Love After Marriage, He Got A Free Wife

Chapter 1343: Reheat cooked rice

Lu Ying is going crazy, what happened to her all these years, it's all so psychedelic.

Bai Chen was proud, "I don't know, you got back together with me, this news is only for insiders, I'll tell you if you get back together."

Lu Ying: "Then I won't listen."

Bai Chen glanced at the stubborn Lu Ying, and smiled, she obviously wanted to know.

Lu Ying was indeed too curious, and she couldn't help asking in the car, "Tell me, who really likes whom?"

Bai Chen deliberately whetted Lu Ying's appetite, so he didn't say anything.

We're all at home, but Lu Ying is still guessing, "Bai Chen, tell me, I'm afraid I'll see them in the future and say something wrong."

Bai Chen: "Then it's fine if we don't see them from now on."

Lu Ying: "No, we have an appointment. When Kexia comes over, we will go to the secret base for a party. I will definitely see Momo and Kexia again."

Colonel Bai caught the point, "Secret base? This is the agreement when you parted today!"

Lu Ying: "...Damn Baichen! You talk to me."

"Where did I get you, you said it yourself so I could hear it." Bai Chen drove with one hand, and he wanted to grab Lu Ying's hand with the other, but Lu Ying snapped it back. She said angrily, "Don't let me pull you."

Bai Chen put his hand on Lu Ying's lap, with his palm facing up, and the back of his hand stuck to Lu Ying's jeans. "Come here, let me warm your hands."

Lu Ying still held back her hands, "You have blown up our agreement, and you still haven't told me what the relationship is. I even praised Kexia and Yuanniu in front of Momo today."

Bai Chen drove into the compound, and there were fewer cars around, and it was quiet.

"Then let me hold your hand and I'll tell you."

"No, you're playing hooligan." Lu Ying said again.

Bai Chen: "Have you ever seen a hooligan? If I were to be a hooligan, now I will drive the car where no one is around, and we will 'reheat the cooked rice' in the car." The last time I was drunk, it belonged to "Raw rice cooked cooked rice", this time it belongs to "cooked rice reheated again".

Lu Ying was angry and ashamed, "What if we were all drunk last time and nothing happened."

"That's when it happened."

Lu Ying: "..."

Bai Chen was on her lap, like a puppy, he beckoned, "Hurry up, hold hands and I'll tell you."

Lu Ying also had a little thought, she saw that her home had also arrived, and she got out of the car immediately anyway, so she put her hand in Bai Chen's palm.

Bai Chen knew the color of her heart with every look in her eyes. Seeing that the car was all turned off, Bai Chen locked the door behind her.


"Yingying, don't try to play tricks on me. If I don't hold you enough in the car, I won't tell you."

Lu Ying wanted to take back his hand, but Bai Chen held it firmly, "What are you doing, listening to gossip. Brother Zi's daughter-in-law had a relationship with Long Bao's father before."

"Ah??" Lu Ying really didn't take back his hand anymore.

She's preoccupied with these oddities.

Therefore, Bai Chen began to gossip about his good brother's family, "Don't worry, if you don't have real feelings, the two of you are not even friends.

And the daughter-in-law of Mr. Jiang's family, don't look at the relationship between the two of them now. Mr. Jiang just married a wife. He lost his wife every day and ran away from home. Our brothers had to go all over the world to find a wife for him. "

Lu Ying was shocked, the couple they met today were very loving.

Bai Chen continued: "You know that Boss Jiang didn't have a younger sister before, right?"

Lu Ying nodded, "I'm also curious about this." At that time, knowing that the Jiang family's youngest daughter was lost, the Jiang family's second brother had been looking for his sister in a daze.

Why has she been away for the past few years, and my sister has been found.

"Where did you find Momo?"

Bai Chen groped for Lu Ying's hand, and while she was fascinated by listening, he took advantage of it, "Nuan Nuan, Momo and Xiao Su, these three are buddies and best friends for more than ten years, but they never know each other's identity .

Later, I found Jiang Momo through Gu Nuannuan, because of these two people, Xiao Su pitied the child for downgrading. By the way, do you know who saved Momo back then? "

Lu Ying's curiosity didn't stop, she listened intently, "Who?"

"Long Bao's father."

Lu Ying tilted her head with a question mark on her face.

Bai Chen smirked, "I don't know, come and let me smooth it out for you."

In half an hour, Bai Chen told Lu Ying everything about the Jiang family's relationship with the Su family, as well as the embarrassing deeds of the Patriarch Nangong. Bai Chen made up for the progress she had missed all these years.

After listening, Lu Ying finally connected the relationship network. "Oh~ that's right!"

Like a dense net, the magic of complex relationship and fate is connected in series.

Bai Chen held Lu Ying's hand, he lifted it up, and kissed his lips.

"Hey, Bai Chen!" Lu Ying wanted to withdraw her hand, "You can hold it as long as you want, why are you kissing?"

Bai Chen: "I've kissed your mouth before, just my hand, seeing how nervous you are. Get out of the car and go home."

Lu Ying went up the steps and was also held by Bai Chen's hand.

Back in the living room, the Army Chief saw his daughter holding hands with Bai Chen, "Reunited?"

Bai Chen: "...haven't caught up yet."

The Army Chief pointed to the hands of the two, "Then what are you doing with my family Yingying?"

"She asked me to hold her." Bai Chen replied again.

"Damn Baichen, you're talking nonsense!" Lu Ying waved her hand, not to let Baichen hold her.

The showers come and go, and the torrential rain is intermittent.

Bai Chen didn't say he was hiding from the rain at Lu's house, but he ate all his dinner at Lu's house, so he went home swaggeringly.

Ning'er is in Jiang's house, with a baby on the left and a cub on the right, and she doesn't want to leave.

The little tiger's neck was strangled by his sister, "Sister, Bao doesn't want to be hugged."

Ning'er gave the little tiger a big kiss, and then hugged the little Qinglong controlled by her brother, "Sister likes you so much, you and Ah Shu are the cutest babies."

Jiang Momo was calling her husband, "Hey Brother Su, Long Bao and I are here with our father, you can come here directly after get off work."

Little Qinglong and Little Tiger were accompanied by Ning Er to step on puddles with an umbrella. In the end, the rain was so heavy that Ning Er's shoes were wet, but she didn't care.

When I got home, I saw that the socks Ning'er took off were full of water.

Gu Nuannuan took her naughty boy over to watch, "My sister played with you, the socks are all wet. What should I do?"

The little tiger has been being scolded by his mother holding his little hand. He rubbed his little belly with the other little hand, "Where, Bao bought a new one for my sister~"

"Why do you have money?"

"Baby, there are many~"

Xiao Qinglong was also led by her mother and criticized.

He lowered his head, and after a while, Xiao Longbao said: "Long listen to brother~"

The two little guys who were criticized haven't been wronged yet, Ning'er feels sorry for her first.

After a while, he hugged two little guys again. At the same time, she also missed her little brother, "If Ah Shu is here, I will be the happiest."

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