Love After Marriage, He Got A Free Wife

Chapter 1319: President Jiang's wife escaped

"I don't feel it. I think I'm all right. You guys insist on making a fuss and let me treat you." The Chief of Army insisted.

Lu Ying stayed with his father in the living room for a while, and the TV was full of military news. Lu Ying suddenly asked, "Dad, do you miss my mother?"

"No." The Army Chief replied very quickly.

Lu Ying didn't speak, and sat in the living room. For some reason, the living room was obviously quiet when the TV was on.

Lu Ying finally got up, "I went upstairs to wash and go to bed, and I have to go to the company tomorrow."

After his daughter left, the Army Chief was also upset. He frowned and waved to his subordinates, "Turn off the TV and go to bed."

The next day, Lu Ying went out and looked at Bai Chen's car parked here last night. She shook the car key and got in decisively.

Five minutes later, Bai Chen's cell phone rang.

He stopped from the runway, connected, "Hello, what's the matter?"

Lu Ying found out, "How do you adjust the rearview mirror of your car?"

Bai Chen: "You're so stupid, the car is waiting for me."

Five minutes later, Bai Chen ran over in his gym clothes.

"How did you come so fast?" Lu Ying was shocked.

Bai Chen opened the car door, pressed the small button on the car, and answered while adjusting: "I ran from my house in the morning and came here."

"Your family? Bai Chen, you're off-roading!" Lu Ying was shocked, it was several kilometers away.

"It's just a matter of two hours. I ran for a day in the team. Check to see if the rearview mirror is adjusted properly." Bai Chen said, pulling Lu Ying to check.

Lu Ying looked around and nodded. "alright."

Looking at the sweat on Bai Chen's body again, "My dad hasn't eaten yet, so go in and eat with him."

"I haven't showered yet, what should I do, I'll go to your room and use your bathroom later?" Bai Chen said with a smirk.

Lu Ying: "You dare to try it."

"Cut, just try it." Bai Chen patted the car door, "Hurry up and go."

Before Lu Ying drove away, he threatened Bai Chen, "Don't go to my bedroom."

Bai Chen: "Okay, I got it, I use your towel to take a shower."

"Dead Baichen."

Bai Chen turned around with a smile, went up the steps, and went to Lu's house. "Uncle, Yingying came to let me accompany you for dinner."

While eating, Bai Chen also chatted with the Army Commander, trying to clear up what happened back then.

The Army Chief asked, "Why do you want to know such details?"

Bai Chen: "Because I have to learn from you."

Chief of the Army: "... really treat you as my son-in-law, so I won't be angry?" Obviously he is his subordinate.

Bai Chen: "Before Lu Ying has no match, I might be your son-in-law."

Besides, Lu Ying is his now.

After breakfast, Bai Chen got up, "I'm going to Yingying's bedroom."

Chief of the Army: "...Although you may be, you are not my son-in-law yet."

Bai Chen wiped his mouth, "Is there a difference?" It's just a matter of time.

He went upstairs, and because of the inconvenient movement of the army commander, he couldn't stop him.

Pushing open the bedroom door, sure enough, the bed in Lu Ying's bedroom hadn't been made yet, the quilt was messy on the bed, and her pajamas were still thrown on it.

The corner of Bai Chen's mouth curled into a smile.

Ten minutes later, Bai Chen went downstairs contentedly.

I went to the bathroom to wash my face, "Uncle, I'm leaving, I'll come to have breakfast with you sometime."

"Bai Chen, what did you do in Yingying's bedroom?"

Bai Chen laughed, "She knows."

When Lu Ying was working in the company, his heart was wandering. Bai Chen was really uncertain, so he went as soon as he said he would, and he didn't treat himself as an outsider at all.

She was in the company, and when she was reading news on her mobile phone from time to time, she clicked on Bai Chen's interface several times.

Hesitating and not knowing what to talk to him, she finally typed, "Have you left my house yet?"

Bai Chen replied meanly: "After using up your bath towel, I'll dry the balcony for you."

Lu Ying: "..."

After get off work in the afternoon, Lu Ying took his bag and ran away.

Director Ge wanted to invite Lu Ying to dinner, but he looked at her back and asked, "How did Lu Ying come here today?"

"I don't know. Sister Lu seems to be driving the car by herself."

Director Ge looked at Lu Ying's back and fell into deep thought. She probably hasn't bought a car just after returning to China.

I heard that her father is a high-ranking military official. Could it be that her father's car is driving?

Director Ge decided to take a good look at the license plate next time, and ask a friend to investigate to see what kind of high-ranking official Lu Ying's father is in the team. If he can really be the son-in-law of a high-ranking official, then his future platform is not limited to this?

He secretly made up his mind, his eyes full of calculations.

Lu Ying returned home and went straight to the upstairs bedroom.

Pushing open the door, she saw that there was nothing on the balcony, but her bed was all made, and there was a pen and paper on the table.

Lu Ying walked over and took a look, there was an illustration on it, a little pig was sketched, and there was an arrow pointing to it and said: Its name is Bungy Pig Ying.

Lu Ying laughed, and complained again, "Damn Baichen, talk about me again."

She put away the paper and went downstairs.

Bai Chen has been walking everywhere recently. That day when he went to Yenan Villa to find his godson, he rode a shared bicycle to the gate.

Everyone was stunned at the door, "Young Master Bai?"

"Young Master Bai, I'm Colonel Bai." Bai Chen signaled, "The door opens, I'll ride in."

Jiang Chenyu was in the fire at home, looking at his own son. Why did no one tell him before giving birth to his son that raising children is so hard!

The Yenan villa occupies a vast area, surrounded by Jiang Chenyu's private residences.

I used to step on the accelerator when I was driving, and I didn't think it was too big. Now I ride a bicycle and the sun is over 30 degrees above my head. Bai Chen only feels that it is long.

Arriving at the living area of ​​Yenan Villa, Bai Chen put down his bicycle, sweating all over his body. "Son, godfather is here."

The little tiger who was "studying" with a pen suddenly raised his head, "Godfather~"

He put down his pen and ran out suddenly. He has to meet his godfather~

Mr. Jiang said angrily, "Jiang Tianzhi, get over here and learn Chinese characters!"

When Bai Chen entered the door, the cool air that hit his face made him feel as if he was in heaven for a moment. "It's so comfortable."

After washing his face, Bai Chen picked up his godson and sat on the sofa.

Jiang Chenyu glanced at his precious son, and asked his brother, "Where's your car?"

"My car let Yingying drive." Bai Chen said proudly.

Jiang Chenyu: "...can't afford a taxi without money?"

"Taxis can't drive in your yard," bikes can. Jiang Chenyu would only ask himself when he came by bicycle, and he could proudly say that his car was driven away by Yingying.

Jiang Chenyu questioned his brother's mind again.

Within a few minutes, the servant at the side brought Bai Chen a cup of gardenia tea, and Bai Chen picked it up and took a sip. "It's bitter and cold, it's not good to drink, Mr. Jiang, why did you start drinking this?"

Jiang Chenyu took a deep breath, "Get off the fire."

Then he looked at the 'culprit' who made him angry. The little tiger is a ghost, he sits in the arms of his godfather, but he doesn't look at his father.

"Where's your wife?" Bai Chen came and didn't see her.

Mentioning this point, Jiang Chenyu glared at the little guy again, "Escaped."

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