Love After Marriage, He Got A Free Wife

Chapter 1347: since childhood

When Bai Chen saw her expression, he guessed it.

"I'd like to see which lifeless thing dares to **** someone from me!" Colonel Bai went downstairs angrily.

Lu Ying hurriedly chased after him.

When he got to the side of the car, he turned on the co-pilot, Bai Chen pointed at the bouquet of flowers, "It's such an ugly thing, and you still put it in the co-pilot? You throw it away quickly, so as not to spoil my car!"

Lu Ying ran over, but she didn't expect to have such an oolong today. She faced Bai Chen, as if she had been caught cheating and felt guilty, "I don't know who gave it to me, I thought it was you."

"My eyes are so ugly, if you pick this crap, I'll throw it away if you don't." Bai Chen hurriedly took the bouquet away and threw it into the trash can on the side of the road.

"Yingying, don't let me know which ghost grandson pried into my corner, if I know, he will suffer!" Bai Chen threatened.

Lu Ying was not afraid: "...Oh. I'm hungry~"

Colonel Bai closed the door with a slap, and his temper was very hot, but when he walked to Lu Ying's side, he gently held her wrist, "Let's go upstairs for dinner."

With a smile on the corner of Lu Ying's mouth, she was pulled upstairs.

While eating, the biggest bouquet of roses bought by Bai Chen had to be placed on the table, and everyone passing by would take a look, Colonel Bai was very arrogant.

On the way to get off work, Mr. Jiang looked at the flower shops on both sides of the road and the pedestrians holding flowers on the road.

Everyone has flowers, so what about his Xiaonuan?

Jiang Chenyu drove back home.

Jiang's living room,

"What is this?" Gu Nuannuan pointed to the album and asked her son.

The little tiger stood there, pointing his paws at the pattern on it, pouted his mouth, "It's a bird~"

Gu Nuannuan asked carefully, "What kind of bird is this?"

"Little bird~" the little tiger said again.

Gu Nuannuan's anxious hair was about to fall out, "There are so many birds, what's the name of this little bird?"

The little tiger always seems to have a way to force his mother to beat him, and then cry for a while before he can give the right answer.

"It's scarce~" After being spanked again, the little tiger wiped his tears and pronounced the name correctly.

"That's a magpie, my little ancestor!" Gu Xiaonuan was furious, "Today is the Qixi Festival, and the magpie is busy building a bridge across the Milky Way. You can't even pronounce their names correctly. In the future, when you find a girlfriend, the magpie I won't help you anymore."

"Woo, it's a magpie~" the little tiger got it right.

When Jiang Chenyu returned home, the sound of parking was still heard by Jiang Tianzhi. "Hmph, if you don't want to play with me, I'll go find my father."

Just as the little tiger ran under the eaves, it happened that his father was also looking for him. "Tiger, get in the car."

Open the rear door and let the little guy lie down in the back row by himself.

Without turning off the car, Jiang Chenyu drove out again.

The little tiger complained to his father in the back row, and he spanked again, "Dad, Jiujiu said that the **** of a tiger can't be touched, why can you spank Bao's ass? Isn't Bao a little tiger cub~"

Jiang Chenyu was driving the car, and he had to pay attention to his son in the back seat, "Because you little tiger hasn't grown up yet, you need Xiao Nuan's violent education."

The little tiger grinned and asked, "When will that treasure grow into a big tiger?"

After finishing speaking, the little tiger became depressed again. His father is a big tiger, so how could he dare to attack his father.

Jiang Chenyu glanced at his son through the rearview mirror, "Sit down and don't move around, and go home later and buy a gift for Xiao Nuan, okay?"

"Okay~" The little tiger opened up his chatter box again, and sat in the seat not obedient at all. His small face was sandwiched between the driver and the co-pilot, his face was turned sideways towards his father, and he kept chatting noisyly, "Dad, why not?" Where can I buy some presents?"

To the flower shop.

The father and son are now picking flowers for their favorite woman.

"What does this imply?" Jiang Chenyu asked, pointing at Huang Meigui.

Shopping guide: "In terms of love, I mean to apologize. Sir, who do you want to give it to? I can help you match it, and we also need to pack it here."

The shopping guide is introducing.

When Jiang Chenyu heard it, he resolutely rejected the one with a bad meaning. "It's for my wife, don't match it well." The father and son had to choose it themselves.

The little tiger pouted his **** and went to hold a bunch of fresh flowers in someone's bucket. He shouted loudly, "Dad, where can I buy them for our family~"

The father and son were busy in the flower shop for almost an hour.

Then they went home with their carefully matched roses.

Mr. Jiang and Wei Aihua went home. Recently, a distant relative was sick and hospitalized. They went to visit. Wei Aihua knew that his sister-in-law didn't know these elderly relatives well, and couldn't handle the housework, so he thoughtfully refused to let his sister-in-law go, "Nuan Nuan, you stay at home with the children, and my father and I went."

When he came back in the afternoon, Mr. Jiang got out of the car and said, "It's a good day today, there are flowers all the way, and I feel better. I have to let Chenfeng and Chenyu come back to buy flowers for you and Nuanwazi. Straight men, their father's romance is not inherited at all, and they only know how to give money, so there are two stinky money."

Back in the living room, Mr. Jiang was still complaining.

Looking at the circle's house, "Water Nuan, where are my two little grandchildren?"

"One went out with his father, and the other fell asleep."

Gu Nuannuan had just packed up her son's books, and the more she thought about it, the more worried she would be, what to do when she went to kindergarten. The teacher didn't dare to beat her up, so let's coax her family to eat hard but not soft.

After a while, there was the sound of parking at the door again, this time Jiang Chenyu turned off the engine.

The little boy who got out of the car by himself from the back row was holding a large bouquet of flowers, which blocked the little tiger's sight. He shouted in the yard, "Where~ Bao and Dad bought you another gift~"

"Yo, my little grandson bought a gift, what did you buy?" Elder Jiang got up curiously.

Gu Nuannuan also got up, and then the door of the house was pushed open.

Can't see the face, can only see the small group of flowers moving, struggling to turn its head, and ran in the direction of mother.

Seeing that he was about to fall again, the man behind him grabbed him by the back of his neck and picked up the little man to prevent him from falling. Jiang Chenyu grabbed his son's clothes from behind and told him to run to his little wife flower.

"I also said that my family didn't inherit my romantic gene. I didn't expect my little grandson to inherit it." Jiang Lao smiled and squeezed his eyes.

The little tiger whose little head was blocked by the flower bouquet finally ran to his mother and sent the flowers to his mother's arms. He was finally unstoppable in front of his eyes and showed his cute little fleshy face, smiling, "Where, Baohe Dad bought it, do you like it?"

Every time Gu Nuannuan is **** off by his son, he can't be moved by his son.

"Why did you buy flowers for Mom?"

"Because both Bao and Dad love where~"

Wei Aihua looked at this little guy, she couldn't help but like it in her heart, she dared to say that if her son was like this when he was young, how many beatings he would have suffered less.

Gu Nuannuan looked at her husband. Every time, he took his son out to pick out for her what to buy and give for himself.

Since Jiang Tianzhi can't speak, can't walk, the little milk baby period has begun.

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