Love After Marriage, He Got A Free Wife

Chapter 1354: Miss Jiang's memory

Su Linyan called her mother, "Hi, Mom. I'll take a leave of absence for Xiaomo."

Mrs. Su asked directly: "What did she do last night?"

Jiang Momo didn't wake up until noon. She was lying on the bed and was reacting. Suddenly, she remembered the time and she still had work. She sat up with her mobile phone and was about to call her mother when she saw a call for a few minutes.

Jiang Momo was puzzled, "Hey, I called in the morning? I really don't have a good memory after becoming a mother. I don't have any memory of the phone call in the morning."

Xiaolong on the side: "Dad~"

"What's wrong with your father?" Jiang Momo asked his son.

Xiao Longbao: "..." Forget it, he gave up communicating with his mother, and he fell back on the bed.

When Gu Xiaohan's plane landed, he didn't go back to Gu's house first, but ran to Jiang's house, "Tuotuo!"


The uncle and nephew staged an affectionate run in front of everyone, and they all ran towards each other.

With short legs, the little tiger ran into Jiujiu's arms and was lifted high by his uncle.

Gu Xiaohan picked him up, kissing him directly was not enough. Every time we see each other after a long time, the little tiger's face will be deformed by his uncle, "Do you love Jiu Jiu?"

"Love Chirp~"

Gu Xiaohan bought a phone watch for his nephew, "I'm going to school now, uncle gave you a gift, I miss my uncle in the future, so call him directly."

Gu Nuannuan understood his son and said, "He looks like he might throw your phone watch into the water."

"That's why I bought waterproof ones." Gu Xiaohan had already made up his mind, and he said again.

Gu Xiaonuan: "..."

Teach the little guy how to use a phone watch, and bind it to his mother's phone. Then, Mr. Jiang, who was at work, received a call from a stranger.

I hung up several times, and the phone kept ringing.

Finally he connected, "Hello?"

"Hahaha Dad, it's a treasure."

Jiang Chenyu asked: "Your uncle has come home?" Only his brother-in-law would be full of his son for such a novel thing.

"Jiujiu bought it for Bao."

Jiang Chenyu smiled, "Dad also went back tonight, and called your grandpa and grandma, and went out for dinner together at night."

After hanging up the phone, Mr. Jiang saved his son's note as "Son". Seeing those two words, Jiang Chen smiled.

Gu Xiaonuan's mobile phone said "Baby".

In the evening, the two families met at Manxianglou.

Jiangsu hugged his little brother, "Dun, let's not be called parents every day when we go to school."

"Where is Baorang going?" Little Tiger even made reservations for the parents going to the school.

"Where can I get a spanking?" Jiangsu just put the little brother on the ground, and Ning'er hasn't hugged him yet.

Gu Xiaohan took up his little boy again. In Gu Xiaohan's world, nephews accounted for 90%, and the rest shared 10% per person.

The little tiger also knows that he has the most beautiful relationship with his uncle, and he has to sit next to him every meal.

The big dining table was full of two families.

Xiao Qinglong has not asked for a child seat so far, and he, Brother Hu, has never sat in it at all. He ate the little tiger's start-of-school banquet standing up.

The ancient mother asked her daughter how she was getting ready for school.

Gu Nuannuan said directly: "My husband and I will contribute personally, and you have prepared the rest for him a month ago."

Contributor - Jiang Tianzhi.

Before the start of school, Gu Xiaonuan and her husband planned to take their son to the hospital for a full physical examination, vaccinate all the vaccines that should be vaccinated, and then report to school.

The little tiger was still eating meat, and when he saw his father unpacking a bottle of wine, he also wanted to drink it happily.

In the end, Gu Xiaohan fed him a sip, and the little tiger's face immediately wrinkled, "Jiujiu's wine is not as good~"

Gu Nuannuan unscrewed a bottle of soda water, secretly poured it into the cup, "Come, drink what mother feeds."

Xiao Qinglong watched helplessly as the second aunt made small moves in the cup, and watched his brother being cheated, "Brother~"

The little tiger took a big gulp of "wine", thinking that his younger brother wanted to drink too, so he pouted his little **** and held the bottle with both hands to give it to his younger brother.

Xiao Qinglong's vocabulary is limited, and the word "fake wine" cannot be said by the child.

Gu Nuannuan squeezed her nephew's face, "Shh~"

It was already late at night when the two families left for dinner, Jiang Chenyu took his family of three to stay at the old man's house at night.

This is the default thing, as long as Gu Xiaohan comes back from abroad, the little tiger will live in the Gu family.

At night, the little guy slept with Jiujiu again, and happily played videos with Jiujiu's mother before going to bed.

Gu Xiaohan was at the side, watching his little nephew chat happily with Luo Jin, his face was expressionless.

After the video hung up, Gu Xiaohan asked his little nephew, "Tuozi, do you like this girl?"

He clasped his toes, "...Jiujiu, I don't know who you are talking about."

Who is the 'this woman' that uncle said?


The little tiger shook his head, he didn't know him, he hadn't heard of it, who was it?

"It's you 'Jiu Ma'!"

"It's Jiujiu~ Tuotuo likes it, Tuotuo likes Jiujiu more." The little tiger happily opened his arms and threw himself into Jiujiu's arms. No one is better than him.

Gu Xiaohan straightened the side of the bed and put his arms around his little nephew. The uncle and nephew didn't know what they were talking about, and they talked until midnight.

The next day, the little tiger was pulled out of bed by his father before he woke up.

Gu Xiaonuan put on clothes for him and took him directly to the hospital for a physical examination.

Accompanied by Gu Xiaohan, the little tiger drew blood, which was done by Gu Xiaohan and Jiang Chenyu holding down the small crying bag, Gu Xiaonuan didn't dare to look at it, and turned his face to the side.

Later, the little guy cried into tears, and he knew that there was nothing good to come to the hospital, so he got an injection again.

He was carried by his mother for the rest of the physical examination, and he did not cooperate with the weight and height checks.

Jiang Chenyu peeled an egg for his son, he was crying, and Jiang Chenyu fed him, not delaying the little guy from chewing. "Dad, drink milk~"

Gu Xiaohan quickly took out a pack of milk from his backpack and handed it to Jiang Chenyu.

Jiang Chenyu fed his hypocritical son, and he drank sips with his small mouth, humming.

Gu Nuannuan hugged him for a while, Jiang Chenyu said to his son: "Enough crying, and Xiao Nuan hugging him long enough, let's go downstairs and walk."

The medical examination was over in the morning, and he ate a lot of good things to feed his son's little mouth at noon. In the afternoon, he sent his wife, children and brother-in-law back to Gu's house, and Jiang Chenyu went to the company.

In the evening, he came to Gu's house to pick up his wife and children, and went directly to Jiang's house.

The little tiger has all the school clothes ready, and at night he puts on new clothes and takes them out for his family to look at. They all like them very much.

In the middle of the night, the little guy slept with his parents, and then listened to his parents coaxing him and telling him interesting stories at school, just to prevent his son from crying at school the next day.

Jiang Chenyu asked his son, "Tiger, are you a little man?"

"Baby is the little baby of Dad and where~" the little tiger said happily, sandwiched between his parents.

Mr. Jiang: "... Is the little baby a man? A little man can protect Xiao Nuan."

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