Gu Xiaonuan was shocked: "You don't want to live anymore?" This brat, dare to let her cook?

The little tiger blinked cutely, "Well, the treasure is dead~"

Gu Xiaonuan: "..."

In the evening, on his way home from get off work, Jiang Chenyu turned directly to a familiar roadside stall, packed a cold noodle, put it in the co-pilot and went home.

Looking at the takeaway, Jiang Chenyu had a smile on his lips, life is full of fireworks and it's good.

Yenan Villa.

The little tiger is holding a water gun to water the flowers and trees in the yard.

"Tiger, what are you doing?" Jiang Chen shouted.

The little guy turned his head, "Dad~" He pulled the toy gun and ran towards Dad.

When he got there, he held the toy gun in one hand, and held the other hand so that his father could hug him.

Jiang Chenyu bent down and picked up his son. He handed the toy gun in his arms to the servant at the door, then went to the co-pilot, and went home with the takeaway.

When his father brought out the takeaway, the little tiger's eyes froze again. He held his father's face in his small hand, kissed the old father with his little mouth, and said cutely with his little mouth: "Dad, you Cub loves you~"

Jiang Chen smiled, wrinkles appeared at the corners of his eyes, "Why don't you call yourself your father's treasure?"

"Bao is a little tiger, and cub is also a little tiger. The little tiger loves Dad and where is it?"

Jiang Chenyu was so coaxed by the mother and son every day, his heart felt soft.

In the living room, Gu Xiaonuan had just finished packing her son's books, "Husband," she was about to sue, when she suddenly saw Jiang Chenyu's hand, her eyes were instantly filled with little stars, "Husband!"

The eyes of mother and son are the same~

At eight o'clock, Gu Xiaonuan mixed half a bowl of cold noodles for his son, and the mother and son squatted on the coffee table in the living room to eat takeaway. Jiang Chen sat aside and listened to the two accusing each other.

"Husband, you don't even know that your son is at home, and you don't do any business."

"Where is the treasure~" the little tiger's small mouth was full of food, and he didn't know the pain in his buttocks.

Gu Xiaonuan was puzzled, "What's a skewer?" Mutton skewers? beef skewer? Or what skewers? Gu Xiaonuan's mouth is a little hungry for barbecue now.

However, Jiang Translator said, "He's talking about heredity."

Gu Xiaonuan revisited what his son had just said in his mind, and got angry, "Jiang Tianzhi, who do you think you inherited?! You speak clearly."

The little guy cleverly hugged and played, and ran from the east end of the coffee table to the west end to eat, far away from his irritable mother.

He succeeded, and he grinned happily, not finishing swallowing the noodles. The little face is dirty again.

Gu Nuannuan continued to complain, "Teach him to write, he pouted and quarreled with me, recognized the phonetic symbols, he took a pen to scribble on the book. After studying for a while, he went to his toy room and pulled out a lot of toys to play with. He insisted on going to put water in the pool. After the water was drained, he didn’t enjoy watching it, so he went to find the sluice to open the water. I found out and beat me up.

The flower on the lawn was sprinkled, and he insisted on stepping on the water outlet of others with his feet, and he was soaked in water. He came back wet and asked me to change his clothes. After changing into clean clothes, I watched helplessly for less than a minute. He bared him again, and ran back to find me again.

I reasoned with him, saying that trees, vegetation, flowers and plants need to drink water to survive and grow luxuriantly, and he remembered it. Take it home... By the way, husband, your water glass hasn't been cleaned yet. "Gu Nuannuan was complaining, and suddenly remembered that she had to tell her husband about it.

"What water glass?" Mr. Jiang was confused. He immediately looked at the water dispenser in the living room, where is his cup?

The little tiger can listen to the truth. For example, the mother held the little hand and said that it is not allowed to block the shower spout. The flowers, plants and trees will die of thirst if they don’t drink water.

So, the little tiger tried to water the trees.

At first he held it with his small hands to water it, but his little tiger claws and small palms couldn't put it down, so he ran to water his ginkgo tree.

He was also smart, knowing that he couldn't pour water like this, so he ran back to the living room wet all over, pushed a small stool, stood on the top of the water dispenser, and went out with his father's water cup in his arms.

Gu Nuannuan went back to the house and brought clean clothes for her son, "Jiang Tianzhi, come here and change."

When I walked to the window, what I saw was that the little guy was walking in the water and rain. He held his father's water glass in his little hand, went to the water spout to get half a glass of water, and then ran to pour it into his own tree pit.

"He fell back and forth several times. I was afraid of watering the tree to death, so I told my son, 'Little trees will die if they drink too much water. They drink too much water and can't water it any more'. As a result, you My son didn't know what he was thinking, so he ran back, holding your drinking glass, and went to dig the soil in the tree pit."

The little tiger's thinking is also simple and straightforward. His family's "where" said that the trees drank too much water, so they should scoop out what they just drank. But part of the water sank in, and the little guy just squatted there and scraped the soil.

Got muddy all over. Gu Xiaonuan carried his unwanted son with both hands again, threw him to the bathroom, washed him and changed his clothes.

Now Mr. Jiang's water glass is full of mud and placed on the sink, and the couple forgot to wash it.

Mr. Jiang glanced at his son who was eight feet away from him.

The little tiger just didn't look at his father, he ate the cold noodles in his bowl with a guilty conscience.

"What happened later?" Mr. Jiang asked, his son had been busy at home all day, so he had to ask.

Gu Xiaonuan: "Later, I gave him a water gun, and turned off the shower in the yard, and let him water everywhere by himself."

She was quite tired today, "When I was a child, I hugged him every day, and I never felt so tired."

I used to be tired of my arms, but now my voice is "Jiang Tianzhi! Get out of here", my arms are tired "Don't run around, come here and mom will hold you", and my heart is tired "Jiang Tianzhi, I will let you carry your mother on your back" Don’t lose your phone number and can’t find my mother’s contact information, what is this thing you recited for me?”

"Where, Bao finished eating~" The little tiger moved to his mother with the empty bowl, and saw that there was still more than half of it that she didn't eat. She was complaining just now, and she really didn't eat.

Gu Xiaonuan immediately protected her bowl with both hands, "No, you can't aim at mine, I put chili."

"Take a bite of the treasure~" The little tiger bit his chopsticks, and the little greedy cat came to discuss with his mother.

Gu Nuannuan shook her head again, "No. If there are peppers, Bao will cry."

When Jiang Chenyu bought it, he asked the peppers to be opened separately. Knowing that there was a little greedy cat at home, he gave him half of the cold noodles before Gu Nuannuan put the peppers in the bowl.

Jiang Chen stood up, "You eat yours, I'll take him out."

After a while, the little tiger was reluctantly dragged by his father to the yard to see his son's masterpiece today.

At night, I saw my water glass full of mud again. He comforted himself, "Fortunately, my son didn't break his glass."

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