Yuanyuan sat on her mother's lap, clasped her little toe with her left hand, and bit her right thumb.

Her father handed her a toothbrush, Yuanyuan turned her face directly, and slipped into her mother's arms, squinting and squinting, lazily brewing drowsiness.

In the afternoon, four adults and one baby girl went shopping in Chaozhou together.

In the hot noon, Yuanyuan woke up crying endlessly.

An Kexia coaxed her for ten minutes, and finally pushed her hands to her husband, "Here, let's go for a walk with your daughter."

When she went out, she was well, and there were still tears on her eyelashes.

In the evening, the two left.

The family of three sent people on board the plane and waved goodbye.

Yuanyuan's small eyes were wide open, Bai Chen asked: "Girl, can you go with godfather?"

Lu Ying stretched out her hand, "Yuanyuan, Auntie, give me a hug."

After spending a whole day getting to know each other well, Xiao Yuanyuan really stretched out her arms to Lu Ying.

The arm that had just been stretched out was pushed down by Yuanniu's father, and then she cursed at the man, "Fuck off, you want a girl, you two hurry up and make one, don't keep thinking about other people's. It's rude." Patriarch Nangong can also do it now. The person who straightened his waist and urged his brother to marry and have children.

After all, he is now stepping on the grave of marriage, and he only wants this grave to bury him.

A group of people came here all day long to earn money for his daughter, "Lao Yan is on a business trip now, and when he comes back, he will be abducted to Chaozhou for a layover, so he can come and see my daughter."

Sometimes when Xiao Yuanyuan is sleeping, her Godfather Yan will pass by.

In her sleep, she was lying in Ganpai Yan's arms, and before she woke up, the gift arrived.

Sometimes, Master Xi quarrels with his brother every day, but he still often opens the video, "We quarrel, we quarrel, you point your phone camera at my daughter, you go to the side, we quarrel in the air."

"You are so beautiful, I won't let you see my daughter." Nangong Zi said.

Master Xi looked at the brother's big face on the phone, "Looking at your 'scary' face is really disgusting."

The "pata" video hung up.

Mr. Xi is now looking forward to his daughter growing up quickly, "Yuanyuan, you don't even know, your brother Hu can now make videos with your godfather alone. When you grow up, your godfather will buy you a mobile phone and hide it to make videos with your godfather." ah."

Master Xi wanted to buy a mobile phone for his godson, but Mr. Jiang cut him off halfway. Zhen Xi yelled, "I bought it for my son!"

Mr. Jiang: "Your son will be addicted."

The little tiger is still in the hands of his parents for video time with his godfathers.

Lu Ying went back for a day trip.

I fell asleep when I got home, and went to work the next day.

Lu Ying is in contact with the personnel situation in the workplace, and knows many pitfalls in the workplace. Ning'er is just a little white rabbit, and she didn't know anything in the past. Lu Ying pointed her at the side, taught her, and made her suffer less.

There was a meeting where the required materials were not fully prepared.

As a result, the person in charge of the materials directly smiled at the people in the room, and in a gentle tone, he gave Ning'er a dark look, "Young Yan, did you forget to print the attached pages for the materials I asked you to print this afternoon?"

Ning'er scratched her head, did she forget?

Recently, many people have asked her to help print the materials. Ning'er really doesn't know if she forgot.

However, Sister Zheng, Ning'er's boss, is already unhappy. He patted the table and criticized: "You can't do such small things as preparing materials well, so what's the use of you?"

The colleague of Yin Ning'er was on the sidelines, and immediately thought of a solution, "I'm sorry, Miss Zheng, Ning'er is a newcomer who just came in, so it's inevitable that there will be some omissions. We old people didn't guide us well. I'm going to add the attached page now, please everyone. Give me five minutes."

She went out, and Ning'er became the one to be criticized.

She blamed herself a little, seeing Sister Zheng's coldness, Ning'er bit her lower lip. She wanted to explain that she was not in charge of this information, but seeing the atmosphere present, she knew it was wrong to speak. Ning'er apologized uncomfortably, "I'm sorry Mr. Zheng, I won't do it next time."

After a while, the printing person passed by and distributed the materials to everyone, and the meeting went on normally.

At the end of the meeting, that person said to Ning'er in front of Sister Zheng, "I've always done wrong things at work, it doesn't matter, Sister Zheng is magnanimous, and I won't be angry with you."

Sister Zheng nodded in satisfaction with that subordinate and left.

Ning'er felt wronged, but had nothing to say.

At noon, when eating in the restaurant, Ning'er was depressed and ate very little. Holding the mobile phone, click on the Jiangsu page. Look at it for a while, and put it down again for a while.

She wanted to sue Brother Xiao Su, but she also knew that she was making trouble for Brother Xiao Su by doing so.

If he finds out, Brother Xiao Su will definitely drive over immediately, lead her to explain the matter clearly, resign, and won't let her suffer at work.

Lu Ying had noticed it a long time ago. She ate the sliced ​​noodles and put the meat on the plate in front of her into Ning'er's bowl. "Tell Sister Lu, what's the matter?"

Ning'er held the chopsticks, "Sister Lu, I was criticized by the boss in the meeting this morning, but it wasn't my fault."

Ning'er told Lu Ying what happened in the morning, and after she finished speaking, she poked the noodles in the bowl, "You can't tell my parents, aunts, aunts and Brother Xiao Su, they will all come to Lima to take me away."

Lu Ying understood that it was the other party who cheated her little girl to take the blame for her, and finally stepped on her girl in front of the boss and flattered him.

Lu Ying took a sip of her drink and said coldly, "Ning'er, come here, Sister Lu will teach you how to get back."

Ning'er looked at Lu Ying's determined face, and she was instantly happy.

Get up, sit next to Lu Ying, listen carefully, and listen to sister Lu teaching herself.

After listening, Ning'er smiled, "Sister Lu, you are too good, I know."

"Silly girl, you are a newcomer. You are well protected by your family. When you just leave the society and enter a company, you will step on these pitfalls. Remember what Sister Lu taught you, and no one will dare to trouble you in the future."

Ning'er nodded heavily, "Sister Lu, how do you understand so well?"

Lu Ying stirred the noodles in her bowl, "Because I have experienced it too."

In the past, her parents and her boyfriend would not be willing to let her be wronged. Bai Chen's violent temper is probably not much different from Jiang Xiaosu's. Hearing at school that she was being bullied by other classmates, Bai Chen took her to the small alley to fight after school.

Bai Chen doesn't care about women and men, "You don't have **** eyes, do you? I don't know who is protecting Yingying?" Bai Chen said this sentence most often.

Later, no one protected her, and she still had to protect her mother when she went abroad. People will naturally grow up if they step on themselves too much.

When she was overseas, many people still discriminated against her race of skin color and always bullied her in various ways. Lu Ying was often killed for this.

Ning'er pursed her mouth, but didn't say the next thing.

The two had lunch and entered the elevator together.

Before parting, Lu Ying patted Ning'er on the shoulder, "If you feel uncomfortable at work, there must be a problem. If you can't figure out or can't solve it, you can always go to sister Lu."

Ning'er nodded, "Thank you, Sister Lu."

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