Mr. Jiang and his eldest son called, "You have to learn from your younger brother. Chen Yu went home and took the little tiger to buy flowers for Nuanzi. If you dare to come back empty-handed, you are not my son."

Mayor Jiang: "Dad, Aihua and I have been married for many years, and we still engage in these formalisms. If we have money to buy flowers, we still don't take Aihua out for a meal."

Mr. Jiang blamed his own eldest son who was not enlightened, "Eat and eat, you will know how to eat. Nuan Wazi loves to eat so much, Chen Yu didn't say to take Nuan Wazi to eat today. Does our family usually eat bad food? ?”

The little tiger eavesdropped on the phone beside grandpa, then ran to the mother in the living room, "Where, grandpa said you like to eat, it's piggy."

Gu Xiaonuan: "...What?"

Jiang Chenyu squeezed his browbones, stood up, and carried his poking son to the study to be criticized.

When the door was closed, Mr. Jiang's voice could still be heard educating his son, "Your mother has stopped making trouble for me now. You have started to take over the job, haven't you?"

Jiang Momo came home, "Nuan'er, look at Miss Ben's flowers, do you have any?"

Back in the living room, I saw a big bunch on the coffee table, "I'll go, who bought this?"

"My husband and my cub."

"The aesthetics of father and son are so consistent." Miss Jiang looked at the colorful flower and was shocked, "What is this purple?"

"I don't know, my son picked it."

Jiang Momo took her own to compare, "My Brother Su has a higher vision. White roses and red roses, put together, the white moonlight and cinnabar mole in his heart are all me." Miss Jiang is stinking again.

Mayor Jiang went back, and Wei Aihua was embarrassed by the flowers he bought for his wife.

Then before Wei Aihua could read it carefully, the two children of her family ran over to study it, "Brother is quite romantic."

Xiao Qinglong woke up, and he didn't know if his family changed careers, anyway, when he woke up, there were a lot of flowers in his house, as if he was going to sell flowers.

At eight o'clock, the appointment ends.

Lu Ying sat in the co-pilot, hugging her rose, to be honest, very heavy.

Bai Chen who was driving was still making a request, "Yingying, tomorrow you take this flower to the company, and you put it on your desk, so that they can see it clearly. This is a gift from your boyfriend."


"If you keep picking words with me, I'll drag you to the place where I live, and we'll get rid of the word 'before' today." Bai Chen pretended to be a villain to scare Lu Ying.

Lu Ying is not afraid.

Bai Chen was going to get back together with Lu Ying tonight, but he was trying to settle the case after dinner. "It's the one in your company, the one with the mischievous eyebrows, the small eyes are like a mouse, full of calculations, what's the name of that one."

Lu Ying: "...Director Ge is not as exaggerated as you said."

"Yes, that's Director Ge. I'll go to your company to meet him another day, thinking about my woman."

Lu Ying: "Not your woman yet."

"Are you going to come with me to my house tonight?"

Lu Ying shut up honestly, listening to Bai Chen swearing, she didn't tell her the compound speech skills prepared tonight.

After being delivered to the compound in Junqu, Lu Ying hugged the flower and planned to get out of the car, but Bai Chen grabbed her directly, put his arms around her neck, stopped him, and kissed her directly on the face. "Go down."

"Dead Baichen!"

The Army Chief watched his daughter go back with Bai Chen, still hugging Rose, the more he looked at it, the more he felt like a newlywed went home together.

Sorry, don't watch it.

He went upstairs.

"Old leader, why are you going?" Bai Chen asked again.

"Hurry up and go." Lu Ying pushed Bai Chen's shoulder and chased him away.

In the middle of the night, Gu Xiaonuan started a group, and all the people in the group knew each other well.

A group of women stayed up late at night and sent the flowers they received in the group, and then voted pk to see which man sent the most beautiful flowers.

Nangong Zi leaned against the head of the bed, put his arms around his wife's shoulders, and also looked at the content of the chat in the group.

"Mr. Jiang's vision is not as good as mine. You can see that the gifts from his family don't highlight Valentine's Day at all."

An Kexia: "But Mr. Jiang and Tiger Cub went to choose Nuan Nuan Hua for her."

Finally, the votes came out, and Jiang Momo's flower was unanimously voted the most beautiful.

Miss Jiang was very proud, "That is, the eyes of my brother Su, men have to learn. It is not in vain that my brother Su has been shopping with me for more than ten years. The aesthetics that has been honed."

Nangong Zi pointed at the phone, unconvinced, "It's unlucky to ask someone to give you white roses. You women don't have any eyes, and Su Linyan's brain is not bright. This pink looks so good-looking, foreign-style, and it doesn't clash with color." Son. Look at Lu Ying's, the red is so coquettish, it's all over the street.

If you look at Ning'er again, if you send flowers, you can send flowers, and what does it mean to bring grass. I won't complain about Mr. Jiang's family, it's my son's share. Anyway, these are not as good as yours. "

An Kexia quickly comforted her irritable husband, "I didn't say mine wasn't good-looking, as long as I like it, don't get excited."

"Then who did you vote for just now?"

An Kexia: "..."

Nangong Zi and his wife looked at each other, "Speak, what does silence mean?"

Police Officer An tried to argue, "I think it's a bit cheeky to vote for myself, so I voted for Momo. But! But!" There is a rare opportunity for An Kexia to feel guilty in front of Nangong Zi, "I'm so I like this flower."

Nangong Zi asked: "Then why don't you post on Moments?"

An Kexia stammered, "I, I'm afraid that others will be jealous."

"Don't be afraid, I will love you alone in my life, and I won't be provoked by others. You can post it."

An Kexia: "..."

Later, An Kexia's circle of friends was updated in the middle of the night.

Gu Xiaonuan quickly commented, "If you are being persecuted, please send a message for help."

Jiang Chenyu also asked his wife, "Xiao Nuan, the flowers I sent don't look good?"

Gu Xiaonuan: "..."

The mobile phone was stuffed under the pillow, and he immediately closed his eyes, covered himself with blankets, and fell asleep.

Mr. Jiang watched his young wife trying to avoid communication, so he put his arms around his wife's waist and leaned against her. "Sleep after talking."

Gu Xiaonuan was under the quilt, closed her eyes and said, "Your wife is asleep."

Team Su somehow became the object of men's hatred. Nangong Zi first called Bai Chen to complain about Su Lin, "Studying women's things all day is not a gentleman."

Bai Chen: "Brother Zi, what you said is not nice. But sister-in-law Xia has already given birth to a daughter for you, and you still treat her as a rival in love, you are too small-minded."

Nangong Zi told Bai Chen about a group of women pk Rose in the group last night, "You lost too."

Bai Chen was silent for two seconds, "What did Su Linyan send?"

After seeing the flowers sent by Team Su from Jiang Momo's circle of friends, Bai Chen, who is also a brother, said what his brother complained about last night, "It's nothing to send, and it's still the first place? What kind of vision, not at all." auspicious."

The brothers complained on the phone for more than ten minutes.

"Brother Zi, where's Yuanyuan?"

Nangong Zi: "Xiaxia ordered that in the future, Yuanyuan will not be allowed to approach me when the temperature is higher than 35 degrees and lower than 10 degrees."

Bai Chen: "Brother Zi, from now on, you and Yuanyuan will only have spring and autumn, not winter and summer."

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