Director Ge made another excuse, "I have something that I need to discuss with you."

Lu Ying raised her wrist, and tapped her wristwatch with the other hand, "It's off work time, I'll go to work in the afternoon, and I'll go to Director Ge for an interview."

After speaking, Lu Ying walked away with the bag cross-body.

After all, they are all on the same floor, and there are only a few elevators in total. Director Ge also saw Ning'er, he thought it was really Lu Ying's younger sister, but later he realized that it was just a title, and the two had just met each other not long ago.

Ning'er also saw Director Ge. I don't know if others like it or not, but she doesn't like it anyway. After get off work on Friday, Ning'er went directly to her boyfriend's studio to find him.

"Brother Xiao Su, that Director seems to be interested in Sister Lu, do you want to tell Uncle Bai?" Ning'er was so worried that Director Ge would rob her Sister Lu.

Jiangsu didn't care about other people's feelings, but pulled a chair by his desk and asked her to sit down.

Ning'er sat down, and Jiangsu turned the chair directly so that she faced him. "Don't talk about other people's feelings, let me explain to you. Have you recruited a love rival for me in the company?" His family is so beautiful, sensible and well-behaved, and it is inevitable that people will rob him.

Ning'er smiled and shook her head, "No, I already said that I have a boyfriend." After telling her own story, Ning'er was worried about others, "But I still feel that the relationship between Uncle and Sister Lu is a bit dangerous."

Jiangsu: "Stupid girl, Uncle Bai just looks at the fool as if he can't count on it. If it really comes down to business, who can **** someone away from Uncle Bai. Don't forget, he is Colonel Bai, and his best thing is fight."

"Then I can rest assured."

Ning'er guarded her own people, and guarded them tightly.

As always, Jiangsu is working, and Ning'er is by her side. Even if she doesn't understand, Ning'er will pass the time by flipping through books and go back together at night.

Seeing Xiang Shuang at the company, he felt disgusted. It seems that Ning'er is the Daji beside King Zhou, charming Jiangsu not working every day, unable to help, and still adding to the chaos.

Where I can't read books, I have to squeeze at my desk in Jiangsu to read.

She turned and slammed the door annoyed, and went to her office.

She slammed the door so loudly that she heard it.

Ning'er was puzzled, she looked at her boyfriend, "Brother Xiao Su, what's wrong with her?" Ning'er was not a fool, she could vaguely feel that she didn't like her.

Jiangsu frowned slightly, "It's okay, you read your book."

He went out to Fat Brother's side, said a few words, went in again, and sat next to Ning'er. "Think about what to eat tonight, and take you to eat delicious food at night."

Ning'er bit her lip, thinking that maybe Xiang Shuang was dissatisfied that she had nothing to do to disturb Xiao Su's brother's work, and felt that she was in the way. So Ning'er smiled and found an excuse to express that she wanted to leave, "Brother Xiao Su, you don't have anything to eat and nothing to do here, so boring. I miss my baby, and I want to play with him."

Jiangsu: "What are you doing with a brat, stay by my side."

Ning'er got up and packed her bag, "No, I miss the baby, and I promised the baby. Brother Xiao Su, I'm leaving."

"Are you looking for pier seeds or melon seeds?" Jiangsu asked again.

Ning'er: "Well~ first find Xiaohu Bao, and then find Xiaolongbao tomorrow." Only Ning'er would call him baby every time he called the little tiger.

Jiangsu: "I'll see you off."

Ning'er refused to let her go, but she couldn't resist the tough Jiangsu.

Xiang Shuang heard the sound of him driving Ning'er away in the office.

She was even more displeased, "Brother Fat, if Jiangsu continues to put this kind of relationship first, I will leave the company."

Fat brother didn't speak well, "Xiang Shuang, why do you think that you won't transfer the company if you leave it; how do you think that the company can't succeed without your company? You are used to threaten Xiao Su and make him ignore his family. Where are you from? self-confidence?

Remember, Ning'er is the proprietress, and she is now! You are a subordinate, and your actions today have made the boss and the boss's wife unhappy. I came to talk to you because the boss was too lazy to talk to you and let me come.

Make it clear where you are! This office is not for you! "The fat brother pointed to Xiang Shuang's desk and said.

Fat brother also went out.

Jiangsu sent Ning'er to Yenan Villa, watched her enter, put away the smile on his face, and drove to the studio.

"Brother Fat, have you ordered?" Jiangsu asked.

Fat Brother nodded and followed Jiangsu to his office. "The ability is good, but this person is not very good."

Jiangsu had a cold face, Ning'er was here just now, it was inconvenient for him to go there. "Yaya suddenly proposed to leave, I really think she is stupid, she doesn't know anything."

Jiangsu got annoyed when he mentioned this, "I'll leave early tonight, and I have to pick up Yaya. Xiang Shuang has no rules, just open the recruitment!"

The fat brother also persuaded his brother, "Xiao Su, calm down and observe."

Ning'er was in Yenan villa, looking at the little meat in the open-air swimming pool, obviously he was not happy, but Ning'er was depressed.

Gu Xiaonuan went over with two glasses of iced drinks and handed her one, "Come, talk to auntie."

"Aunt~" Ning'er didn't know what to say.

There is still a hickey mark on Gu Xiaonuan's collarbone. She originally planned to go into the water today, but when she was wearing a swimsuit, she looked at the part of her neck. She gritted her teeth. If you can break the casserole and ask the end, you will keep asking!

Gu Xiaonuan had no choice but to be bored in the awning, and it happened that the little niece passed by to relieve boredom.

Seeing that she was not as cheerful as before, Gu Nuannuan was worried that something would happen to her, "Auntie is her own person, so she can say whatever she wants. There is no need to condense the language in advance."

The little tiger was in the swimming pool and saw the cold sour drink his mother was holding. He swam to the shore by himself, stepped on the lawn with his little family naked, and ran over quietly to grab a drink.

"Auntie, what will you do if there is a capable subordinate in Uncle's company who is not happy with you?"

Gu Xiaonuan: "Female, male?"

Ning'er pursed her lips, "Female."

Gu Xiaonuan has frivolous brows and tails, it seems that something is wrong with Jiang Xiaosu. "Is it my problem?"

Ning'er shook her head, nodded indecisively, and finally said depressedly, "I don't know either."

Gu Xiaonuan asked again: "What's your uncle's attitude?"

"To Auntie."

Gu Xiaonuan: "Then don't say anything, don't ask questions, act as if you don't know anything."

Ning'er supported her chin, "I didn't say anything."

The little tiger drank two sips of his mother's passion fruit tea, and looked at his sister's watermelon juice. He changed a cup and hugged it.

The two talked about themselves, Gu Xiaonuan said: "In this matter, the most angry person is actually Xiao Su. You believe in his character, Xiao Su will not let you be wronged."

Ning'er shook her head, all her heart was Jiang Xiaosu, "Auntie, if Xiang Shuang can really help Brother Xiaosu, it doesn't matter whether I am wronged or not."

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