Love After Marriage, He Got A Free Wife

Chapter 1320: Nuaner was fooled by her son

The little tiger raised his head, but complained aggrievedly: "Godfather, why don't you teach Bao to learn, run away~"

When Bai Chen heard it, his heart melted. He waved his hand, "It's okay, godfather will teach you."

Half an hour later, Bai Chen got up, "Boss Jiang, what, can we make the kindergarten start two months earlier?"

Not long after the summer vacation, Bai Chen wanted someone to open the door and accept him as his son.

When Bai Chen left, Jiang Chenyu threw him a car key, "The car in the garage, take one away." Riding a bicycle, who is pity.

Bai Chen threw the car keys over again, "Don't open it, ride a bicycle to keep fit."

The two threw the car keys in a parabola in the air, but the other party was able to catch it. This made the little tiger dumbfounded. He turned his head from side to side and looked at the water bottle in his hand. "Daddy pick it up~" He threw it with his little hand.

"Patta" the cup fell to the ground and rolled to the side of Jiang Chenyu's slippers.

Father and son look at each other...

Boss Jiang's breathing became heavy, and Bai Chen saw that something was wrong, "Well, son, let's get out with godfather first."

However, today's Bai Chen didn't drive, and he stared at the bicycle, unable to carry his godson, so he had no choice but to leave his godson behind, and he left.

The money spent in the afternoon was not less, but Bai Chen just rode happily.

Occasionally, he would call Lu Ying in the name of the car, "Where is it? Come and drop me off."

After delivering the car, he called her to eat, and sent her back after eating. The next morning, he parked the car in front of her house again.

After watching her go to work, he went in to have breakfast with the army chief.

Gu Xiaonuan is either forced to go shopping by his son every day, or forced to study by his son.

Thanks to his son, she has already read all the objective questions of the law test.

The little tiger hasn't seen his mother for several days. That morning he cried and hugged his mother's leg and acted like a spoiled child, "Woooo, you don't love Bao~"

Gu Xiaonuan's heart was once again deceived by this little **** who can act like a baby and pretend to be poor.

So, she stayed at home with her son that day.

Later, Gu Xiaonuan held the little tiger's face and said, "Baby, why can't your cuteness be directly proportional to your IQ." She was about to die of anger.

Later, Gu Xiaonuan found out that it was purely a trick for her baby to act coquettishly and pitifully towards her that day! Because the little guy didn't want to be beaten with his father, so he wanted to be with himself, and he could still be hugged and kissed by his mother, like a little baby.

Knowing this, Gu Xiaonuan put her hands on her waist and looked at her little boy, "Jiang Tianzhi, come here, are you fooling me?"

After Nangong Zi became a father, there was an additional problem.

In the group chat, 800 photos and videos of Xiao Yuanyuan can be received a day.

Some were sleeping, some were crying, some were grinning, and even his daughter was sleeping with her eyes open with a small gap. The Patriarch of Nangong wants to record videos in the group, and @江始: Mr. Jiang, what's the matter with Yuanyuan not being able to close her eyes while sleeping? Has our son ever had one?

An Kexia was at work, when she saw her daughter's photo, she suddenly jumped out: Nangong Zi! Where did you hold Yuanyuan again?

Every time her daughter fell asleep in the crib, her daughter's father's hands would itch, and he disappeared without a trace while holding his daughter.

An Kechun finally had a rest, went down the mountain to visit Yuanyuan, and missed several times.

Ask An Kexia, where is the child?

An Kexia became angry and made a phone call, "Nangong Zi, where did you take the child? My sister went to see the child, but the child is not at home."

Anyway, Yuanyuan is his father's little pendant.

Sleep one by one, open eyes and another.

An Kexia's superiors, knowing that she has just become a mother and that the child is not yet one year old, often take care of her, "Kexia, go back when you are done with your work, the child is still at home."

An Kexia: "I can't see the child even when I go back, who knows where her father hugged me again."

Zhen Xi went over to see her daughter on purpose, Nangong Zi was shameless, "You will be charged."

Master Xi: "Do you believe that I'm aiming at you with a cannon?"

"You dare to point at me, believe it or not, my daughter won't call you godfather in the future."

Zhen Xi pointed at Nangong Zi, "You wait for me, I will ask Xiaobai to give me a daughter too."

"Does Xiaobai have a letter?" Nangong Zi asked.

Zhen Xi: "You mountain gun, surfing the Internet on 2G, Lu Ying is back."

Nangong Zi: " are talented, but you don't have a girl."

Master Xi wanted to have a big fight with his brother again, "Don't force me, force me, I will give birth to one too."

Nangong Zi: "You old pumpkin, the daughter you gave birth to is not as beautiful as the daughter I gave birth to."

The two started arguing again, with Yuanyuan caught in the middle, blinking and blinking with big round eyes.

Ning'er found a job on her own.

Jiangsu knew that on that day, Ning'er's internship period had passed.

That night, the two sat together to eat, Ning'er went home early on purpose, went to the supermarket to buy seasonal vegetables and cooked a table of dishes. "Yaya, why didn't you tell me that you went to find a job?"

Ning'er bit her chopsticks, smiling flatteringly, "Brother Xiao Su is busy, I want to surprise Brother Xiao Su~" Ning'er said without confidence.

She was afraid that Jiangsu would be angry, so she didn't tell him about her work.

Jiangsu was really unhappy, "Which company and what does it do? No matter how busy I am, your business will always come first, can't you remember?"

Ning'er lowered her head, poking the rice with her chopsticks, a little frightened by her serious boyfriend.

I don't know if it's because I'm used to being a boss, but Jiangsu always has a stern look on her body, and Ning'er is a little timid now.

"Brother Xiao Su, I just don't want you to worry about it." Ning'er whispered.

When Jiangsu saw Ning'er lowering his head, he also slightly realized that his tone was rushed. Although he was displeased, he restrained himself a bit, picked up some food for Ning'er with his chopsticks, "Let's eat first. Send me the company's information later, what are you doing?"

"Administrative assistant." Ning'er replied obediently.

Jiangsu took a few mouthfuls of rice, and with his stern expression, Ning'er felt more and more like an uncle.

"Are you happy during the internship?" Jiangsu asked again.

Ning'er nodded, "It's my first time working, happy."

Jiangsu didn't ask any further, but said, "It doesn't matter how much your salary is. You want to be happy at work, and if you're not happy, just resign. I'll send you the labor contract you signed soon, and I'll ask Xiang Shuang to find a lawyer to look at it."

Ning'er groaned, and ate slowly with her mouth puffed out.

Jiangsu saw that she was frightened by him just now, so he brought Ning'er food again. "Eat more, you go to bed early, and I'll go to the company again."

Ning'er covered her mouth and let out another oh.

At home, the first meal was silent.

After dinner, Jiangsu took a look at Ning'er's agreement, sent it to Xiang Shuang, and called her directly, "Hey, Yaya found a job for herself. You can contact Zhao as long as her company has a contract." Let's see."

I don't know what was said there, but Jiangsu said again, "I'll go to the company in a while, the office will tidy up for me first, President Liu will be there at night."

Jiangsu handed the contract to Ning'er, he got up and went to the entrance to change his shoes, turned around and waved to Ning'er, telling her to go back to rest early, and he went out.

Ning'er sent Jiangsu away. For some reason, she felt inexplicably sore and uncomfortable.

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