Love After Marriage, He Got A Free Wife

Chapter 1342: Lu Ying doesn't believe it

The little tiger really wanted to hold Lu Ying's hand, but Bai Chen came to pick him up, "Hey, my godson is enlightened. Let's go home with godfather and godmother."

He was about to get in the car, the little tiger turned around, and ran directly to his mother, hugging Gu Nuannuan's legs without letting go, and one of the coat's zippers was not pulled up on the shoulders. He cried, "Mom, you don't want Bao~"

Gu Nuannuan did not disappoint the little guy's clinginess, and hugged him in his arms. "Okay, let's stop making trouble. Mother kisses, and still be a mother and son."

The little guy made a sideways face, Gu Xiaonuan kissed him, and he had to kiss back.

Bai Chen smiled and hugged his god-nephew, "Long Bao, uncle hugs one."

Xiao Qinglong looked at Bai Chen, he didn't know him very well, after being hugged for a while, he struggled for his hopeless mother.

The rain had stopped for a while, but the sky was still overcast.

Under the guidance of Brother Gan, Jiang Momo reversed the car again.

Lu Ying hugged Xiao Qinglong and nodded his little face. Be good, don't cry or make trouble, only by Jiang Momo's side, the little guy will look like a child, crying and behaving like a baby. "Long Bao will definitely be a handsome guy when he grows up."

Colonel Bai heard, "Long Bao is like his father, and the tiger cub is like his mother."

Lu Ying looked at the little guy who was famous for being cute, "It's really cute."

In the past, Lu Ying didn't understand why Mr. Jiang's son was soft and cute. After seeing Mrs. Jiang, she understood.

I thought Jiang Chenyu's wife was a stunning beauty and a strong woman in her career; but she didn't expect to be a charming student. But she is really soft and fleshy and cute, and Gu Xiaonuan's appearance will be loved by men, women and children.

Men think she is beautiful, women like her cute; old people think she is blessed, and children love to contact her.

And that Gu Xiaonuan was still hugging his son, discussing with him, "Let's not be angry with your father today, okay?"

"Why, where~" the little tiger asked in a voice.

When the car drove out, Gu Nuannuan threw the children in the back row, "Go back early, Yingying, remember what I said, keep in touch."

Lu Ying raised his hand to make a gesture, and nodded happily, "No problem!"

Ning'er went back to Jiang's house together.

Bai Chen also put his arm around Lu Ying's shoulder, "Let's go home too, Colonel Bai's ex-girlfriend."

Lu Ying laughed, she sat in the co-pilot, and Bai Chen went to drive. "What did you agree on?"

Lu Ying shook her head, "You men can't know about this."

"Cut~ Then I can be a pervert, now I'm a woman, tell me."

Lu Ying smiled and rolled her eyes, looking at the road ahead. There is already a car with its lights on, "What are you doing this afternoon?"

"I went to the work unit to find Commissar Bai, and then went to see my future father-in-law, chatted for a while, and came to pick you up."

"You, the future father-in-law?" Lu Ying didn't think about herself. When she heard this address, her heart felt cold for a moment, and Bai Chen caught the unnaturalness on her face at a glance. Lu Ying thought she was pretending well, so she forced a smile and asked: "It seems that there is a show, and a good thing is coming soon? Why didn't you bring her to pick me up? It's so misleading." When Lu Ying said this, he pinched her Touching her fingers, she didn't even know that the fingertips were cold.

I went to see his father, and then went to see his future father-in-law. It seems that we are going to talk about marriage.

Bai Chen looked at Lu Ying who had no sense of security, "What a misunderstanding. My future father-in-law's daughter hasn't agreed to get back with me yet, so I don't have to work hard from her family."

"Huh?" Lu Ying was stunned. she? ?

When Bai Chen reached out to hold Lu Ying's hand, he suddenly felt her cold hand, and Bai Chen glanced at her again. His big palm conveyed the temperature for Lu Ying, "I told you, I don't have a woman by my side, so you don't even believe me?"

Lu Ying: "No, I didn't remember."

Bai Chen looked at Lu Ying, intending to tease her and make her angry and scold him, but unexpectedly, he saw the other side of his sweetheart.

Yingying felt too insecure.

"What were you talking about today?" Bai Chen asked, changing the subject.

Speaking of this matter, Lu Ying wanted to settle the score, "You said Kexia was violent, I asked today, and he is not violent at all."

"Who are you asking?" Bai Chen also asked.

Lu Ying answered honestly, "The three of them."

"The three of them you asked?! What do you think! Do you know who they are? An Kexia met Gu Nuannuan, and she was willing to bow down to violence." Bai Chen said emotionally.

"No, what do you mean?" Lu Ying didn't understand.

Bai Chen held the steering wheel with one hand, and excitedly lit the air with the other hand, "I said, Gu Nuannuan is more fierce than Ankexia, so Ankexia has to stand aside when he fights someone."

Lu Ying thought of that cute, considerate and beautiful girl, she didn't believe what she said, "...Impossible!"

When she met Gu Nuannuan, she was a lovely girl.

Bai Chen said anxiously: "Stupid. Gu Nuannuan has been to the police station many times because of the fights. When Mr. Jiang just got married, he went to the police station every day to find his wife.

You go to the police station to inquire casually, who has never heard of the troublesome leaders of the Jiang family. Gu Nuannuan, Jiang Momo, Jiangsu, Ning'er, Little Tiger! These are all, if you don't believe me, go back and ask An Kexia, she knows all about it. "

Lu Ying blinked in shock, the real person does not show his face, and the bottom of the sea is immeasurable.

She didn't dare to think that that little girl, who looked really cute, actually...

She was still dubious, "Bai Chen, are you lying to me?"

Bai Chen was so emotional that he spoke in a high voice, "Why am I lying to you? Gu Nuannuan is still secretive." Once excited, he almost exposed his friend's background. You haven't had the tea at the police station, and the others are all tired of it."

"Then, what about Xiao Longbao? He's so cute, he doesn't cry or make trouble, even if he gets implicated, he won't go in." Lu Ying asked.

Bai Chen: "His father is the captain of the police station, what do you think?"

Lu Ying: "..."

Lu Ying recalled the few people he saw today, it was incredible. "No wonder Nuannuan told Ning'er that if she can't win the fight, go home and find her to fight."

And the girl who looked at her beautifully, "What about Momo, shouldn't she fight?"

"Oh, she. If she doesn't fight, she will **** people off. That mouth can smoke the nostrils of the popular ones, and can carry the popular people back, and the people who carry the back can be jumped up by her anger. So far, I have never heard of it. , someone can win an argument with her."

Lu Ying: "..." Beauty is beauty, but the mouth is poisonous.

"Where is Ning'er, that silly child, she has a good temper, why is she still there?"

Bai Chen: "The two charge horns, there must be some logistical support."

Lu Ying: "..."

Lu Ying was almost shocked to death. The group who had dinner with her today turned out to be the essence.

"Let me tell you something even more exciting. Yuan Niu's father and Long Bao's father used to be rivals in love."


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