Love After Marriage, He Got A Free Wife

Chapter 1345: flowers delivered to your door

Police officer An couldn't get angry with his beautiful little girl, after all, she was a little doll who hadn't left the baby world, and finally said angrily, "Let your aunt take care of you tomorrow! Don't touch your dad for a few days. Fool."

An Kexia picked up her daughter and went upstairs to leave. Xiao Yuanyuan looked at her father, the father and daughter were in a daze because they were separated by the ruthless mother.

Back in the bedroom, Ankexia immediately called Gu Nuannuan to ask her what to do to fix her child's exposure to the sun.

Gu Xiaonuan was shocked, "What, today's high temperature, your house was taken out again?"

"Nangong Zi has no brains."

An Kexia got the repair method from a friend, and while applying cream to her daughter, she called her sister.

The next day, An Kechun went down the mountain and forcibly snatched her niece from her brother-in-law's arms.

The angry Patriarch Nangong was cursing at home: "She wants a daughter, but if she doesn't give birth to one herself, she will rob other people's house all day long. It's not polite at all."

In two days, Nangong Zi didn't have the 'little pendant' in his arms when he went out.

Not to mention that he wasn't used to it, but Nangong Zi's followers couldn't help but say, "Boss, if it's too late, you can introduce someone to my sister-in-law and let her have a baby by herself. If you say she snatched Yuanyuan away, then we I thought about it too."

Patriarch Nangong felt aggrieved, "I also said this idea last night, and then your sister-in-law beat me up again."

At night, Anke Xia was very angry, "Nangong Zi, why don't you know what the problem is. My sister took care of Yuanyuan because you were worried about taking care of me, not because my sister was single so I robbed Yuanyuan from you. "

Nangong Zi said, "There are so many servants in the family, it's really impossible, and my mother-in-law, let them take care of you, you know that your sister and I have a deep hatred, and we don't get along, and we don't share the sky, you still let you My sister came to our house to **** my daughter."

"Do the servants and my mother dare not listen to you, my sister dares."

After all, the servant is also working for the master's house, Nangong Zi is the master here, letting the servant take care of it is like closing the door and unlocking it, so there is no way to prevent him.

But when An Kechun went there, not only did he lock the door, but the key was only in An Kexia's hands.

Even An Kexia's mother was too scared to say a word when she saw her son-in-law.

Patriarch Nangong's bad idea came out, "Xia Xia, why don't we have another one, and let your sister play with the second one?"

An Kexia: "..."

The high temperature continues.

In the same weather, on the day of Qixi Festival, An Kexia was sorting out materials in the team, when she suddenly heard a little milk voice calling outside the window. "Ohhhhh~"

An Kexia smiled and said to her colleagues: "This loud cry is a bit like my Yuan girl's voice."

The colleague leaned over by the window and took a look, saw the picture outside, looked away, smiled and said to An Kexia: "No, besides your little round girl and your family's head, who else will have a meeting at noon?" Come in the running team." Because An Kexia complained a lot about her husband and daughters, she knew that Police Officer An's husband and daughter would go out for a walk no matter how bad the weather was.

An Kexia immediately stopped what she was doing, thinking of her husband who deserved to be beaten, she immediately threw the folder down, turned around and ran out in a hurry, "Nangong Zi!"

As soon as he went out, seeing the father and daughter standing under the shade of a tree with a handful of pink roses in their arms, Patriarch Nangong was not shy at all when others looked at him.

He was wearing black striped short-sleeved sleeves, with a semi-business style, and his daughter was wearing a small sky blue skirt and a sun hat. It looked like An Kechun dressed up for his niece.

But that's it, a father and daughter who are deep and fresh, holding the most delicate pink rose in their arms, they don't match with either of them.

"Hurry up, your mother came out, call your mother." Nangong Zi said, lifting the precious daughter in his arms.

Xiao Yuanyuan turned her head and looked at her sassy and glamorous mother, she raised her little hand in a **** to be hugged by her mother. "Wow wow ~ ah ah ah!" Mom quickly hugged her!

An Kexia walked into the shade of the tree and stood opposite the father and daughter. When she reached out to hug her daughter, Nangong Zi directly put the rose in her arms.

An Kexia was stunned by this move, "What are you doing?"

"Today is not the Qixi Festival, and all the girls will receive flowers." So he, the head of the clan, the emperor of Chaozhou, ran over to send flowers to his wife.

An Kexia looked at Hua, and then at her superior husband, she couldn't get angry even if she wanted to, "So you came here with Yuanyuan in your arms?"

"Ah, you have a big bunch, and a few round ones. She thinks she has few, so she insists on hugging you, so she followed me out."

Although Patriarch Nangong is the roughest of men, he is also delicate and romantic occasionally.

On special festivals, the roses he bought for his wife did not forget about his daughter.

It's just that the daughter's flowers are worse than the wife's flowers, so he took them to settle down and find his daughter.

An Kechun was surprised, this big boss was quite careful, and even bought flowers for Yuanyuan, but Yuanyuan didn't like the small ones, she insisted on holding the big ones in her father's arms. "No, this is for your mother." Nangong Zi hid the flowers behind his back and said.

Later, Yuanyuan blushed anxiously and insisted on hugging her mother's flowers. Nangong Zi was anxious to take advantage of the lunch break to give roses to his wife, so he simply went out with his daughter in his arms.

This time, An Kechun didn't stop him, he put on a sun hat for the child and let the two of them go out.

During the lunch break, An Kexia went to her husband's car with the flowers in her arms. When she saw her daughter's bouquet of small roses, it could be seen that Patriarch Nangong also put his heart into it.

"It's not that I don't buy her a big one. The big one is heavier than her, and she can't hold it."

An Kexia looked at her husband, and suddenly smiled contentedly. "You came here suddenly with Hua and your daughter in your arms, it's time for our team to talk about me."

"If you have the time to talk about others, why don't you have the time to buy flowers for your daughter-in-law." Patriarch Nangong said rationally.

This time, a certain Patriarch was not beaten.

Before his wife got out of the car, he dragged her shamelessly and insisted on kissing her before leaving.

An Kexia was thin-skinned, and whispered, "Didn't I kiss you today."

"Then you have eaten in the morning, have you eaten at noon?"

There was no one in the left and right cars, An Kexia bent down, quickly kissed her husband's mouth, then lowered her head, holding her daughter's small face in both hands, kissed her pink cheek softly, "Yuanyuan, replace mom Take the flowers home, and mother will pick you up at night."

Little Yuanyuan sucked her little pink lips cutely, and her little mouth was dripping, wanting to chat with her mother.

An Kexia couldn't help but kissed her daughter's other cheek, and hurriedly got out of the car and went back to work.

Xiao Yuanyuan looked cutely at her mother's back running away in the car. She grinned and pretended to cry. After crying twice, she looked up to see her father, and pretended to hum twice, expressing her dissatisfaction that her mother didn't play with her.

"What are you moaning about? Your mother only kissed me once after kissing you twice. Please be content. If it wasn't for Dad's request, we both ran away if she didn't kiss."

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