Love After Marriage, He Got A Free Wife

Chapter 1334: Bai Chen said he loved his parents

Bai Chen continued: "Let's give an example. You treat my aunt the same as outsiders, don't you? Then in turn, my aunt treats you the same as outsiders. Suppose my aunt works as a nanny all day long. Other men cook three meals a day, wash clothes, match clothes, and do housework. Let me ask you, are you willing?"

Lu Lu slapped the table angrily, "What does she mean by serving other men like this?"

"Dad! My mother," Bai Chen grabbed Lu Ying's mouth with his backhand, and he continued, "Uncle, calm down, I'm just giving an example."

"Your example is simply wrong."

Bai Chen: "That's not true. But the essence of the problem is the same. What is your problem, marriage, what do you think of each other? Work partner? Or the most special lover?

You say that two people who have never met before and have no relationship with each other get married. After decades, they are already family members. Between family members, if you insist on putting on airs, your essence is to merge home and work. "

After Bai Chen finished speaking, "What is family? It's chattering, bickering, quarreling, retreating from each other, having children, daily necessities, stumbling, and finally staying with you for the rest of your life. Say what you say, being an official is addictive." I'm still playing airs at home, so my aunt can bear you for decades, and she left in middle age. If my father dared to treat my mother like this, my mother would have met Lao Bai long ago, and the two of them probably reincarnated very well. It's the second round."

Lu Ying: "..." She looked at her ex-boyfriend, wouldn't this guy get drunk?

The chief of the army was upset when he heard this, and waved his hands, "Stop drinking, go and sleep. It's all my fault, and I'm not wrong." He angrily asked the adjutant to help him.

Bai Chen looked at it and continued talking, the army chief probably wanted to flip the table.

He winked at the adjutant and ordered, "Take care of the old leader."

"You hurry home too, it's too late." The army chief didn't forget to chase people away before he left.

Bai Chen nodded.

After he went upstairs, Bai Chen turned to look at Lu Ying, "Send me~"

Lu Ying looked at him, pursed her lips and wanted to laugh, but at the same time she was very relieved.

He is still like this, whether it is appearance, ability, or viewpoint, it is all in Lu Ying's heart.

Hearing what he said just now, Lu Ying was very touched. The way she looks at men is not bad~

"Send you off." Lu Ying held Bai Chen's car keys, "Drive your car and be your driver."

The two walked out of the house, and Lu Ying asked him, "Do you really think my parents' divorce is my father's problem?"

Bai Chen scratched his hair, "Actually, Yingying, to be honest, don't be angry. I may also be a man, but I understand that a big man wants to save face and suffer. Your father is wrong, but he must be wrong, but my aunt is also on the fence. Divorced and still taking you abroad, this is the only way to go.

My aunt is a little cold and my uncle is cold for a while, just watch, he can't bear to lower his head and make a phone call first. At that time, let the uncle bow his head along with the donkey, the husband and wife, there is no difficulty that cannot be overcome.

However, things have happened, and after so many years, it is useless to think about them. What I just said is my personal opinion. To condemn or to condemn my uncle, in the final analysis, his problem is the biggest. "

Lu Ying thought of how he was caught in the middle back then, "I really think about it, I'm really not good at doing things."

Bai Chen: "It's not that you don't know how to do things, it's that it's hard for an upright official to break up housework. The palm of your hand is your father's back and your mother's back. You're great, don't question yourself. Look at that little girl Ning'er, she's worried to death for me."

Lu Ying turned her face away, looked out the window and smiled. "This silly boy."

On the way to send Bai Chen back, "Take me to the mansion."

Under Bai Chen's instructions, Lu Ying came to his place for the first time.

After arriving, Bai Chen didn't get out of the car for a long time, "Go up and sit for a while?"

Lu Ying: "No, I have to go to work tomorrow."

"Sitting for a while is not going to sleep, and you won't go to work without delay. Turn off the car and follow me."


Bai Chen continued to drink, got out of the car, walked quickly to the driver, opened the door, and took her hand, "Don't worry, I'm not drunk today, I have a good heart, and I won't do anything unethical."

Lu Ying didn't know why Bai Chen insisted on letting him get out of the car.

But she still couldn't hold him back, and she also trusted Bai Chen in her heart, so she got out of the car and locked the door, and was led into the mansion by Bai Chen.

When he got to his house, he opened the door.

Lu Ying looked at the layout around her, thinking that there was some kind of surprise and she insisted on letting herself come up.

Bai Chen opened the refrigerator, took out two bottles of water and handed her one, "Lost?"


"Stubborn." Bai Chen slumped on the sofa, "I just asked you to come up and check, this room is full of traces of men's lives, there are no women, so you can rest assured."

Only then did Lu Ying take a closer look, and indeed, not even a single strand of hair belonged to a man, not even a female mouse.

Sure enough, the thinking structure of men and women is different. She thought there was a surprise waiting for her here, but the man just asked her to come up to check and rest assured.

"Boring, go to bed quickly, don't run tomorrow morning." Lu Ying also finished checking, and she planned to leave.

Bai Chen suddenly grabbed Lu Ying's hand, and Lu Ying stopped, looking at the hands they held tightly.

No one said a word, just holding hands like this.

"You don't even miss me." Bai Chen's tone was resentful.

Lu Ying swallowed, "Bai Chen, have you met any other good girls during the few years I was away?"

Bai Chen also drank a few sips of wine, became bolder, and scolded without hesitation, "I think you are going to die, how can you have the heart to meet other people? I gave you my youth, I gave you my heart, and it's just a matter of time." Someone gave it to you, and you ran away, Lu Ying, what do you mean by asking this? Have you had someone outside in the past few years?"

The more Lu Ying listened, the more relieved she felt, and the smile on her face widened, but listen to the last sentence. "Who is someone outside, who are you talking about? I am so busy abroad every day, and I have to study for various exams, there is no chance to catch my breath. Where can I find someone?"

Bai Chen: "In that case..."

He looked at Lu Ying intently, his eyes focused for a moment.

Lu Ying's heart tightened for a while, and the next second, her hand was grabbed by a force, and she couldn't control herself and threw herself into Bai Chen's arms.

Looking up again, Bai Chen's chest was in front of her, her body was hugged by Bai Chen, "You smashed to death..."

The rest of the words were blocked by Bai Chen from her mouth.

Bai Chen's memory of that night is fragmented, but tonight, the feeling of kissing Yingying, he felt very deep. Her lips are as soft and supple as before, and her mouth is also fragrant...

He opened her teeth with his tongue, clasped the back of her head tightly, and kissed deeply with his lover who had been in love for many years.

ten minutes later.

Lu Ying went downstairs and rushed into the car blushing.

She patted her forehead, remorseful, "Really, you are so confused, Lu Ying! You were not allowed to go upstairs a long time ago, why can't you control your legs."

Now her cheeks and mouth are all red in different colors.

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