Two days ago, Lu Ying was happily indulged in Bai Chen's urging marriage, and even said to her mother: "Mom, are you free? Go out with me and look at the ring."

As a result, two days later, the conflict between her parents broke out, and she never went to see the ring.

Lu Ying looked at the blue sky and white clouds, overlooking the tall buildings, rivers and lakes under the plane, "Bai Chen, when did you learn it?"

"From the day I made a promise to you, I went to learn from the master in the team. After learning, you and I will be separated."

Lu Ying also said: "...I said you agreed to share? You knew that you were angry with me at the time, so you wouldn't say no."

"You were angry at the time, and I was also angry. I just came out of the ravine, and my whole body was hurt. When you received a call, you said goodbye, and I was also angry.

And how many years we have been talking, I never thought that we would be completely separated, and then I calmed down, I asked for leave to go to your house to find you, but you went abroad. I was so angry that I almost knocked down the door of your house. "

Lu Ying knew that he would be angry, and later found out that Bai Chen had another urgent mission when he disappeared. In fact, she couldn't get in touch with Bai Chen at that time, so she could guess that he suddenly had a mission to go out, but at that time he was young and impulsive.

In addition, in the past, Bai Chen would always do what he promised her.

Only that time, he said he would come back to accompany her, but in the end he never came back, breaking his promise with her.

Coupled with the relationship between her parents, the crisis in the family, and various factors, it was impossible for her to be considerate and calm.

The two of them were on the plane, and Bai Chen suddenly said, "It's just the two of us right now, your life is in my hands, tell me the truth."

Lu Ying glanced at Bai Chen's hand, it was indeed holding their lives. "What is the truth?"

Bai Chen: "The truth is, don't care if it's true or not, it's what I want to hear anyway."

Lu Ying: "..." She knew that Bai Chen's 'truth' was different from others.

"You returned to China just because of your father?" Bai Chen asked conservatively.

Lu Ying: "Truth: Yes. Lie: No. Truth: You choose."

Bai Chen: "Lu Ying, don't play this kind of game for me. Hurry up, do you still have me in your heart?"

The corners of Lu Ying's mouth were about to rise, but she still held back and asked, "What answer do you want to hear?"

Bai Chen: "One word."


The moment he answered, Lu Ying could feel the plane descending rapidly. Bai Chen took out his escape equipment and planned to run away by himself.

"Yes, yes, yes!" Lu Ying was so panicked that she wanted to hug the flying target and let the plane go back to normal.

Only then did Bai Chen succeed, he shamelessly resumed his smooth flight, "It's the first time I'm so shy, I'm not telling the truth. I almost jumped out of the cabin, I used a parachute to escape.

Oh, forgot to tell you. Didn't you want to go skydiving before, and you were afraid, I learned it for you, and I'm sure I'll be able to land safely from that moment just now. "

Lu Ying gritted her teeth: "Damn Baichen!"

Bai Chen controlled the plane, and said: "If you still have me in your heart, this matter is easy to talk about. Relationship, after all, the foundation of our relationship is there. With a little training, we can be together again. Besides, sleeping I've slept through it all. I'm not responsible, it's not a man's job."

Lu Ying: "..."

Bai Chen turned his head to look at Lu Ying again, and Lu Ying's cheeks were flushed. "Fly your plane, don't look at me."

Only when Lu Ying was with Bai Chen did she have the posture of a little woman.

When sitting beside him, Lu Ying felt at ease.

"Ah!" Suddenly, there was a loud shout in the cabin.

Bai Chen was also startled cleverly, "What's wrong?"

Lu Ying remembered, "I didn't buy a gift for Xiao Yuanyuan."

It's not good to see a child for the first time and go there empty-handed. "The red envelope is not ready either."

Bai Chen broke his mouth, "What's the big deal? Chaozhou is a deserted place where birds don't **** and chickens don't lay eggs? Let's go down and buy it if we can't buy it."

Lu Ying's mind turned back a little, "Oh, it makes sense."

When she was with Bai Chen, she always had no brains and was used to letting him make up her mind.

When the plane landed, Bai Chen got off the car and took Lu Ying to buy gifts and red envelopes. "I've sent them all. It doesn't matter if you don't bring anything with you."

A gift from godfather to godmother, Mr. Jiang's family is like this.

Lu Ying still bought a gift and went to the Nangong family with Bai Chen.

The Nangong family is a century-old local family. Facing the majestic gate, there are many guards, which made Lu Ying a little nervous. Sensing her restraint, Bai Chen directly held her wrist domineeringly, "Let's go."

She met Nangong Zi once in City Z before, "Sister and sister, I will go to Chaozhou with Xiaobai to find Brother Zi."

When Lu Ying met that time, he always felt that this Young Master Nangong had an aura of the underworld. He seemed afraid of people, and he didn't even dare to get in touch with him.

But seeing that Second Brother Jiang (Boss Jiang) was also there, he was reluctantly relieved.

Even so, she was still a little afraid of that Young Master Nangong, the current Patriarch of Nangong.

"What are you afraid of him doing, vulgar old man, Yingying, let me tell you, you don't have to be afraid, you have never seen his wife beat him up. I punched him with a blue eye socket, like a one-eyed dragon Ha ha ha ha"

"Hahaha again, I'll wipe your mouth." The vulgar old man was holding a cute little pink carved jade, and shouted at his brother at the door.

Bai Chen put away his smile, and whispered to Lu Ying, "Yingying, don't think he's fierce now, just wait, once his wife comes back, even a wolf will become a pug."

Lu Ying was amused by Bai Chen, she stepped forward and looked at the man she was a little afraid of back then.

He still looked so arrogant, in Jiang Momo's words: "My brother Nangong is wild and handsome."

Patriarch Nangong just couldn't hold back his domineering arrogance, so he restrained himself with his daughter, and held a pink and glutinous dumpling in his arms every day.

An Kexia was very angry in the team, and everyone else joked, "Officer An, our family is angry because the father doesn't bring up the baby. In your family, the father took care of the baby too hard, so you are angry. You are really in the midst of blessings. Good luck."

An Kexia was impatient, "He took care of the baby, and he couldn't find a place to hug Yuanyuan every day! I was tired enough chasing criminals in the team, and I had to find my daughter when I got home."

Wherever the husband likes to go.

It annoys her.

"My sister went to my house 10 times, and 9 times she would call me to ask me about Yuanyuan."

Because Patriarch Nangong hugged his daughter wherever he went, so much so that his sister-in-law, who was at odds with Nangong Zi, was forced to write down Nangong Zi's mobile phone number. "Hey, where's Yuanyuan? Nangong Zi, if you keep taking Yuanyuan out every day, I'll take Yuanyuan back to my house."

Patriarch Nangong returned home, "Sister-in-law, you only come to see my daughter, and you want to **** my daughter. Before it's dark, you start daydreaming about the blue sky."

An Kechun said angrily, "You wait, let the second child come back and deal with you."

An Kexia went back, "Nangong Zi! Where did you hug Yuanyuan today? What did you say about my sister?"

After Patriarch Nangong became a father, his life was very lively.

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