Love After Marriage, He Got A Free Wife

Chapter 1331: little round life

Nangong Zi loves her daughter very much, so she often said to her daughter: "Yuanyuan, before you and your mother, my father didn't even have a home. The only people who care about her are your godfathers. Now my father has a family, and you have a family." I'm with your mother, and my father's favorite has become the two of you. Are you happy, proud, happy?"

Xiao Yuanyuan vomited bubbles and splashed her father's face with saliva. She was very happy, and Patriarch Nangong also smiled, "My daughter is really capable, so give her a bite."

Every time An Kexia heard this, her heart felt sour. "Can she understand what you said to her?"

"I'm glad to say it."

A certain patriarch's father-in-law and mother-in-law were afraid of him, but his sister-in-law still disagreed with him. In his family, only his wife would criticize him, and occasionally punch him twice in anger.

But An Kexia is just the couple making a fuss in private, and Patriarch Nangong has to give her face outside.

Otherwise, the patriarch of the clan is often criticized and beaten by his wife, what is his prestige?

Last night, Patriarch Nangong received a call from his brother, who wanted to see his daughter, so Nangong Zi waited at home. If not, he would go out again today with his daughter in his arms.

The current Yuanyuan is spoiled by her own father, and when she doesn't go out for a day, she just grinned at her pacifier, crying loudly, with big and clear tears. No matter, before going to bed, I have to hug Yuanyuan and go out, even if I look at a tree by the roadside, as long as I go out, Xiao Yuanyuan will not cry.

Yuanyuan's mother said: "It's more laborious than raising a dog. The dog can be walked once a day, and the girl has to be walked in the morning, afternoon and evening."

After saying this, An Kexia was beaten by her sister, "Second child, what do you say about children as a mother. You have become more and more childish recently."

"I don't think I'm even Yuanyuan's mother. I'm her father, and Ah Zi is Yuanyuan's mother." An Kexia added.

An Kechun remembered that her soft and cute niece was not at home every day, and everyone's baby would go out with her niece to blow up the streets every day.

The weather was hot and the heat was steaming, An Kexia was urged by her parents to send the cold noodles made at home to her sister on the mountain. An Kechun lived quietly on the mountain, and was used to this kind of life. There are still calligraphy she practiced on the table, and she knows what my aunt is capable of. Nangong Zi was afraid that her family, a woman, would be in danger on the mountain, so she threw a gun at her for self-defense.

An Kexia knew that Quan should not know. "Sister, I'm going down the mountain first. There are visitors at home today. I have to go back to receive. You will be off next week, and put it together with my vacation. I will get up early in the morning and guard Yuanyuan so that her father will not let her take her away again. "

My mother wants to see my daughter, so she has to get up earlier for a game, hold on.

An Kechun nodded and told his sister, "Drive slowly."

An Kexia went down the mountain, returned home, and saw the guests at home.

Her chubby daughter was being hugged by a strange woman at the moment. The woman was sitting next to Bai Chen, wearing simple clothes, with light blue jeans under white short sleeves. A watch on the wrist, no other accessories on the body.

The currently popular hair clips grab her long hair casually and naturally, and the broken hair between the temples is naturally scattered.

She is not cute, nor glamorous, nor coquettish, on the contrary, she looks like a generous girl, simple and natural, making people look very comfortable.

She held Xiao Yuanyuan in both hands, making her daughter giggle. The woman's eyes were also full of joy, "Hey, Xiao Yuanyuan, how do you grow, you are so watery, you are so cute."

Xiao Yuanyuan grinned with a toothless smile, as if she understood.

There is a white circle around her lower gums, as if she wants to grow teeth. She and her father have met many people, so they are not afraid of strangers at all, on the contrary, they are very happy.

Patriarch Nangong said: "Your godmother talked to you, you are happy."

Lu Ying: "..." For no reason, there is another goddaughter.

Bai Chen: "Brother Zi, Yingying is not a godmother for nothing, she got off the plane and went straight to buy gifts for Xiaoyuan girl. This **** girl, we are sure."

An Kexia smiled, and entered while talking, "Xiaobai has already given it away, why does the godmother give it back?"

Hearing An Kexia's voice, Yuanyuan cleverly turned her head left and right, looking for where her mother was.

Niuniu from another family doesn't see her father every day, but she sees her father every day and relies on his father to find her mother.

"Ahhhhhhhhh!" Xiao Yuanyuan yelled at her mother angrily.

An Kexia walked over, and as soon as she stretched out her hand, Yuanyuan chased after her mother's embrace.

Holding her daughter in her arms, Xiao Yuanyuan smiled at her mother triumphantly, without taking her eyes off her mother's face.

An Kexia was shy when her daughter looked at her, "Smelly girl doesn't know her mother?"

Xiao Yuanyuan stuck out her tongue and smiled happily in her mother's arms, "Ahhh~"

When An Kexia came back, everyone stood up. Nangong Zi pointed to his wife and introduced to them, "Your sister-in-law, Xia Xia, is known as Police Officer An in Jianghu. Yuan'er is her mother."

Nangong Zi pointed to Lu Ying again, and introduced to his wife, "Our younger siblings, Xiaobai's wife, Lu Ying."

"No, no, no, Bai Chen and I are friends." Lu Ying hastily denied.

Since the two broke up, they didn't say they were together seriously. Now that their identities are unclear, they were misunderstood. As a girl, she still has to care about her reputation.

Patriarch Nangong said directly, "You want to be friends with Xiaobai, do you think Xiaobai thinks so? He doesn't sleep late in the morning and brings you to play. This kid wants to get back together with you."

Lu Ying suddenly said silently, Bai Chen swept his nose to relieve Lu Ying's uneasiness, "Brother Zi, has sister-in-law hit you recently?"

Patriarch Nangong heard, "...You bastard, get out of here." Which pot is not open and which pot to lift.

An Kexia hugged her daughter and greeted Lu Ying to sit on the sofa. She also sat aside and chatted, "You are often in Z City, haven't you met Nuannuan?"

"Is it the little tiger's mother?" Lu Ying had already heard about Boss Jiang's lively family affairs and that "legendary" woman.

An Kexia laughed, "Yeah. Unexpectedly, you've already seen the little tiger. I haven't seen this kid for a long time. I used to be in the police force of City Z. I missed him, and the kid sent me directly to the team. Now, once the little tiger cubs start school, they won't be able to see them anymore. I don't know if they are still naughty." An Kexia wanted to laugh when she thought of her little thief's son stealing her lollipop with his little feet.

"Naughty! Still very cute." Lu Ying talked about her and the little tiger, "It happened that I didn't even want to take the rose home when I met it for the first time. What should I do with Zhengchou? He went over and grabbed me. I I am so thankful for this baby in my heart! And that time, Bai Chen used cicadas to scare me..."

An Kexia: "Nuannuan knows you're back, she can't be idle, she will definitely find time to ask you to play. She, Momo, and Ning'er, being with these few, every day is very interesting."

"You also know Ning'er, just that cute and sensible little girl?" Lu Ying and An Kexia chatted together.

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