Starting the car to leave, Lu Ying cautiously took out his mobile phone to check: Kissing a drunk ex-boyfriend, is it considered drunk driving?

Finally, Lu Ying deleted the "ex" of her ex-boyfriend and searched again.

Anyway, at half past ten, when Lu Ying arrived home, his father had already fallen asleep.

She went upstairs and made a phone call with her mother. The mother over there always asked, "How is your father?"

Obviously she pretended not to care, but she couldn't help but ask a question every day.

"much better."

the next day.

Ning'er washed up in the bathroom, and Jiangsu ran out to buy breakfast again. "Ah, are you free tonight? I'll pick you up after get off work and have dinner with those two thieves tonight."

Ning'er nodded with foam all over her mouth, and said vaguely, "Xiao Hu Guo Guo, I'm free."

Jiangsu knocked Ning'er on the head, and said dotingly, "Hurry up and wash your mouth and come over to eat."

At breakfast, Ning'er asked her boyfriend about Fat Brother, "How much weight have you lost?"

"42 catties, I am sure to keep him by my side, little girl, don't worry."

Ning'er smiled.

In the morning, Ning'er was sent to the office building. While waiting for the elevator, she saw sister Hui from yesterday.

Knowing that Ning'er sued afterwards, she deliberately squeezed Ning'er when entering the elevator. This time, Ning'er did not get on the elevator.

Coincidentally, while waiting for the next shift, Lu Ying passed by. "Little girl, let's settle an account."

Ning'er was innocent, "What's wrong, Sister Lu?"

"I regard you as my younger sister, do you want me to be your aunt? Do you still want to guard me for Bai Chen?"

Ning'er felt guilty as if she had done something bad and was found out, "Hey, Sister Lu, you already know? How could Uncle tell you?"

The two entered the elevator, and Lu Ying said, "I was sitting next to him at the time, watching your little scheme with my own eyes."

Ning'er: "Sister Lu, I'm worried for Uncle Bai, if he doesn't make a move, I will."

Lu Ying rubbed Ning'er's head, "You little girl, what else do you want to do. Go to work and see you at noon."

Ning'er left first, and then Lu Ying also went to the company.

Because Lu Ying has been advising Ning'er all the time, Ning'er has grown a lot of heart in her work. Sister Hui said to Ning'er in a strange way, "This little girl looks innocent, but she is not simple at all. She has a lot of thoughts, and you don't know when to trick you. Stay away, the current graduates, but It’s really not as simple as it was back then.”

Ning'er: "Don't worry too much, are you still waiting to take the blame for some people? The old Youtiao who has been working for several years can't manage her own work well. Let the newcomer take the blame for her, and she has the nerve to say others' thoughts in the company Many. The business ability is not good, the character quality is not good enough, and the conflict between employees is trying to intensify, so I will tell Mr. Zheng.

Anyway, I don't know anything, I just have a lot of thoughts, and I will sue! "

Sister Hui's face turned black and white, and she was so squeezed by Ning'er that she had nothing to say, "I really underestimated you."

Ning'er really took the documents and went to Mr. Zheng's office, but of course she didn't file a complaint. It was just her words to frighten the salary employees. Sister Lu told her, "I also understand the internal situation of your company. Sister Zheng is the boss, and you are the assistant next to the boss. In other words, you are the assistant next to your boss." Celebrities, they are all afraid of you, and you have to be clear about your position. Don't let them manipulate you."

In this way, Ning'er frightened them.

In the afternoon, Jiangsu came to pick up Ning'er from get off work, and met Lu Ying who was also off work.

We haven't seen each other for a few years. Seeing Jiangsu again, Lu Ying almost didn't recognize him. It was when he waved to Ning'er and put his arms around Ning'er that Lu Ying dared to confirm. "Xiao Su, you are so tall and handsome."

Jiangsu said, "Aunt Lu, I haven't seen you for many years, and I almost didn't recognize you."

Aunt Lu used to be a pure college student, but now she is a professional.

Ning'er tilted her head, Aunt Lu?

After that she...

"Aunt Lu, goodbye, goodbye. My brother Su is here to pick me up~" Ning'er shouted to Lu Ying from the window.

Lu Ying looked at the silly girl, "Call me sister."

"No, so my seniority is higher than Xiao Su's brother."

Jiangsu started the car with a smile, "Aunt Lu, I still have something to go with Yaya, I will make an appointment another day, call my uncle out and let's have a meal together."

Lu Ying waved and watched the vehicle leave.

She also found it unbelievable that Jiangsu grew more handsome and looked like his uncle.

Ning'er was in the car, happily sharing her daytime work and the compliments she received with her boyfriend.

Jiangsu listened patiently.

to the restaurant.

The big two and the young were already waiting inside, the little tiger insisted on moving the fragile plate, Gu Xiaonuan wouldn't let him touch it, he was still stubborn. Finally, Gu Xiaonuan slapped the back of his hand lightly. The little guy grinned and cried loudly.

"Does it hurt from the beating?" Gu Nuannuan asked.

The little tiger shook his head, "It doesn't hurt."

"Then why are you crying?"

"You hit the treasure." Huanbao cried.

Gu Nuannuan took the cucumber sticks on the table and stuffed them directly into his small mouth. He gagged his mouth and stopped crying.

Jiangsu went, went to the counter and took a few bottles of drinks and handed them to the two little brothers.

"Auntie, Auntie, we are here."

Ning'er sat down, and immediately went to hug her younger brother, and finally hugged the little tiger.

Jiangsu also stretched out his hand and held Xiaolongbao in one hand, "Have you both ordered the menu?"

"The kitchen is ready." Jiang Momo said.

When the food was served, Jiang Momo asked about the current situation in Jiangsu, and Gu Xiaonuan asked about Ning'er's work situation.

There is no problem with the relationship between the two visually, Jiang Momo asked Jiangsu, "Is the company's turnover rate high?"

"In the first year, none of the employees left. That place is just inconvenient to live in, and it's too remote." Jiangsu replied.

Gu Xiaonuan said casually: "Boys are easy to talk about, but girls may find it inconvenient. How many boys and girls are there in your studio?"

As witty as Jiangsu, he looked at the two sisters and pointed at him, "There are two girls, and the rest are boys. One is in charge of finances, and the other is an aunt who cooks."

Ning'er was happily feeding the baby just now, but now, she buried herself in the bones alone, not knowing what she was going to say.

"Aren't they going home?" Jiang Momo asked again, "Why?"

Jiangsu: "My aunt's house is nearby. I live in the studio when I have nothing to do. It is convenient to cook. The main reason is that my aunt is reluctant to turn on her own air conditioner and goes to the studio to use the air conditioner. The other one,"

Ning'er raised her heart, and her chewing movements slowed down.

Jiangsu stretched his arms around Ning'er's shoulders, "I don't know her situation, and I usually let the fat brother take care of it. You say, I have a family and a partner, so I should keep a distance from the opposite sex, Yaya can rest assured."

Ning'er bit the tip of her tongue lightly, raised her head and smiled foolishly at Gu Nuannuan and Jiang Momo.

She is relieved~

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