Love After Marriage, He Got A Free Wife

Chapter 1338: flavored water glass

Later, the little tiger sat at the sink, soaking his little feet, so he had to wash his father's water cup by himself.

However, he didn't pay attention to washing his father with the water soaked in his little feet. Gu Nuannuan: "...My husband, when you drink it, it may taste a little bit. Don't dislike it," Gu Nuannuan rubbed his son's little head and said , "You also have a part in the 'synthesis' of lumpy meat." After all, this is a combination of the two of them.

Mr. Jiang took a deep breath, "Tiger, give the cup to Dad, and Dad will wash it himself."

The little guy is very rebellious, "Don't~ Bao wash it for Dad."

The foam for washing the cups is so much fun, he hasn't had enough of it yet.

Later, I was beaten up by my father again, crying loudly without washing the foam from my hands, and was kicked out.

Gu Nuannuan quickly brushed her husband's cup and put it in its original position.

"Go to your grandpa's house tomorrow." Boss Jiang criticized his son.

The next day, Mr. Jiang saw his little grandson. "Your house is over, come to grandpa's house?"

"Father told Bao to come here." The little tiger complained.

Elder Jiang glanced at Jiang Chenyu, "Jiang Chenyu, be more careful when speaking in front of children."

At this moment, the little tiger will carry out his innocence to the end, and even took a nap while lying on his grandfather's lap.

Ning'er went home for two days, and told her parents about the nature and content of her work, so as to reassure them. Ning'er is the little girl who reports good news but not bad news. She exaggerates her work so that her parents don't worry. "Sister Lu has been guiding me. Sister Lu is very good."

"Who is your sister Lu?" Mrs. Ning asked.

Ning'er: "In the future, she will be my aunt, but not now."

The Ning family couple: "..." So, who is this person?

The couple looked at Jiangsu, let him explain. "My Uncle Bai Chen's previous and future partners have yet to catch up."

In a word, Lu Ying's identity has been determined.

Ning'er nodded, "Yes, Mom and Dad, I plan to eliminate Uncle Bai's love rival by Sister Lu's side."

Ning'er is at home, carefree every day. It seems that everyone has troubles, only her, who has nothing and is heartless.

As soon as she came home, Ah Shu's eating place was automatically sandwiched between her sister and her 'brother-in-law'.

Anyway, there are Tiger and Qinglong brothers in the family who let Jiangsu practice, and he takes good care of his brother-in-law.

In the evening, Jiangsu still insisted on staying in the hotel where he was resident. The front desk knew Jiangsu well. Seeing him, he said directly: "Mr. Jiang, our hotel has launched a card discount event. You are a frequent guest of our hotel. If you come to check in in the future, the room rate will be the member price directly, and you can also delay check-out."

Jiangsu went back to the bedroom, and called Ning'er about it, "I've been here a lot, and the front desk remembers me, so let me handle the card."

"Brother Xiao Su, have you done it?"

"It's done."

Ning'er: "..."

Ah Shu took a shower, lay on his sister's bed, and went over, "Sister, Ah Shu has recited it, listen~"

Ning'er will definitely sleep with her younger brother tonight. Before Jiangsu left, she felt like a bright mirror in her heart.

This brother-in-law, he is in the old man's house and has no right to speak.

Ah Shu can memorize ancient poems, the adult reads in the front, and Ah Shu takes in the latter.

Looking at Ah Shu's success, Jiangsu thought of his two younger brothers, one who kept getting into trouble, and the other who was still listening to the show.

In the middle of the night, Jiangsu sent two messages to the sisters.

So, the little tiger was about to go to sleep, and Gu Nuannuan went in with three hundred Tang poems in his arms, "Get up and recite ancient poems."

The little tiger and his father who was coaxing him to sleep were all stunned.

Su family.

Xiao Qinglong followed Grandpa Zeng and Grandma Zeng to listen to the play for a day, and was so sleepy that his eyelids were half drooping, and he had to sit cross-legged and listen to the **** classical Chinese recitation.

Because he was so sleepy that he couldn't sit still, Team Su was also ordered by his wife to put his hands on his son's shoulders and let him sit there.

"In the spring of the fourth year of Qingli, Teng Zijing was relegated to Baling County. In the next year, the government will be smooth and the people will be harmonious, and all wastes will be restored..." As he read, Jiang Momo looked at his son who had closed his eyelids again, "Hey, Long Bao, Open your big eyes, your mother never read "Yueyang Tower" so seriously in the college entrance examination, so listen quickly. You are at the starting line."

Team Su was ashamed. He looked at his wife and then at his sleepy son. "Xiaomo, why don't you train our family's No. 1 Scholar tomorrow? Tonight's No. 1 Scholar is too sleepy."

As soon as Su Linyan let go, his son fell back and lay down to sleep.

Jiang Momo stretched out her hand, and hugged her son who was so sleepy that he fell asleep, "Brother Su, you don't know. Ashu is a month older than him, and he can recite poems. Nuaner is now appointed to hold her son I worked hard to memorize 300 Tang poems all night long, so I came here to stimulate my son, and let my son memorize the most difficult "Yueyang Tower", after the teacher talks about this chapter, he can go to class and sleep."

Team Su: "...Did you not memorize this chapter back then?"

Jiang Momo nodded, "Yes, I can't recite it, but I must let my son know it. It's great to see me as a mother."

She was about to continue reading, and looked down, "Long, Xiaolong? Long Bao, wake up."

Little Qinglong was in his mother's arms, already having a dream.

Team Su: "Stop yelling, you won't wake up if you yell, and train them tomorrow."

"No, Nuan'er's family is a night owl, and must be staying up late to carry out raids~ Our family can't lag behind."

The light in the bedroom was turned off, and Jiang Momo didn't finish reading that book later, because she fell asleep while reading it to herself, and when the phone was about to drop her face, Su Linyan had expected that she would This move has long been guarded against. The moment the phone fell, he quickly caught it without hitting his wife's beautiful face.

Jiang Momo fell asleep.

She was like this back then, yawning every time she couldn't finish reading, so she never recited it.

Jiang family.

The little tiger looked at the pages of the book, and the little troublemaker stopped making trouble.

He yawned, blinked his eyes, and sat in his mother's arms, "The day is surrounded by mountains, and the Yellow River flows into the sea. You repeat."

The little tiger scratched his head and turned to his father for help.

Jiang Chenyu didn't even know what happened to his family, and he suddenly started teaching ancient poetry, and he just knew pinyin. "Tiger, please repeat what your mother said."

The little tiger yawned again, "Where, Bao forgot~"

After Gu Nuannuan repeated it, the little tiger said, "Mom, Bao didn't remember."

"Okay, mom will read it sentence by sentence. The sun is at the end of the mountain, read."

Little tiger: "White you you tiger, read."

"...Bai Ri, Bai Ri! It's not your tiger at the end of the mountain. You are a little tiger! There is no pronunciation of 'reading'." Gu Nuannuan died of anger, and began to struggle again.

The little tiger was aggrieved, "There is no pronunciation of 'reading'."

Gu Nuannuan clenched her fist anxiously, "Jiang Tianzhi, I didn't ask you to say this. You have to repeat 'Bai Sun Yi Shan End'."

"Blank paper~" The little tiger had just said two words, and was puzzled again, "Mom, where is the mountain?"

"Husband!" Gu Xiaonuan couldn't do it anymore.

Jiang Chen stood up, "Wait for me for two minutes."

He went out, made himself a cup of hot tea, and passed by again.

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