Love After Marriage, He Got A Free Wife

Chapter 1328: he wants to pick up

"You silly child." Gu Nuannuan said, "Your parents love you, not to make you suffer. Is Xiao Su willing?"

The little tiger who secretly drank several sips said, "My brother is not willing~"

Gu Xiaonuan rubbed his son's head, "That's right, look at the little tiger...Little tiger! Are you itchy or not? You drank both cups secretly!"

The little tiger is full, and the mother who watched him fry the cat is about to beat Bao.

The little guy jumped into the swimming pool with a clever "plop" and swam. Because his mother was wearing a skirt, she couldn't go into the water, so she could only point at the little guy on the shore and shout. "Jiang Tianzhi, get out here!"

The little tiger smiled so happily in the swimming pool in the afternoon, and cried as much as he went ashore.

His father came home and looked at the villain standing there for punishment. "What's wrong with him?"

Gu Xiaonuan said: "Ninger and I had ice cubes in the drink in the afternoon. He just came out of swimming and didn't pay attention, so he hugged him and drank it. Just take a few sips and drink it all. Just wait, his stomach hurts tonight, don't cry."

In the evening, my mother's prophecy came true.

The little tiger cried and rubbed his belly in the middle of the night, calling his parents to act like a baby.

Jiang Chenyu got up, made a packet of medicine for his son to drink.

The little tiger was lying in her mother's arms, feeling so wronged that Gu Xiaonuan couldn't bear to criticize it.

The medicine is always kept at home because her little **** made it.

Holding his son in his arms, Jiang Chenyu rubbed his belly with his big hands, and coaxed and observed him for half an hour before coaxing him to sleep.

The next day, the little tiger's diet was light again.

Mr. Jiang complained about his son, "Tiantian is like your grandfather. He loves to steal food, and his stomach hurts after stealing food." Coincidentally, the two are old and young.

The little tiger was wronged by what he said, so he poked the green vegetable noodles with his small hands and sent them to his mouth.

After going to Jiang's house, Jiang Chenyu went up and warned his family members, "Don't eat ice cream in front of the tiger, he drank cold water yesterday, and got up in the middle of the night to drink medicine because of his stomach ache last night."

The little tiger was angry, he wrinkled his face and shouted cutely: "Dad~"

Miss Jiang also went back with the baby on the weekend.

As soon as they landed, Xiao Qinglong and Xiao Tiger met, and the two brothers disappeared.

The sisters Jiang Momo and Gu Xiaonuan also disappeared.

Jiang Chenyu and Su Linyan went home for a while, but their wives and children were gone.

Lu Ying has to go to work on Saturday, so she is busy. Ning'er rested, she was fine at home, anyway, her boyfriend was not at home, so Ning'er walked directly to the company downstairs to wait for her 'dinner' to have lunch in the hot weather.

Lu Ying went downstairs and saw Ning'er waiting for her. "You child!" Her tone was distressed and full of reproach.

Going to the restaurant at noon, Lu Ying went to a nearby supermarket and bought her a pack of oral liquid to prevent heat stroke for her to drink.

"In the future, you will be on weekends, so don't come to me at noon. Sister Lu can eat alone." Lu Ying said.

Ning'er shook her head, "No, Sister Lu, there is no fruit at home. I can't get up in the morning and want to buy fruit. When I get up, I want to buy fruit, and I want to pick up the garbage. Then I washed all the sheets and quilts and dried them. I also did all the cleaning at home before going out. It was past eleven o'clock when I went out, and I was hungry, so I came to find you for dinner."

With Ning'er, she will never let others feel guilty about her. Talk to her, relax and decompress.

Lu Ying bought her another drink, "I'll buy some fruit with you later, and then send you back."

After lunch, I went to the supermarket to cool off for a while, but Ning'er refused to let me take her off, "Sister Lu, you are the busiest Saturday, and you have to make an appointment with a client. I want to take a walk."

"too hot."

Ning'er: "I'm not afraid of the sun."

Looking at Ning'er's face, Lu Ying sighed, "It's because of my youth."

In the hot noon, there were almost no people on the road, and even very few vehicles.

The high temperature burns the landmarks, and when you look at it, it looks like a flame and can give birth to phantoms.

Ning'er held a parasol and carried a bag of fruit.

After walking a few steps, it was hot, so she sat down to rest, but she didn't expect the stool to burn her butt. She got up, patted her pants, went to sit on the stool under the shade of the tree, and began to eat the fruit she bought.

Stop and go, when I got home, there was only one of the four oranges left.

There is half a box of lychees left.

She went to the supermarket downstairs again, bought a lot and carried them home.

After arriving home, the sheets and bedding washed in the morning were dried on the balcony, fluffy and soft.

She put the sheets and quilts on, took a bath again, and lay down on the sofa comfortably for a while to sleep.

In the afternoon, Jiangsu called, "Ah, are you still looking for Xiaogua? He and Dunzi are both at Jiang's house."

After sleeping until the afternoon, Ning'er went to Jiang's house to play with the two babies again.

In the studio, Jiangsu made a summary in the weekly routine meeting.

During the meeting, Jiangsu kept ignoring Xiang Shuang.

Jiangsu was thrown by his uncle to experience Jiang's experience. He sat there in a meeting, like the one sitting in the meeting room of Jiang's group.

At the end of the one-hour meeting, Jiangsu explained to everyone the focus of next week, but still ignored Xiang Shuang.

He left the conference table and shouted to Shuang, "Jiangsu, I,"

"Brother Fat, I'll leave early tonight, and you're going back to my house. You can take a taxi back at night, and the company will reimburse you."

Fat Brother: "I can afford the travel expenses."

Jiangsu: "Reimbursement is the company's attitude."

He held the car keys, "Then I'm leaving, see you at home at night."

Xiang Shuang felt Jiangsu's willful neglect, and she looked at Fat Brother.

Fat Brother knows what he should and should not do as a middleman. "Xiao Su went to pick Ning'er up. He wanted to pick up Ning'er himself, but Ning'er didn't let him go. Even if Ning'er asked him to go, this is what he should do."

Arriving at the gate of Jiang's house, Jiangsu felt that the gate of his house was different from three years ago. But if you look closely, it still looks the same, but my memory is a little fuzzy.

Ning'er came out from the door, followed by two little guys who were driving a car.

"Brother, sister~" The two brothers got out of the car and ran to hug Jiangsu.

Jiangsu got out of the car, held a little brother in his arms, and kissed each other twice, "Did Sister Ning'er secretly kiss you two today?"

Ning'er: "...Brother Xiao Su, I won't take you with me~"

The two brothers played with the eldest brother at the door for a while. When the little tiger was about to leave, he remembered what his mother had told him. "Brother, where did you say to have dinner together~ You have time, go to eat with your aunt and sister."

Jiangsu: "...ah, what?"

Ning'er: "Auntie said, you have time, auntie, auntie, and me, let's go have dinner together."

The son drove out to play with his brother. Gu Nuannuan told his son, "Tiger, take a message for mother. Tell your brother that if he has time, we will have dinner with mother, aunt, he and sister. We haven't gotten together for a long time. pass."

The little tiger took the task and nodded heavily.

It's a pity that I can't remember the order of the words when I go out, and I know the general meaning.

Gu Xiaonuan also knew that her son's little brain remembered intermittently, so she said it again to Ning'er.

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