Love After Marriage, He Got A Free Wife

Chapter 1329: messenger cub

"Go back and tell your two mothers that when my brother finishes his work, he will call them." Jiangsu looked at the two little guys and agreed.

The three brothers had been in emotional contact, and Jiangsu carried the two children directly into the car, "Dundun, do you know the way home?"

"Remember~" Little Tiger nodded.

Jiangsu watched the two children drive into the gate, and he told the guard at the gate, "Call home and tell the two children to go back. Don't let the two sneak back to the lake again."

"Yes, Young Master Sun."

Jiangsu took Ning'er away.

The little tiger drove a lot, so he knew his way naturally. The little motor went back to the living room, and the little Qinglong was on the side, sitting upright and listening to his brother the most.

When we arrived at the parking area, the little tiger parked his car next to his father's car, one big and one small, looking very warm.

Then he got out of the car in a dignified manner, opened the car door for his younger brother, held Xiao Qinglong's little hand, and ran back to the living room. "Where, Bao said."

Spread the word that the cub ran to his mother, and Xiao Qinglong ran directly to his father's arms.

Su Dui picked up his son and squeezed a piece of watermelon into his little hands for him to eat. "What did your brother say when you went out?"

Xiao Qinglong's little milk voice slowly answered his father's words: "Big brother kisses the dragon~" He spoke slowly, but he articulated clearly.

The little tiger ran to his mother, holding the watermelon in his little hands, took a bite and then sent a message to his mother and aunt: "Brother is busy, then, then, call me and Long's mother."

After speaking, he took another bite of the watermelon with his small mouth. "Where, Bao finished talking, Bao went to play with Dad."

He turned and ran away, his back showing no mercy.

"Dad, reach out and hug your baby~" he shouted while running.

The little tiger rushed to his father's side, Jiang Chenyu never let his son down, when he passed by, he stretched out his arms to hug him.

Holding the little guy in his arms, he raised his little hand, "Dad, the melon is not cold anymore~"

Jiang Chenyu rubbed his stomach, "You can't eat cold food, your stomach hurts so bad you can't sleep. Who was lying in Xiaonuan's arms last night and crying?"

The little tiger pouted and didn't answer his father's words. He continued to eat melons with his two little paws, looking like a greedy cat like his mother.

Xiao Qinglong is also like his lazy mother, he has to let his father take care of everything he does. Even when eating watermelon, his father had to hold it and feed him mouthful.

After eating a few mouthfuls of watermelon, the two children in the family started to step on the sofa and play.

One was unsteady, and sat on the sofa with a bang, and when they got up again, the two of them jumped and ran to Mr. Jiang, stepped on his leg, and put their arms around grandpa's neck, giving Mr. Jiang happiness far beyond the gods.

The little tiger watched the cuju competition broadcast on TV, and made a fuss about his father insisting on cuju.

President Jiang: "..."

Xiao Qinglong was led astray by his brother, and he also started crying.

Team Su: "Tell Dad, why are you crying?"

Xiao Qinglong: "The dragon doesn't know~"

The two children were arguing, and Wei Aihua was looking for a tutorial to do Cuju.

Jiang Momo: "Sister-in-law, let's not do anything that can be solved with money, unless you want to cultivate your sentiments and find a brat in your spare time."

Wei Aihua: "Then let the two children cry?"

Gu Xiaonuan: "Sister-in-law, think about what Momo just said."

Wei Aihua was speechless for a moment, feeling too lazy to lose money.

The sisters are out.

When I came back, I bought a flowery shuttlecock. When I got out of the car, Gu Xiaonuan was kicking the shuttlecock.

Mr. Jiang pointed out the window, "Tiger, Long Bao, look at what fun things your mother bought for you two."

Brothers stop, is this fun?

Running out together, I saw the shuttlecock my mother was kicking.

The little tiger passed by, and in less than five minutes, a warm voice sounded again in the yard: "Little bastard! The shuttlecock I bought is for you to kick, not for you to pull!"

The little tiger was still angry, "Huh~ Where, Bao has already said, it's not a bastard, it's a tiger~"

Gu Xiaomao was even angrier, "Whatever you are, just roll over and get beaten."

Jiang Chenyu glanced at his son by the window, and took a sip of hot tea calmly.

These days, there is no rest every day.

Finally, one weekend, Lu Ying was sleeping at home, and the phone woke her up, "Let's go to Chaozhou and see Xiao Yuanyuan."

Lu Ying: "I'm so sleepy."

"I'll fly the plane and you sleep."

Lu Ying sat on the plane, she was not sleepy at all. I just want to look down at my feet and look at the earth.

Bai Chen controlled the flight path, "I just went to the team before, and when I called you at night, I said I would take you on the plane I drove, so I let you sit on it."

At that time, Lu Ying was 17 years old and was under a lot of pressure for the college entrance examination. Bai Chen was two years older than her, and he had just joined the team that year, and the rookies were not allowed to have their mobile phones at all, so Bai Chen still tried every means to call her.

At that time, all the comrades in the team, from the officers to the outsiders, knew that there was a recruit who fell in love and could not be separated for a day.

The chief of the army also knew about this. I heard that Bai Chen borrowed his mobile phone to call the chief of the army. "Report sir!"

The Army Chief was surprised, "Xiaobai, what are you doing here?"

At that time, Bai Chen's face was full of youthful vigor, and he said with a smile, "Uncle, please lend me your mobile phone and call your daughter."

Chief of the Army: "You boy, do 20 laps on the playground!" Knowing that this boy had a puppy love with his daughter, I didn't expect to borrow my mobile phone from him. When the chief of the army got angry, he went directly to punish him.

"Yes." Bai Chen happily agreed.

After running 20 laps, Bai Chen was drenched all over, and walked over with a smile, "Uncle, I finished 20 laps, let me use your phone."

Lu Lu was angry, "When did I say that I borrowed a mobile phone while running around?"

Bai Chen walked into the office and stood beside the Army Chief, "Uncle, Yingying is taking the college entrance examination this year. She is struggling in her studies and is under a lot of pressure. I can call her to relieve her pressure."

"Are you medicine?"

Bai Chen said cheekily, "I am Yingying's medicine."

The army was very angry.

She thought it was fine if he fell in love with her daughter, but Yingying called him at night, "Dad, I also want to go to the team with my mother to find you."

Because Lu Ying was in the third year of high school, and her mother accompanied her to study, and they all lived in other places.

Army Chief: "You study hard, what are you doing here? Who do you want to see?"

"You, and Bai Chen."

Army Chief: "He rolled deep into the mountains."

Every time Bai Chen calls his girlfriend, he draws cakes for him, so that she can think of some good things and wait for her to study in the future to be more motivated.

But every time Bai Chen draws a cake, he is working hard to realize it.

"I will also stay in the team in the future. Let's buy a house here to make a home, give birth to a child and grow up in the compound."

He is trying.

"Yingying, we'll get married when you graduate."

He just saved money, and seriously calculated how many banquets and banquets he would bring for the wedding, and what specifications to hold, and even called Jiang Chenyu, "Boss Jiang, you have to lend me the money when the time comes."

Lu Ying was under a lot of pressure in the exam, and Bai Chen also called her to relieve the boredom, "It's okay to go out for a stroll, and read every day, people are dumbfounded. Go out and look at the ring, if you like it, let's go buy it when I get home."

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