Jiang Chenyu held the book, stretched out his arms to hug his precious son, and began to teach ancient poetry.

"Dad, what is the Yellow River?" The little tiger was curious.

Jiang Chenyu: "The Yellow River is the mother river."

The little tiger looked at his mother suspiciously.

Gu Xiaonuan: "That is your mother's mother river, not your mother. The Yellow River is a spacious, long, clear and beautiful river."

"Mom, is there any fish in the river?"

Asked this, Gu Nuannuan immediately sat up cross-legged on the bed, "Husband, have I ever eaten fish from the Yellow River?"

The little tiger climbed onto Dad's chest, "Dad, Bao hasn't eaten either."

Mr. Jiang took a deep breath, "Read the ancient poems first, and Dad will take you there when he is free."

Later, I didn't recite the recitation, and fell asleep with my buttocks pouted.

The couple were too sleepy to go back to the master bedroom, and spent the night in their son's bedroom.

The next day, Gu Nuannuan and her sister called, and Jiang Momo over there was also yawning and didn't wake up, "Nuan'er, did your family teach last night?"

"No, what about your house?"

"No." Miss Jiang came up with another lazy trick, "Is it hard to find a one-on-one tutor?"

Gu Nuannuan: "It's not hard to find, but it's hard to find a one-on-one tutor for a two-year-old."

Looking at the living room, my son was running around energetically. Wherever he went, even if he was causing trouble, there were people smiling. There is also a happy smile on his little face every day, and Gu Nuannuan was infected by his son, "Forget it, he is healthy and happy.

Nothing else matters. "

"Squeeze, come quickly~ There are birds" the little tiger shouted.

He actually knows how to call him 'Grandpa', but Mr. Jiang just wants to hear his grandson call him 'Nie Nie'. He thinks that is his unique pet name for him. yelling.

Mr. Jiang hurried out, "Grandpa, let's see what kind of bird it is."

When he went out, Mr. Jiang stood under the eaves and said, "This is a dragonfly. The dragonfly flies low. It's going to rain soon."

The little tiger didn't know, "Grandpa, what is a dragonfly?"

The sky is indeed gloomy, and summer is a rainy season. City Z has very little rain this year, and almost everyone judges that this year is a drought year.

Mr. Jiang was still standing by the window worrying a few days ago, and even said to his sons, "Chen Fengchen Yu, if it doesn't rain today, this year's crops will be affected, and the market will also fluctuate."

Crops also indirectly affect futures.

This is also the instability of futures.

Jiang Chenfeng was also worried, "What worries me most is the common people."

The little tiger also heard that day, he obediently did not ruin the atmosphere, but asked his father: "Dad, why isn't it raining?"

Jiang Chenyu replied: "Because the climate is unstable."

The little tiger didn't understand, "Dad, how can it rain?"

Jiang Chenyu explained too much that his son could not understand, so he taught his son, "You must take care of the environment."

This, the little guy remembered. He nodded, "Dad, Bao will."

Mr. Jiang looked at the little grandson, he was so cute, the more he watched, the more he fell in love with him.

Both Jiang Chenfeng and Jiang Chenyu laughed.

On this day, Mr. Jiang took his grandson to the courtyard. The sky was dark and the cool wind was blowing.

The grandpa and grandson are not afraid of the cold either. Mr. Jiang caught a dragonfly and knelt down to let his grandson play with it. "This is a dragonfly. When it rains, they will fly. Brother, you have to protect yourself."

The little tiger is listening to stories in the yard while studying dragonflies and playing with Grandpa Bian.

Before long, the air was humid.

Mr. Jiang smelled something wrong, so he took his grandson's hand and headed home, "It's going to be a heavy rainstorm, go home quickly."

Just as the grandpa and grandson walked under the eaves, it was raining heavily.

The rain was heavy in an instant, like a basin of water was poured down.

The little tiger is naughty, he insists on running out to get wet in the rain, no one can drag him back.

Jiang Chenyu went out to criticize his son, and carried him back violently. He cried and went out to watch the heavy rain.

"Haven't you seen it?" Jiang Chenyu asked.

The little tiger has shown his bones, "No."

Gu Nuannuan rolled up her sleeves, "Husband, leave it to me."

She took her son out for a trip, and she stretched out her hand under the eaves, letting the rain hit her arm.

In the end, I changed a few places and found the most painful eaves.

Gu Xiaonuan picked up his son, exposed his little feet, and stretched them out under the eaves. The big rain fell down instantly, and it hurt the little tiger's insteps.

He began to cry again.

"Are you still going to get in the rain?" Gu Nuannuan asked.

The little tiger cried and shook his head.

After being cleaned up, I went back and behaved.

It was rainy, and it was getting dark earlier.

It was only three or four o'clock in the afternoon, the sky was dark, and the lights needed to be turned on at home.

The heavy rain kept falling, and Gu Nuannuan called her parents at home, "Mom and Dad, it's raining too much. I won't take the tiger back for two days, and I'll go home next week. You and my dad don't go out either. I can't see clearly."

The little tiger also chatted with his grandpa and grandma, "Grandma, I've seen a dragonfly."

The rain did not gradually subside until seven or eight o'clock in the evening.

The raincoat I bought for the little tiger before was finally put on by the little guy. Gu Nuannuan held an umbrella and played with his son in the yard.

Jiang Momo also gave up on educating her son at Su's house, so the mother and daughter took an umbrella and went out to look for earthworms on the ground.

Mrs. Su called them to eat, and the mother and son went back hand in hand regretfully. "Mom, I didn't find it."

In the middle of the night, there was another game.

The next morning, Jiangsu was going back with Ning'er, Gu Nuannuan and Jiang Momo were reminding Jiangsu to drive slowly.

Lu Ying was also at home. She was still working yesterday, but it rained too much in the afternoon. Several colleagues wanted to take her car home because they couldn't get a taxi.

We all belong to the same company, so Lu Ying naturally couldn't refuse. But the rain was too heavy, and Lu Ying was worried about her driving skills. At this moment, Bai Chen called her. "Yingying, it's raining so hard, do you dare to drive?"

Lu Ying felt a little frightened in her heart, and dared to charge boldly by herself, "I haven't opened it before."

Bai Chen: "Then you can go downstairs and give me the car keys. I'm on my way to your place right now. Don't worry about driving on rainy days. Some sections of the road are flooded. You should be afraid when you see it."

Lu Ying has parked her car in a parking space on the side of the road recently, and she didn't go to the basement.

Walking out of the company, she greeted her colleagues to sit in the back row, and she sat directly in the co-pilot and waited for others.

"Sister Lu, who are we waiting for? Director Ge?"

"Could it be Director Ge who drove us?"

Several people in the back row discussed, "Sister Lu, you and Director Ge..."

"It's not him. We're all colleagues, don't get me wrong. I'm waiting for my friend. The rain is so heavy that the windshield wipers can't catch him. He doesn't worry about coming to pick me up." Lu Ying emphasized again, "Director Ge and I are just colleagues. Relationship, that's all. Don't make rumors, let alone spread rumors!"

Realizing that I had misunderstood, the colleagues in the back row were embarrassed and silent.

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