Love After Marriage, He Got A Free Wife

Chapter 1344: should not clean her up

Xiao Ashu studies because no one is playing, so he doesn't want to.

In the living room of the Ning family, Mrs. Ning taught her son to recite poems, and Mr. Ning wanted to teach his son to go diving outside. "What's the matter with you? You hinder my education."

Director Ning: "My child, let him play. Why do you learn it so early? You have to learn it later. You can't escape it anyway. It's better to play more with your little hands."

Dong Ning took his son out to play.

Ning Shuyu and his elderly father have a very good relationship recently.

Jiangsu picked up Ning'er at the door of Jiang's house in the evening.

Seeing her going out in slippers, holding her own shoes and socks. "What's the matter?"

Ning'er pursed her lips, "It's wet from playing."

Jiangsu: "Is it only fun to play with those two bastards?"

Jiangsu no longer knows what kind of temperament it is.

Back home, I asked Ninger to take a shower. Through the sliding door, Jiangsu brushed Ninger's shoes and socks at the sink in the bathroom.

"Brother Xiao Su, I'll wash it later, you don't want to wash it." Ning'er shouted from the bathroom.

Jiangsu said, "It doesn't matter who washes."

Ning'er pushed open the sliding door of the bathroom, and she looked at the busy man at the sink with her misty eyes, "Brother Xiao Su, I'm sorry."

Jiangsu turned around and looked at the dense bathroom, the mist rising. Ning'er's face was tender and tender, with a few strands of black hair sticking to her face. The shadow behind the bathroom door, he could even imagine Ning'er's body behind the sliding door in his mind, he took a tight breath and swallowed. Putting down the things in his hands, he walked towards the bathroom.

Ning'er: "..." The danger is getting closer.

Three minutes later, Ning'er leaned against the wall, with her arm against her boyfriend's attack, "Brother Xiao Su~"

Jiangsu slowly pulled Ning'er's wrist away, and moved closer to her, "Now, are you still embarrassed?"

Ning'er's face was flushed with embarrassment, and her fair and tender skin was now flushed with pink, her heart beating faster for what was about to happen.

The heat in the bathroom rises, not only the temperature of the water, but also the temperature of the body.

The closed bathroom door blocked the sound from the outside, but the panting from inside could still be vaguely heard.

Ning'er was out of strength, but Jiangsu seemed to have endless strength. She was like a puddle of water, at the mercy of Jiangsu.

Later, Ning'er lay on the bed and slept covered with a quilt, while Jiangsu was alone in the bathroom, putting Ning'er's shoes aside to dry, and he went to take a shower before returning to the bedroom.

Looking at the limp little **** the bed, Jiangsu smoothed her hair.

Every time I feel tired, looking at Ning'er will really infuse him with infinite strength, so that he won't feel tired.

He bowed his head, kissed Ning'er's hair, and lay down beside her to sleep.

Xiong had already been **** by him and thrown into the next room. Now, this is his master bedroom.

the next day.

Jiang Momo yawned, stepped into the company again, and started her day's work amidst her mother's disgust.

"There's nothing wrong with inheriting the company. No one dares to criticize me when I go to work. Mom, why don't you retire today."

Mrs. Su: " want to usurp the throne?"

Ning'er also went to the company, and then heard a lot of rumors about herself. Sister Hui's propaganda is everywhere. Ning'er has experts behind her, telling everyone to be careful about her, maybe one day it will be calculated on you.

Ning'er acted as a silly Baitian, "No way, Mr. Zheng is our superior, how could she plot against everyone? Sister Hui, you're talking bad about Mr. Zheng again, be careful and I'll tell Mr. Zheng."

With Ning'er's words, he admitted that the master behind him was Mr. Zheng, and indirectly gave Sister Hui a hat.

Sister Hui didn't expect to be tricked many times by a newcomer. Sister Hui glared at Ning'er and got a second thought, trying to push Ning'er away from the company!

Lu Ying knew that the company was spreading gossip about her in private, and would usually gossip with Director Ge, but she didn't expect that the male protagonist of the gossip would change when she came today.

"Sister Lu, what does your boyfriend do? I heard from others that your boyfriend is still in the team?"

Lu Ying: "My boyfriend?"

"On the day you got off work, a man came to pick you up."

The gossip did not stop but changed the person again.

Director Ge found out, he called Lu Ying to his office on business, and asked her, "Yingying, is that boy your boyfriend?"

Lu Ying smiled, "What does Director Ge ask this for?"

"See if I still have a chance."

Lu Ying simply refused, "No."

When Director Ge heard Lu Ying's answer, he concluded something, "If you don't work hard, how do you know I have no chance."

If Lu Ying had a boyfriend, she would definitely admit her relationship openly, instead of asking back when she asked herself, and not answering his question directly.

It could only be that the man didn't catch up with Lu Ying either.

He still has a chance.

After a week of rainy days came to an end, the weather finally cooled down. Unexpectedly, in two days, it returned to the scorching heat of 30 degrees.

In the afternoon, the chirping of cicadas, which had disappeared for a while, reappeared, and people who were so noisy could not sleep well in the afternoon.

The living room of the Jiang family was quiet, and the sunlight shone through the windows, making the room bright and spacious.

The master is taking a lunch break in the bedroom, only a few servants pass by quietly, with gentle steps, lest they wake up the family members.

The little tiger was lying on the bed lying on his back and sleeping, and he had to kick his grandpa with one little foot to sleep peacefully.

Xiao Qinglong slept on his grandfather's side, holding a new toy in his arms.

Mr. Jiang lay in the middle, snoring and fell asleep.

The three of them slept comfortably in the cool and comfortable bedroom in the scorching afternoon.

Grandpa snored repeatedly, but the two little ones slept peacefully.

Xiao Qinglong turned over occasionally, opened his eyes to check whether his brother and grandfather were around, then changed his position, and continued to lie down next to his grandfather to sleep, and it only took two seconds. In Xiaolong's world, he had no idea about this paragraph. impression.

Gu Nuannuan was not at home, so she went out with a parasol. Mr. Jiang thought that his daughter-in-law had gone to the library, and the little tiger thought that his mother was looking for his father on a date. Mr. Jiang looked at the vicious scorching sun and insisted that his little Nuanbao would never go out.

However, Gu Xiaonuan just went out.

It was a hot day, so maybe only Xiao Yuanyuan from Chaozhou, the small and silly Ai went out with her father.

At night, she sat on the sofa, with her face upturned, watching her mother beat her father.

"Xia, eh, it hurts, Xia Xia, didn't you say you should beat me less when you're married?" Patriarch Nangong didn't have a chance to fight back. He bent down to create conditions for his wife to beat him.

An Kexia held the phone and pointed at the weather angrily, "38 degrees, the highest temperature today is 38 degrees, Nangong Zi! Xiao Yuanyuan is your little lover in your previous life, not your father-killing enemy in your previous life!"

As soon as she came home, she saw how her little white girl's skin was red, and she asked the servants at home to find out that her beating husband had taken the girl out again.

After beating her husband up to vent her anger, An Kexia went to the sofa and looked at Niu Niu who was a few months old.

Mama sees that she is cute, so she shouldn't be punished~

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