou, the sound of braking made everyone look at the car in front of them.

"Lu Ying, get in the car and go home."

Bai Chen's voice sounded.

Lu Ying bent down, tilted her head, and smiled when she saw Bai Chen driving inside from the passenger window.

Lu Ying could tell at a glance whether he was happy or not.

Lu Ying turned around and said to her superior, "Director Ge, thank you for your kindness. My driver has arrived, so I'll leave first."

She opened the co-pilot's door with a smile, sat in, and then said to the company's employees: "It's been a hard day today, and you all go back to rest early. Director Ge, see you tomorrow." Lu Ying waved to Director Ge.

Bai Chen raised his hand directly, and held Lu Ying's goodbye hand domineeringly. Under everyone's gaze, the 'driver' took Lu Ying's hand and left.

Director Ge is still in a daze, who is this man who came out?

In the car, Bai Chen asked: "I am a colonel, I am your driver, right?"

Lu Ying pulled her hand out of Bai Chen's hand, and she put on her seat belt, "Then how should I introduce you, ex-boyfriend?"

"Remove a word, it doesn't sound right." Colonel Bai said with a temper.

Lu Ying: "Ex-friend?"

Bai Chen: "... Lu Ying, did you do it on purpose?"

Lu Ying snorted disdainfully, turned her head to look at the neon lights outside the window, it was really bustling, like a dream.

She opened the car window, and the light yellow streetlights turned her yellow. Under Ye Yeyi, her outline is like a painting, and Bai Chen looks back at her frequently in the painting.

Lu Ying leaned against the car door, closed her eyes, and felt the summer in her hometown. Her hair was gentle with the summer wind.

"Did you drink tonight?"

"No, the other party is quitting drinking recently, we drink tea." Usually, we have to drink a little.

Bai Chen looked back at Lu Ying several times, even with his eyes closed, Lu Ying could feel it. "Just say something, and see what I do?"

Bai Chen cleared his throat and asked, "That night, after getting drunk, did they really have sex?"

Lu Ying suddenly opened her eyes and looked at Bai Chen, "What do you mean?"

Bai Chen swept the tip of his nose in embarrassment, "I was so drunk that night, I forgot what I felt at that time."

Lu Ying: "..."

Bai Chen asked: "Would you like to visit the place where I live now?"

Lu Ying: "...Is this how you usually bring women back?"

"Fuck off, which woman did I take back?" Bai Chen went into a rage when he heard it. "If you like to go, if you don't like to go, then don't go."

After he lost his temper, he suddenly remembered what he had talked with the Army Chief in the afternoon. Bai Chen controlled his temper again, "I'm not angry with you, it's you who slandered me, I'm in a hurry to explain, I don't want to quarrel with you."

Lu Ying: "Oh."

Bai Chen drove the car and approached the Army Chief's house. Bai Chen slowed down on purpose to let the two of them walk a little longer on the road. He saw a green light ahead, and he had a chance to pass, so he stopped on the road and waited for the green light to turn yellow, red, and then green. "That man, your new suitor?" Bai Chen asked.

Lu Ying: "That's my partner."

Bai Chen snorted coldly, "I don't think he's a good person."

"Only you are a good person."

Bai Chen didn't say a word, when he reached the gate of Army Chief's house, Bai Chen stopped the car and asked, "Can you still drive?"

Lu Ying: "What do you do?"

Bai Chen directly handed the car keys to Lu Ying, "Anyway, I'm fine, the car is dusty when it's not in use, it's convenient for you to drive to and from get off work."

He drove Lu Ying home, and then walked away by himself.

Lu Ying chased after him to give him the car keys, but Bai Chen's long legs ran faster.

In the end, Lu Ying didn't catch up. She looked around, turned around and went back to her home.

The Army Chief was already waiting for her, "Yingying, how did you come back?"

"Didn't you tell Bai Chen my location?"

She put Bai Chen's car keys in her bag and sat beside her father, "How do you feel today?"

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