Love After Marriage, He Got A Free Wife

Chapter 1340: it's them

After a while, a military vehicle stopped beside the vehicle, and a soldier got out of the vehicle to hold an umbrella for Bai Chen. Bai Chen walked to his car, opened the driver's door, got in, and said to the subordinates in the team: "Okay, you guys go back, I've got someone."

The soldiers outside the door saluted Bai Chen, and everyone in the car saw it, including Lu Ying's colleagues.

They were all curious about Bai Chen's identity.

After closing the door, Bai Chen explained to Lu Ying, "I thought I could arrive early, but there was a traffic jam halfway, the rain was too heavy, and there was a rear-end collision ahead, so I was delayed for a while. Fortunately, I came to drive you, otherwise you would drive alone today I don't worry about it."

Bai Chen glanced at the few unfamiliar faces in the back row.

Lu Ying explained, "Oh, these are my colleagues, I can't get a taxi, so I let them go together."

Bai Chen nodded, put on his seat belt, and adjusted the rearview mirror. "Tomorrow the rain will still be so heavy. If you go out to play with your friends, I will pick you up."

Lu Ying: "Let's talk about it tomorrow."

Lu Ying didn't introduce so much to his colleagues about the relationship between Bai Chen and himself, so he put on his seat belt and let Bai Chen set off.

There is a man driving, and it is indeed much more stable.

Bai Chen knew the road conditions well, it was dangerous there, so he took a long detour.

After sending Lu Ying's colleagues away, Bai Chen let go of his prudence. "Yingying, I didn't dare to talk too much just now, because I was afraid that your colleagues would think that your boyfriend is out of tune."

Lu Ying asked, "Who said you are my boyfriend?"

Bai Chen: "Your colleagues will definitely guess that I'm your boyfriend. Besides, I'm almost your boyfriend too. At most, the word 'former' is added."

Lu Ying couldn't help but smiled.

Unfortunately, when the two arrived home, the rain had subsided.

Bai Chen went to Lu's house to eat again.

Lu's father said, "Do you still think of me as my Lu family's son-in-law?" He came to his house for dinner every day and looked for his daughter.

Bai Chen took a bite of the white steamed bun, "Old leader, if you insist on exposing my scars, don't blame me for being rude."

That's all for the Army Chief. I'm sorry for these two kids. Every time I see Bai Chen eating rice, I don't have the nerve to drive him away. After all, Bai Chen's mouth is not at a disadvantage.

The next day, the sky was still cloudy and the air was full of humidity.

However, the temperature has dropped a few points, finally bringing a few days of coolness to the hot summer.

The temperature was not high these two days. Before going out, Gu Xiaonuan even brought a coat for her stinky son and carried her out.

Jiang Momo also knew how to cool down, so she took a blanket for her son, wrapped it up for him when it was cold, and returned the long-sleeved clothes for Xiao Qinglong. She drove there by herself, and Su Linyan couldn't leave because she was working in the team.

Mrs. Su intends to send it off, but Jiang Momo: "Oh my god, our driving skills are only about the same. If you send me off, it will still make my dad worry."

Mrs. Su: "Whose driving skills are you insulting?"

How many years has she been driving, Jiang Momo has not been born yet, she has got her driver's license. "You drive by yourself, your mother won't send it off."

The successful Miss Jiang let out an "oh".

The son threw it in the car and she drove.

"Drive slowly on the road."

Before going out, Mrs. Su gave another warning.

When we arrived at the entrance of the restaurant, it was difficult to stop the car because of the rain.

In addition, he was very slow all the way, and the little milk dragon almost fell asleep.

When it arrived, she was worried about how to park the car. When she looked up, her nephew, brother and brother were all standing at the door.

Bai Chen stood next to Lu Ying, and he got out of the car, "Hehe, Yingying is here to see you?"

Bai Chen saw his brothers present and hugged his godson again, "Well, I thought it was their colleagues having dinner together."

Ning'er shook her head, "No uncle, I initiated it. There must be no boys," before finishing speaking, she saw the little boy in Bai Chen's arms, "Except for the babies."

It seems that Bai Chen likes Ning'er even more.

He also thought about asking Lu Ying to come out for dinner with a few brothers, and let Gu Nuannuan An Kexia be friends with his family, Lu Ying, and match him up for him.

But the two haven't gotten back together yet, and Bai Chen knows Lu Ying's character. Unclear, she doesn't know how to eat, so Bai Chen has never proposed to get together.

Unexpectedly, it was saved by this little Ning'er again.

He is happy.

Jiangsu was standing beside his uncle, raising his hand to look at the time, "Sister Mo hasn't arrived yet, so nothing will happen?"

Jiang Chenyu looked at his nephew, making Jiangsu's heart twitchy. "I'll give Sister Mo a call."

Jiang Chenyu: "If she's driving, she won't have time to answer the phone. Look at Xiaolong's locator."

Only then did Jiangsu remember. He turned on his phone, turned around, and pointed somewhere, "It's the one who couldn't get in the car while reversing."

Later, Jiang Momo's eldest brother, brother Gan, and nephews all passed away.

Jiang Chenyu was giving instructions to his younger sister, and the little tiger was also directing in his godfather's arms, "Auntie, just turn the steering wheel and give the accelerator a buzz~"

Guided, Jiang Momo parked in the parking space.

Jiang Chenyu opened the back door, picked up his little nephew, "Go in, what time does it end, I'll pick you up."

"My husband, you don't need to pick it up. Momo has a car, so we went home directly." Gu Nuannuan finished.

Bai Chen went on to say, "Yingying can pick it up. Don't worry if you don't pick it up."

Lu Ying blushed a little, but Ning'er was more excited than Lu Ying, because she felt that what Uncle Bai said just now was chasing Sister Lu.

Jiangsu grabbed a girlfriend's hand with gusto, "Yeah, come here. Go get your coat in the car, it's cold at night."

When he got to the car, Jiangsu pinched his girlfriend's face to educate him. "Our family paid for the dinner tonight. If we propose a dinner, we will pay for it."

Ning'er nodded obediently, "Brother Xiao Su, I know."

After watching the girls enter the restaurant, the three men stood at the door and planned to leave.

Bai Chen asked about the progress of Jiangsu's work, actually he couldn't understand, but Bai Chen knew that his brother wanted to hear.

Jiangsu made some arrangements at the door, "Uncle, Uncle Bai, then I'll go first."

Bai Chen patted him on the shoulder, "Go, your uncle and I will take a walk for a while."

After Jiangsu left, Bai Chen walked up to his brother, "Walk for a while?"

Jiang Chenyu: "There will be a rainstorm in a while, you can go for a stroll by yourself."

Dining room.

I originally planned to eat barbecue, but it turned out that the rain was a bit chillier, so I decided to eat hot pot temporarily.

The little tiger and the little Qinglong sit together, they play with each other, and the adults talk about the adults.

We introduced each other at the door just now, and we have already heard each other's name before, and we all know each other.

Ning'er filled the cups of several people with water, and she said: "Auntie, sister Lu, you are all important friends and family members that I like very much, so I got my first salary in my life. I must invite you to dinner."

No one can compete with Ning'er for today's meal.

It's the little girl who is promising and treats guests with her own salary.

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